Friday, February 23, 2024

Phunny Friday

While originally a morning children's show, Hey Hey It's Saturday became adult viewing when it transferred to Saturday night. As we primped, preened and prepared to go out Saturday night, we would be watching the show. As it was early in the evening, it could not go too far but there were so many double entendres. 

I had no intention of watching this whole clip about phunny photos, but I did and enjoyed it. 

Daryl Somers AOM, Ossie Ostrich voiced by the late Ernie Carroll, and you only see the back of Dickie Knee's head, a wig on a stick. The voice over you hear is John Blackman and he also voices Dickie Knee.

Later edit: Here is a direct link to the video.


  1. I feel like an anthropologist studying native culture in the antipodes. Fascinating.

  2. Umm... yes... well. It sort of belongs in that era really, doesn't it.

    1. JayCee, it does. There are things said or suggested that wouldn't be broadcast now.

  3. I cannot view the video as it is turned off by the poster

    1. Just the embedding is off Roentare. You can see it on YouTube and I've put a link there now.

  4. 1990 was a different world, wasn't it.
    Hey Hey is still an iconic part of Australian tv

    1. Yes it was Kylie, and we were about to see the explosion of tech.

  5. Loved the show, some good singers, comedy and things said that certainly had two meanings, made us laugh a lot in this house...those were the days.

    1. Margaret, it was simple entertainment with some great moments.

  6. Well, that was a nice start to the morning. Thank you:-)

    1. Glad you liked it JB and know class acts when you see them. 😏

  7. I don't usually watch videos more than a couple of minutes long, it cuts into my nap times zzzzz, but I will watch anything funny, so thank you for this one.

  8. I miss that kind of unscripted humor.

    1. TP, unrehearsed and or unscripted tv could be brilliant at times. I miss it.

  9. Replies
    1. A record River, including this one you had four comments in spam. Blogger has it in for you. I was out last night and forgot to check the spam folder.

  10. The video clip made me smile, though not as fondly as I remember the show. Like you say, it was always the precursor to a Saturday night on the town. Oddly enough, we used to get the Saturday morning show later in the day on Lismore TV, and it always seemed a little naughtier than when it actually moved to prime time. And then it became a caricature of itself, which was sad.

    1. James, some thing are best left in the past? Yes, its time had come to end. The reunion show many years later was not entertaining as I remember it. It is interesting to remember what they got away with back then that wouldn't be acceptable today.


Listen to the Stentophone

Stentophone is a new word to me, and apparently a new word to spellchecker.  How about you? I found this a great read, https://www.ianvisits...