Yesterday, which was Sunday as I type on Monday, Kosov had a job interview in the suburb of Tullamarine. It would take about one and a half hours to get there by public transport, with a bit of a walk too. I did not think this would be sustainable, should he have gotten the casual job. However, he needs a job, and it would be experience for him.
As I had nothing planned for the final day of cars screaming around a race track, I offered to drive him, and Phyllis came along.
It was raining as I drove along the freeway, but we found the place in Sharps Road easily enough, which was actually within a service station.
It was a waste of time. The interviewer had changed the job to full time, which students can't work, and possible 5am starts and 1pm finishes. I didn't say anything but it was a total waste of my time, petrol and toll road costs. We decided to visit the Airport West shopping centre for some food.
At the food court they went one way and I went the other, and I bought some very ordinary pork thingies with some rice, found a table and ate it on my own. I kept scanning the area for them but they weren't there. They had gone off to a shop, apparently. I tried to call them but within the shopping centre, the signal was poor. Phyllis called and said they would join me in five minutes which they did and they hadn't even bought food. They bought some extremely spicy chicken and I was annoyed that I would have to sit there while they ate. I wanted to go home. They asked if I wanted to stay or should they take the food home. Of course I said, take it home. Once home, one bite of chicken had my eyes watering. I've just remembered the name, Nene Chicken Shop.
It is hard to be annoyed with them. Once in the car and ready to drive home, Phyllis told me to close my eyes, and I did while he unwrapped something. OMG, I love it. You may remember I have metal geckos on my bedroom wall.
Monday always annoys me as it is the day my food is delivered at the inconvenient time between noon and 1when I am normally out at that time. I work around it and I needed milk, soda water, and soft drink for visitors, the weight which would add up to six kilos, plus whatever else I needed, so I took the car. I drove to Port Melbourne, but the normal road was closed, so I had to divert and it took so much longer, but I had the spare time.
I bought some of what I wanted, but where was the potato salad and coleslaw. I couldn't find it, so I gave up. As I was checking out what I bought, some scrag was kicking off. She wanted half a dozen eggs but there weren't any half dozen boxes. She was insisting staff cut a box in half for her, which they can't do. She was going on and on and really harassing the staff. I took what I bought to the car and returned through the supermarket walkway. The woman was still going off, demanding one staff member's name. I stopped and said the woman, Do you know how absurd your behaviour is?
I hate it when innocent staff have to deal with people like her. I took her photo, and she said, don't you fucking well do that. Well, I did, and I was in a seriously bad mood by then. I broke my rule about not attacking people who you think are less powerful than you, provoked by her dreadful and ongoing attack against staff over half a dozen eggs.
There is normally a guard on duty at the supermarket, but maybe they were on a lunch break. I went outside and called police, and they said they would attend.
After I finished my call, an entitled and privileged jerk pulled up in his Mercedes and stopped in a bus stop where buses are reasonably frequent and busy. He parked there for maybe seven minutes. I knew he wouldn't be long, and I melodramatically had my phone pointed at his car as he came out and roared off towards the city from Bay Street. I reported him using Snap, Send, Solve, and shortly after, the matter was solved. He won't be prosecuted by me just sending a photo, but he may be noted.
I normally like visiting Bay Street, Port Melbourne. It is a friendly area, where shop keepers remember you, and you have some good interactions with them. People are very accepting of difference, and with some public housing nearby, tolerant of those with mental health issues. It just wasn't the right day to be there.
A better day tomorrow, I hope.
Bad luck, but well done for confronting the deluded, entitled woman.
ReplyDeleteThe gecko is sweet - what a kind thought.
I admire you for standing up for what you believe to be right. I am far too cowardly and when I see such behaviour I tend to shrink away.
ReplyDeleteThe World needs more Andrews.
Entitled people irritate the shit out of me, and sadly there are a lot where I live. I'm you called the police on that woman. I wish we had something like that Snap, Send , Solve. People who park in Handicap spaces, who are not handicapped, really irritate me the most.
ReplyDeleteWell, that was a day Policeman Andrew! People who carry on like that are tiresome, Workers in supermarkets do not have to put up with that carry on. It’s a pity there wasn’t a supervisor around . Perhaps Kosov could get help through the Uni to get a part time job.
ReplyDeleteYou had a very frustrating day. We can be too helpful sometimes.
ReplyDeleteFocus on the good: the gecko is cool, and that miserable cow will be miserable for a loooooong time.
ReplyDeleteYou encountered a most disagreeable individual—a "Karen," as one might say. It is often remarked, as in the Chinese proverb, that "the face reflects the soul within," and in this instance, her countenance appeared most unpleasant in the photograph. I sense a shift in your mood approaching, as life is ever a balance between good days and bad. Such is the nature of existence. Farewell, and take care.
ReplyDeleteI never had food delivered. Well what can except in small community.
ReplyDeleteLook at you! Kicking ass and taking names! I love that you posted a picture of that 'lady'. She looks like a bitch. I've never understood people who are so important in their own minds that the only thing that matters to them is having their way. I will bet the store staff could have kissed you.
ReplyDeleteSome days it is just better to stay home. But no one else would have called out that "karen" if you weren't there. The gecko is a cutie.
ReplyDeleteEntertaining read, even if it wasn't a very good day.
ReplyDeleteYou’re definitely changing - beginning to call a spade a spade. Sometimes that’s good……others……
ReplyDeleteI like your Gecko, it's sweet. Can understand the annoyance driving in the rain and finding out the job was full time, but at least you got out for a drive.
ReplyDeleteA pain waiting around for your food, good to have it though more of a pain without it.
That women sounds not a nice one for sure, we could call her Karen an d she needs to be shamed.
The little gecko is lovely, well done Phyllis. I witnesses the same egg shemozzle here a few years ago. Someone wanted a half dozen and demanded staff cut one box for her. They refused explaining the bar code on the box is pre-programmed to charge for a full dozen, she accepted the dozen but rather dramatically threw back the sliced meat package, claiming she "can't afford that now can I?"
ReplyDeleteBlue metal is sharp on the gecko and golden feet look elegant.
ReplyDeleteAha, they were shopping for you and that's why they hadn't got their food? The gecko is something I would like too. Good for you, speaking up in those situations. I never know what to say; I lose my ability to think when I'm upset!
ReplyDeleteI saw a short video of the F-1 race, it was wet and slippery, a bit of a wild race. They put on a good show. A noisy mess for the locals, but it did show the city in a good light.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome you called the cops on that nasty lady and reported the ass in the mercedes. The boys might be trouble sometimes but I really enjoyed the bit about the surprise gift they got you.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like one of those days when you just want to lock yourself in your home, Andrew.
ReplyDeleteThe boys made it a good day with their gift though. Love the gecko.