Friday, June 16, 2023

Frivolous Friday

I had no intention of watching this. The group Steps was just post my interest in pop music. I took no notice of the group but how can anyone not be aware of the song Tragedy. 

Well, this is a bit interesting. The performance is at Wembley Stadium and it looks lavish. Wedding bells? Anyway, I am not watching it. 

How does this music eventually become the song Tragedy? I am not gonna watch it though. 

Well, just a bit a more. When the main song starts, I will close it down. 

It has been quite some build up. I was watching the YouTube clip on the large tv screen. It doesn't look as good on a small screen. 

I am a retired person. I don't have spare time in my life to watch a seven minute music clip. 

I was mesmerised by the clip and I couldn't stop watching until the end. Maybe that won't be the case for you, no matter.


  1. Beautifully produced - and a bit of frivolity never goes astray.

    1. Very high production values EC. I wonder what it like to be an audience member for such a concert? I've never experienced that.

  2. At some stages, the radio constantly plays this stupid song repeatedly. It is like cursing every driver out there to have a car crash

    1. Lol Roentare. You are such a misery, haha.

  3. 'I'm retired. I don't have time for a 7 minute music clip.' Ha. Love it.

    1. Sandra, not entirely true. There is always something to do though.

  4. I prefer the BeeGees version but this was nice to watch.

    1. River, don't the BeeGees hit higher notes in their version?

  5. What a (very long) palaver to sing an old song….like River it’s BeeGees forever!

    1. Cathy, I had forgotten it was a BeeGees hit. The building of tension seemed effective to me.

  6. It amazing how long we will watch a clip for.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  7. We get very busy at times when we are retired, when we worked we would have time, as the saying goes, always give a busy person something to do and it will get done.
    Nice clip Andrew.

    1. Margaret, as with everything, all expands to fill the available time. Thanks.

  8. I am also a retired person. But it doesn't feel like a creative, productive time in life :(

    1. gggrrr sorry. Hels

    2. Is it meant to Hels? You produce brilliant blog posts twice weekly. You comment on other blogs. I've given up any concern about my retired life and what I could be doing. Book club? Walking club? Historical society? Gay archives club? Photography club? Walks along the beach?

      I just don't care anymore. I am happy in my own little very contained world.

  9. I watched it and now I shall have 'Tragedy' going round in my head all day.

    1. JB, well, so sorry about that. It is that kind of song.

  10. Fun, I jumped around through it, I have meetings to lead today.

    1. Once retired TP maybe you will have time to view clips in their entirety...perhaps not.

  11. You are as old as you are in your head ! Years don't count. I have never seen or heard this music or whatever it is, but everything new is interesting. I am sure if my old bones would work like when I was even 50 I would dance too. The only music which I really don't like at all is RAP and classical ! There I need earplugs !

    1. Gattina, I am with you on rap and less so classical music. I don't mind light classical music.


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