This week's photos are generally from June last year. River and others join in Sunday Selections.
It is interesting to see Asian lasses dress up like this. I am an old man and I no longer know about young people's things. Four lasses out to parade themselves along Chapel Street, except the lass on the right is not a lass.
This is a wonderful building, now apartments. It was also the site of the tragic
Russell Street bombing, with Australia's first death of a policewoman while on duty.
Just down the street is this quite attractive modern apartment building. I am astonished that it was built and it not being a high rise tower.
These went to the charity shop, or in our lingo, the op shop.
A card for Ray for a significant birthday from the Brother Friends, maybe his 60th or even 70th. All the glitter and words were added by them.
Jay was a client of Ray's when Ray was a volunteer driver. He uses a wheelchair and is very openly gay, with rainbow flags on his chair, and other trinkets. I see him at times and Ray used to always say hello to him. Emboldened, I introduced myself to him, telling him that Ray was my partner and that he was no longer. Jay was shocked, and said, I often wondered if Ray was gay. Jay wasn't very observant as I was always with Ray when they chatted, but I was never introduced.
Miniature Lego has made an appearance at the Highrise. I picked up the spider the wrong way to wipe down the bench top, and two legs fell off. It's been repaired. I suggested that they should not bother, as it still had six, four more than us, and we manage with two, and some with one or none.
The train keeps getting longer as more carriages are added. I told Phyllis it needs a power car to run the roof top air conditioning units. The last one seems to have two pantographs, to connect it to electric overhead wires.
That spider would give me the willies in my kitchen!
ReplyDeleteLooking at that photo of the lasses just reminds me how incredibly old I am.
JayCee, let's just leave being young to those who are young.
DeleteI think you are brave to live in a high rise block but I would not like it as I am a scaredy cat. However, I would be okay with the modern apartment block you showed in this post.
ReplyDeleteYP, at a guess I would think that apartment block is quite high end, with a reasonably modest appearance. Let me check. It's not.
DeleteI dress for comfort not speed, I never notice what others wear
ReplyDeleteJohn, you can do both. I am not a fashion plate and I dress comfortably, and I would like to think ok. No one has says otherwise...yet.
DeleteI'd say they are all lasses, regardless of biology!
ReplyDeleteI had the game "Masterpiece" when I was a kid and I loved it, though I'm not sure I played it as often as I just looked at all the artworks. It taught me a lot about art.
True Steve. Whatever they identify as, but still I like to put people in boxes. I too learnt a bit about art, but it was the 1980s, so long ago, and I can only remember it was such a fun game.
DeleteThese lasses might have moth balls inside their asses preserving their youths
ReplyDeleteA bit of naphthalene will retard the ageing process, Roentare. I am amused.
DeleteConcerning the lasses, I agree with Steve. Meanwhile, that's a cool-looking Lego spider. Who created it?
ReplyDeleteI don't know Kirk. Most likely Kosov.
DeleteI am glad to hear that building is now apartments and not just left empty and purposeless. That outfit with the crossed back straps seems weird (to me) on a woman, it's the sort of thing usually seen on small girls about 4 or 5 back in the fifties and sixties, an apron to keep the dress clean or just as part of the outfit with maybe a pocket in the same fabric as the dress. I remember my sister and I wearing such outfits.
ReplyDeleteMini lego does my head in, I have ONE kit that becomes a Christmas tree. Think I can figure it out? Not even by following the instructions! Maybe I should send it to Phyllis and he can send the made tree back to me.
River, your speculations on the outfits go above my head, but nevertheless, interesting. I think should such efforts be undertaken by Phyllis, Australia Post might spoil the result.
DeleteI remember the 1986 bombing of the Victoria Police headquarters very well, but I don't remember what happened to the building afterwards. Clearly the police took a few years to move to the new Victoria Police Centre, but who made the decision to redevelop the bombed building into a huge block of flats? Who designed the redeveloped architecture? what is the new tower for? are the flats self owned?
ReplyDeleteHels, I was working in the city when it happened the emergency vehicle sirens seem to go on forever, with vehicles coming from all directions. The dates don't seem clear to me but it must have been sold to a developer and don't know anymore than that. I don't know about the new tower. My photo features the original mid 20thC building.
DeleteI remember that awful day of the bombing.
ReplyDeleteYou have a good selection and how I remember playing Monopoly many nights a week out on the farm when first married. 6 of us around the dining room table.
Margaret, Monopoly was fun at the time but I think I would now get board, err, bored. Maybe back then I did too.
DeleteThanks for the glimpse into life.
DeleteMonopoly used to drive me nuts when I was a child. It seemed interminable.
ReplyDeleteJB, I think we invariably gave up on the game after a while, which I am sure the leader was not happy about.
DeleteYou make me laugh when you say you are an old man ! Here you would be considered as a Teenager ! the youngest one is just 71 and the oldest 102 ! In the middle are mostly 85 to 90 ! Don't look at the numbers, what counts is that your brain remains young ! You still have realized that the girl on the right side was a "fake" girl !
ReplyDeleteIngrid, just a bit of theatrics. I know I am not really old.
DeleteI used to love scrabble but wonder if I could keep the spelling correct these days, Andrew.
ReplyDeletePat, maybe you agree with me that spell check has killed our spelling skills. My mother never lost her spelling skills, nor any other older person to my knowledge.