Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Local Kulcha

We visited the Linden Art Gallery in St Kilda last week in the final week of its postcard display. I think the annual show began with art on post card sized paper. We visited about ten years ago and no doubt I blogged about it back then. It has evolved to become an amateur art show. Many works are interesting and there are so many works and to take them all in is a struggle. Of course there are some that are absolute crap, but I didn't take photos of them. Here are some that appealed to me enough to take a snap. 

As we left the tram at the nearest stop to the gallery, we were outside a high rise apartment building, formerly a high rise hotel and before that the very well known St Moritz that burnt down in suspicious circumstances. This is funny, you can still book to stay at the demolished Novotel. Wow, the website is truly awful and so inaccurate. 

Linden is a lovely building, with the displays on two levels. My arthritis was very bad this day, so I was grateful for the lift to get to the upper storey.

Is this called a diorama? 

Boys doing what gay boys will do.

Emu looks a bit scary. They generally don't bother humans but they are very big birds with a strong bite and dreadful claws. 


I don't know why but Australia has always had a fascination with American car number plates. 

Gotta be St Kilda. 

I would have thought this was quite inspirational...if I hadn't seen the same words elsewhere before. 

A very nice work depicting Alice in Wonderland. It had a red sticker below, so it was already bought, which saved me from making a decision. It wouldn't suit our place anyway.

No argument from me.

The modernisations to the building did not grate at all. 

R wrote the one top left.

We were done and headed along Acland Street to Fitzroy Street and had a bite to eat and coffee at the gay Victorian Pride Centre. R had not been there before. There was a wall of photographic art relating to gay Latins in Australia.

It had been the Pride March the weekend in before, so the street was decorated with many of these.  

1898 to 2024 is a very long time for a business to exist,126 years. 


  1. Me encanta viajar y descubrir toda la belleza, que hay en las ciudades que se visita.
    Muy interesante su reportaje.

  2. Well, that was certainly an interesting collection. Diverse and so very Australian.
    (Your description of the emu put me in mind of my dear mama.)

  3. Oh Andrew, this looks like so much fun. I'd thoroughly enjoy strolling through it. Sandra

  4. I love the Alice in Wonderland one too. It doesn't suit my place either but so what I love it!

  5. Thanks so much for the gallery stroll. Some interesting work there. I like dioramas a lot. Funny that US number plates should be appealing to Australian artists.

  6. At least I love the Linden building :)

  7. Sorry to hear that the arthritis was gnawing away at you as you tried to enjoy the varied art exhibition at The Linden. Arthritis is a horrible thing to have to bear but I sense that you are not one for self-pity and you try to rise above the condition.

  8. This is quite a trip to the exhibition. I love the various arts on display

  9. Yes, that is a Diorama. I like the Australiana and St Kilda ones and the inspirational Jesus. I showed it to a friend (took a phone photo) who said 'that's us! We're IN!"

  10. Postcard art is an intriguing discipline. Containing everything in a small area is difficult, I imagine.
    Hope the arthritis is easier today.

  11. Oh dear me, your arthur is playing up hope it's improved now.
    Looks a nice place to visit and see.
    Amazing that that Novotel is still online - I went to the link and tried to book for curiousoty sake - This property has no rooms available for your travel dates. Try other

  12. Small sized art, is harder than it looks to do well.

  13. I'm starting to prefer the ones who don't believe, myself.

  14. The vw van and beach scene--my fav. As for the collage of license plates, Oregon had orange passenger vehicle plates between 1985 and 88. We still have dark yellow/orange for government vehicles, motor homes, etc. The standard passenger plate now is what we call the dead tree plate. Many people go with speciality plates with the extra money they cost allegedly going to the cause the plate supports but it was found, at least with the salmon plate, the money was not going to help anything but the state coffers.

  15. Pain is such a downer Andrew, so sorry to hear it affects you too. Daughter would have been very taken with the exhibit as she is a postcardist. I am to a lesser degree. Some interesting shots. I too would have bought the Alice one for granddaughter as I would tell her stories about tiny doors everywhere here.


Listen to the Stentophone

Stentophone is a new word to me, and apparently a new word to spellchecker.  How about you? I found this a great read, https://www.ianvisits...