Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday Selections

I am joining with Elephant's Child and River for Sunday Selections. As usual, just random photos.

Eight year old great niece Little M is staying for a couple of nights so we are rather busy. R is a great carer. Me, not so much. Her mother posted a photo of herself on FB with five year old Little Em, watching a movie together. I replied, Where is Little M and did you say she could stay up until 10 pm? Then later, did mummy say 'Never say no to Little M'. Daddy is in LA for some motor car show.

On to selections.  

Luvvy, your shoes don't match.

Fallen out of someone's shopping bag perhaps.

The tightest curve on the Melbourne train system, near Rushall Station. 

Why? Because long trucks cut the corner because of bad road design. 

This is so simple. Pedestrians on a footpath should not have to look out for truck trailers. Footpath is exactly that and you should be safe. Yes, people have been injured by turning trucks.

Electric boats on Yarra River for hire. I think about $120 an hour. More if you want a chiller box for beer or wine. It is not too much money if there are four of you. 

There doesn't seem to be space for the driver.

People used to gas themselves to death with domestic gas ovens. Now they can do it with diesel fumes at So Cross Station, Spencer Street Station, Southern Cross Station. Steam trains used to belt out smoke, earlier diesel trains pumped out black fumes and stations were well ventilated. Was early experience of ventilating stations lost along the way?

I just thought this was an ok erect penis building photo.

You have no idea how this china glittered in the sunlight. The sunlight shining in the shop window lit them beautifully but the phone camera did not quite capture what I saw. I think I was in The Block or Royal Arcade.


  1. You are always busy - it often puts me to shame.
    Love the china display, even if your phone didn't capture the shine.
    Sigh on the pedestrian issue. I am getting increasingly worried about e scooters let alone adding trucks to the mix.
    Thank you for joining us again with your usual eclectic selection.

    1. EC, maybe we seem busier than what we are. Don't get me started on E Scooters. The police should have exhibited zero tolerance for law offences from the beginning. It is out of control in Melbourne now.

  2. The car without space for the driver looks desperate . It reminds of those hoarding types who never throw their rubbish out :(

    1. Hels, maybe it is a sleeping place for a homeless person. I really could not process what I saw.

  3. Note Hels comment. I had a hoarder friend in Toronto whose car looked exactly like that. I called it The Wardrobe or the Pantry. Worse hoarder I have ever encountered. When she had to take her 95 year old mother anywhere I had to fill in as there was no passenger room. Trunk (Boot) was packed tight as a drum.
    I hate that we have to watch out for additional hazards as pedestrians on sidewalks.
    But great pics Andrew.

    1. M, R had to deal with some hoarders in his time and clear outs happened, but the results were temporary as the spaces soon filled again. I get keeping history and saving unnecessary things in one way but not to any extreme point. Yes footpaths should be just that, paths for feet. Nothing else.

  4. I love this post as I can relate to everything you posted here. Fun with all your commentary in which I get to hear the same thing over and over all the time. The banana one is a nice touch to see on a Sunday morning.

    1. Thanks Roentare. It was sealed banana. I should have picked it up and taken it home. Maybe someone who was hungry ate it.

  5. If no one has ever said no to little M, you must do so immediately.

    1. I tried Debby, but $20 pocket money to spend went up to $30. I've learnt not to interfere and just pay.

  6. I have often found that phone cameras and regular cameras don't capture the glitter of displays.
    The truck warning sign is one excellent reason, in my opinion, for larger trucks to not be allowed in cities. They should bypass cities to depots and from there, their goods can travel by delivery vans and smaller trucks to destinations.
    I hear there is talk of phasing out gas stoves, not because of suicides, but because we don't have enough gas to supply the people. How about we stop exporting so much of it and supply our country first!

    1. River, it is very strange that such large trucks can travel along local roads on the edge of our city. Most cities don't allow it. Far better than goods are moved by trains to outer suburban depots. Domestic gas for home heating will certainly disappear. The amount gas stoves use is tiny. It is absurd that we have enough gas to export but we have to pay world prices at home. Gas for domestic consumption should have been reserved, as West Australia did.

    2. If I didn't have so much family in Adelaide, I'd move to WA.

  7. Is that car someone's home? There was a bloke that lived in his in Dingley on the side of the road. He was there for ages.
    T2 always have lovely displays. Not so fond of their fancy tea though.
    All those erect penises (penii?). Memories, eh?

    1. Maybe Caro. I don't know about the car. You knew it was T2? I am impressed. Memories yes, but still works at times.

  8. I've almost been smushed by trucks with trailers turning. Extra careful now. They wouldn't even notice if they smushed me or even my tiny car I doubt.

    1. Strayer, as a motorist you really have to give way to the largest. Just hang back.

  9. The building on the left only has one testicle. Must belong to Hitler.

  10. Cameras never capture what the eye does see but they do a pretty good job. Gosh that car, must live in it..

    1. Margaret, a good camera zoom can also capture what the eye doesn't see. I think you are right about the car. It looks winter cozy.

    2. Let's hope he doesn't fall asleep smoking.

  11. On Australia's endless rural highways I can see how truck trailers make sense but in my opinion they do not belong in urban areas. Please convey my message to The Mayor of Melbourne - Sally Capp. I knew her father - Andy. Blind pedestrians cannot read pavement messages.

    1. Good point about blind pedestrians YP. I've never connected Lord Mayor Capp to Andy Capp, and I know the cartoonist's work. I should call her up on talkback radio to find out if he is her dad. I learnt a lesson in the early days of blogging that there are Mayors and Lord Mayors and people get niggly if you get the title wrong. I don't care at all. Just sayin'.

      It is odd that most Australian capital cities ban motor bike parking on footpaths but Melbourne does not. As I manoeuvre past them, I feel an urge to kick them into the gutter.

    2. How can Sally be a Lord Mayor when she is a Lady? Maybe some of her private behaviour is unladylike - even though she attended The Presbyterian Ladies' College. Just sayin'.

    3. PLC in Burwood YP? My mother's school place. I just checked and that's the only one.

    4. Because of her being property developer spokesperson, I was not keen on Capp when she was elected Lord Mayor but she hasn't done a bad job at all.

  12. Unless they walked that street regularly people wouldn’t know to stand back… many are looking at their phone they wouldn’t even see the sign or pavement markings. Just wondering where it is because I didn’t think heavy goods trucks were allowed in city streets

    1. They are indeed allowed Cathy, even on more minor roads. Trucks carrying flammable material like petrol or gas cannot use the City Link tunnels and so must use main roads, but why not on the outskirts of the city?

  13. That corner looks quite dangerous for sure.

    1. It is Sami. The two roads are just not made for large B double trucks.

  14. I like the china. Bicyclists in particular are in danger from turning trucks at corners. In fact trucks here in the UK often blare out an audio warning that says, "This vehicle is turning left!"

  15. Steve, I have heard that truck warning once but I can't remember if it was here or overseas.


Pleasing the residents of Isle of Man

10.10pm. "Phyllis, shut up and stop distracting me. I am faced with a blank page for tomorrow's blog post and frigging well move yo...