Thursday, February 9, 2023

Freedom to Freedom from

For all its faults, I think the US can be judged as the greatest country on our planet. In so many areas it leads the world. 

We outsiders love to take the country down a peg or two but we only do that to somewhere superior. Guns and health care really puzzle those outside the country, and why doesn't the US look to the country to the north where there is a kinder society.  Although we've only visited New York, thanks to bloggers and the internet I have a pretty good idea what the rest of the country is like.


The subject line came to me from somewhere on the internet and I think a few words can be very salient. 

'From the US, The Freedom to...

From Europe, The Freedom from...'

Think about it.


  1. My best buddy from university years moved to US permanently leaving his parents and siblings behind. 20 years later, not only he regrets moving away from his folks, he worried about his disabled kid that would have better support in Australia despite how sad our NDIS has become.

  2. Unfortunately, we have some serious problems right now. And the violent deaths by guns in our country...There's no excuse for it. Good on Australia for nipping that one in the bud.

  3. Oh, I like that!! I do like the freedoms of living in America. But, the educational system is abysmal, the health care is not up to par although we have and do make wonderful discoveries and the science community is very good when they have the funds and the permission to do what they want. The environment is being used up. Bad water, smog, waste with no other use fills our land and sea. Guns kill too many people!! There is no reason to own an assault rifle unless you are in the armed forces!! Period!! Drugs are killing young and old people....mostly young. I could go on and on but,

  4. Funnily enough I always thought the US version of "freedom" was the libertarian "freedom from" the gummint. Hence the Boston tea party and not wanting to pay taxes and, going further back, the Mayflower.

  5. Freedom to and freedom from. Loaded words they are. US: Freedom to pretty much do anything you like (Unless you are female or black in some states) including rampaging around with guns and killing people. Europe: Freedom from, well I guess that would be tyranny, war and oppression, although they way Russia is behaving there might not be much of that type of Freedom in the future, unless someone steps in and stops it all.

  6. Came over to read everyone’s comments. Many years ago my Palatine ancestors left Germany for Ireland…..freedom from - freedom to.

  7. The only other countries I been to is Canada. There been time I have thought of leaving the United States.
    As many know I'm on my last count down to retirement and have discussed with hubby about leaving Idaho. Since the house is paid and off, and is in fairly good shape. With small income we figure it would be wise to stay put.
    I don't know what is American thing about guns. Why we don't have public health insurance either.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. What is happening in the US right now is that all these freedoms don't seem to apply to all the people. It is horrifying to me that we are banning books, that a very toxic Christianity is herding our country in a direction that chips away at the very freedom we so proudly proclaim. Freedom of speech? Not if you are a teacher. Freedom of religion: Not if you are not a Christian. The Missouri state lawmakers have decreed that women must cover their arms, wearing a jacket or a cardigan. Our freedom to bear arms has empowered young male domestic terrorists to express their anger.

  9. Perhaps don't limit yourself to New York. Travel slowly down to the very south, slowly getting a fuller idea of the issues they find important and those they do not.

    Imagine saying we knew all about Joh Bjelke Petersen and Qld, if we had never left Melbourne.

  10. Freedom - is there free freedom anymore in any country - there are always laws of some kind.

  11. Freedom to live in peace seems to be rare wherever you live.

  12. In answer to all comments, in my mind Freedom to means the right to carry guns, the right of free speech even if it is very offensive, the freedom to choose your own medical services.

    Freedom from means freedom from war, freedom from oppression, freedom from tyrannical despotic rulers, freedom to be accepted no matter your colour, creed, religion and any other difference.

    That is how my mind worked when I saw the phrase.

  13. What's interesting is, when Franklin D. Roosevelt named his famous "Four Freedoms" during World War II, two were freedoms FROM: Freedom from want and freedom from fear.

    1. And those two freedoms now only apply to the very wealthy.

  14. The issues are complicated. A lot of the challenges in the United States flow from a lack of understanding that to live together in a society that is safe and stable, each person needs to agree to a reasonable set of limits on behaviour. Don't murder others, or you might be murdered. Respect the property of others, or you will have no security in your property. Treat everyone with dignity and respect as a human being, or you will be disrespected by others. I could go on.

  15. I certainly don't agree with the "freedom to carry guns". My choice of country to live would never have been the USA mainly due to the guns. My niece has been living in the States for about 4 or 5 years (her Swiss husband is a cancer researcher and went to do a Phd there) and her young son who goes to year 2 as well as the other school kids get searched for guns every day in school! Scary!! They can't wait to go back to Europe.

  16. Actually, there's a third: Freedom OF...

    Whether "of" is a synonym of "to" or "from" is hard to say.

  17. I can't complain, I have a good life here. But I've never been anywhere else.


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