Monday, January 2, 2023

Monday Mural

Sami is otherwise busy at the moment but normally I would  be linking to her for Monday Mural.

I wonder if I have posted this mural before. I can't remember doing so or actually seeing the mural before. Anyway, they are new photos and it such a sweet work of art. The location is Wynyard Street, South Melbourne.

This photo features a magpie, a galah and a red tailed cockatoo. Under the magpie are some blue wrens or fairy wrens if you like and under the galah, I am not sure.

Here we have a pair of rosellas, below seemed like a good idea at the time to name all the birds...I am not sure what the spotted birds are, nor the small ones to the right. What is probably a Pacific gull flies over a blue winged kookaburra and note the owl like faces peeking out of the tree hollow with a different looking rosella above. 

We go on to a sulphur crested white cockatoo and some more birds below I don't know.

To see the photos at a really large size, with Chrome right click on the photo and open in a new tab. Do the equivalent with whatever browser you use.


  1. What a totally delightful mural.. Thank you. The spotted birds 'might' be wattle birds, but I am not at all sure. The different rosella is an Eastern rosella and the bright splashy one might be a rainbow lorikeet.

    1. I thought wattle birds at first but I don't think they have yellow tails, I shall check my bird book. it could be a bowerbird.

    2. EC, I too thought wattle birds but then why not feature their red wattles? Thanks for some help.

    3. River, yes that too. I don't think they have yellow tails.

    4. Our wattle birds do have yellow underpinnings. A shame they didn't include the wattles though if that is what they are.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Pat. It wasn't until I looked closely at the photos that I realised what I had really captured.

  3. It looks very delicate indeed. Very fitting for our natural landscapes and fauna

    1. Roentare, quite true. It was good subject matter.

  4. Those birds are very well done. Street murals done well and respected. Unfortunately the ones in your previous post have been tagged and that makes my blood boil.

    1. Caro, yes this one surprisingly hasn't been touched at all. That's almost unknown and it doesn't look new.

  5. A lovely post. Heartwarming in fact.

  6. The picture brighten my day.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. It's a very nice mural, I hope it stays graffiti free for many years.

  8. Where have all your previous posts disappeared to?

  9. Very soft and clean looking. And sharp outline edges too giving a good look to the birds. I would like to see it in person but it’s a bit out of my way. Good find Andrew!

    1. Nicely described Cathy. It really is strange there is no tagging at all.



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