I don't want to be unkind, but how many more times will the dead cat in Rome bounce? Ok, that was unkind.
While it's not always the case, sometimes when a State Premier leaves office midterm, a poisoned chalice is handed to woman. This is the case now in my state, Victoria. Jacinta Allen is a very decent and competent person, and while she has such a good margin for the next state election, the government is stale. The new opposition leader is a fresh face and so far, quite electable. If he can keep his gob shut, and that of his shadow ministers, he is in with a chance.
Many words have been written about #47's meeting with Zelenskyy. I can't add to them more than it was cringeworthy and clearly aimed to belittle a leader of a country that has been invaded by a powerful aggressor. Pure school boy bullying by #47 and his bitch boy.
As I type this a cyclone is approaching the state of Queensland, looking like it will be a direct hit on its capital city, Brisbane and south to the Gold Coast, with extreme and extended rain, and with tidal surges.
I saw my doctor today, just to get more prescriptions for drugs what keep me alive. Did I mind if a trainee doctor sat in? OMG, he was stunning! I wanna have his babies. I don't know what triggered this, but my doctor, after me becoming both a widower and an old age pensioner, now always bulk bills me. He loses money, but that should be standard for those in need, not that I am saying I am. If I was charged, the government would pay about $40+ and I would pay about $50. I think he receives more than the $40 if he bulk bills me, but he certainly ends with a good bit less from my visit. A standard appointment is 15 minutes. I don't think I've ever been 15 minutes. My needs are simple.
Kosov went off very early today for a class, and left me a lovely note. Phyllis also went off early a couple of hours later. Again the bahn mi was sold out, so he brought home bread rolls to make bahn mi, but has now has gone to church for....yesterday was pancake day...ah, Ash Wednesday. There is some chicken and salad in flat bread. That will do for my dinner. It is just cooling after being in the airfryer. I better eat now.
Back with more ranting. I was rather lucky to get Phyllis as a boarder, and Kosov turned out to be a bonus. Really, if you are alone and have the space, take on an overseas student boarder. Make an agreement that after one month if it isn't working for you or the boarder, either of you can say so, without explanation and end the deal. You need to state some very clear rules initially. Don't imagine that they will know what is right and wrong in your home. Define your spaces and theirs, and what they can do. Define what you don't want moved or tampered with. Your living room is your space, which includes your tv and what you like to watch, or listen to on a radio. They are welcome to your space, but it is your space.
You are the boss of your home, and they need to understand that from the word go. Once this is established, you can then turn into a softer and more indulgent person. You can then note what young people are interested in, their musical tastes, and if they are foreign, their culture and practices. It's all so interesting, and at times a little challenging. As an older person, I quite like being challenged and to have rethink what I believe in and think.
I advertised on Gay Share on a whim just a few months after Ray died. While I was so busy with dealing with things after Ray's death, the apartment felt so empty, with two spare bedrooms and a bathroom and toilet. Phyllis' response was immediate and he quickly paid a deposit. I took the ad down.
Should you share your home with a student boarder, it can take you out of yourself and give some meaning to your life beyond your own indulgent life.