Friday, March 10, 2023

The happy clappers at Hillsong

As if normal religions aren't bad enough, we have newer religious organisations such as Hillsong. I've no idea what Hillsong is about but it seems to attract nice but disaffected people who are believers. That's just my opinion. I don't think anywhere has done better with happy clapper religions and scandals than the US as the people behind the happy clapper nonsense raked in millions of dollars to spend on themselves, were unfaithful to partners, involved in sexual scandals and more.

Followers of Islam go to great lengths to justify their religion but they have no tolerance of a diverse society and while the rest of Australian electorates voted for gay marriage, one heavily Islamic suburb in Sydney did not. Then you get prats like this Muslim bloke who preaches such hatred against gay people. It's a quick read. He should be prosecuted for hate speech.

Back to Hillsong with some links that should work for you.

I love the Kardashion reference in this one.

Crooks, liars, thieves and charlatans. 

I've just checked the definition of religious bigot and it seems I am not one. It just seems like it and I make no apologies.


  1. I've read about the scandals at Hillsong. I think a lot of those preachers start out with good intentions and then power and money goes to their heads. After all, if you think God is on your side, you're capable of almost anything, right?

    There's a famous line in the movie "Hannah and Her Sisters": "If Jesus came back and saw what was being done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up." (I think the same could be said for Mohammed.)

    1. Steve, I am not sure they do start out with good intentions but you may be right. I agree with the famous line.

  2. Sure is lots of hidden abuse. The boy scouts and the Mormons come to mind. So many churches are just social club snobby self righteous politically bent scams.

    1. You said it Strayer and I don't disagree.

  3. As I always say, I thank God I am a heathen.

  4. Hillsong has been in the paper and on the TV news lately, there are stories from some of the girls about how they were treated.

    1. River, I am sure the girls whose stories were told were not happy. It is bad in the happy clapper religions but can be bad with Mormons, Baptists and Plymouth Brethrens.

  5. I have faith, not religion. ~nods~ This crap makes me shudder. Take care, Andrew.

  6. I do understand why people want to belong to a warm religious community that gives an identity, a role in life, an importance. And I suppose there is always a price to pay for that belonging. But once the price moves into sexual abuse, financial abuse or forced isolation from family, the happy clappers aren't so happy any longer. Too late :(

    1. Hels, I am never against people following their religion in a civilised manner. It is always the extreme that cause problems.

  7. I wish somebody would tell these religious people - of whatever faith - that there is no God and no heaven - it's all a load of hogwash. In the meantime, the goodly, peace-loving and pragmatic humanist majority have to keep quiet and bite their tongues - tolerating the intolerable nonsense of religion in all of its forms.

    1. Wise words YP. They need to study science.

  8. Why worry about others beliefs? You need to understand what religion is before making random observations . Just because you choose not to believe in something does not give you the right to denounce others. You are too judgemental of people do not agree with your narrow headset
    If you want to be honest you would explain why you banned from blogging . Was it because of your bigoted opinions your sleazy writing on occasions or that your cannot keep an open mind on others opinions?
    As for your opinions on children. Since you have never had children and never raised a family you have no right criticise what you don’t like about parenthood and child raising
    Stick to what you know best…. grizzling

    1. "Narrow headset" -- you mean like earphones? :D

  9. I've just been watching a series on Netflix of happy clappy religious scandals involving millions, loads of sex, murders and tortures that took place in South Korea.

    1. Oh yes Rachel. I have heard of that. They must be very lost people to join in such madness, but I do know how comforting and welcoming such religions can be. I rescued one lonely insecure gay Asian student here with some common sense messages. I suspect it was Falun Gong who were grooming him.

  10. It is such a mayham to see the sort of behaviour continued in the name of religeons. I recently read a book about religeon. Everything in life is about faith even in a friendship or any trust behaviour. Or even a family having faith that education will bring prosperity and stability to one's career etc

    1. Roentare, which is all a load of nonsense. It sounds like you are not having a good experience with your family.

  11. Religion is a way to control people and make them all think the same, fear anyone not of like mind and perpetuate untold cruelty whilst hiding behind their façade of respectability. No, I don't have strong feelings about this!
    You certainly stirred Anonymous' pickles.

    1. So well put and written Caro. Have you thought of starting your own blog? I don't read what Anon says anymore after noticing they never address the subject but just attack me.

  12. Religion is complex, and it's because almost everyone chooses the bits they agree with and discounts the bits they don't. There would be people in Islam who would strongly disagree with him, and likely quote similar texts for their point of view also.

    1. James, I really hope that is true about Islam. Preachers like him can be very persuasive to the impressionable and faithful.

  13. Hey, money-grubbing megachurches is supposed to be an American thing! I accuse you Australians of cultural appropriation! What's next on your agenda, payday lenders and online sports betting?!

    1. Yep Kirk. A tick to all of those. We import the best from around the world, and the worst.

  14. LOL at Kirk. Might I offer up poorly trained police forces who bludgeon people to death for a turning violation? And if you could take Kevin McCarthy, Desantis, MTG, Boebert...

    1. Debby, I heard yesterday that your paramedics aren't very well paid. That seems rather wrong.

  15. Years and years ago there was negative press about Hillsong and the Gloria Jean coffee chain. I forget what it was exactly but it was dirty so I've been waiting for more.
    I'm not sure about Hillsong attracting disaffected people? I just think it's full of the vacuous and good looking type



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