Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday Mural

I enlarged this photo to study it. It clearly became apparent to me that I could understand nothing.  That is an old and now scrapped Melbourne train exiting a tunnel, with the then The Met symbol above it. It appears the train has reached its terminus, with a buffer on the rail in front of the train. There is a Little Chief with Big Horn type American native person. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Selections

This week's photos are generally from June last year. River and others join in Sunday Selections.

It is interesting to see Asian lasses dress up like this. I am an old man and I no longer know about young people's things. Four lasses out to parade themselves along Chapel Street, except the lass on the right is not a lass. 

This is a wonderful building, now apartments. It was also the site of the tragic Russell Street bombing, with Australia's first death of a  policewoman while on duty.

Just down the street is this quite attractive modern apartment building. I am astonished that it was built and it not being a high rise tower.

These went to the charity shop, or in our lingo, the op shop.

A card for Ray for a significant birthday from the Brother Friends, maybe his 60th or even 70th. All the glitter and words were added by them. 

Jay was a client of Ray's when Ray was a volunteer driver. He uses a wheelchair and is very openly gay, with rainbow flags on his chair, and other trinkets. I see him at times and Ray used to always say hello to him. Emboldened, I introduced myself to him, telling him that Ray was my partner and that he was no longer. Jay was shocked, and said, I often wondered if Ray was gay. Jay wasn't very observant as I was always with Ray when they chatted, but I was never introduced. 

Miniature Lego has made an appearance at the Highrise. I picked up the spider the wrong way to wipe down the bench top, and two legs fell off. It's been repaired. I suggested that they should not bother, as it still had six, four more than us, and we manage with two, and some with one or none. 

The train keeps getting longer as more carriages are added. I told Phyllis it needs a power car to run the roof top air conditioning units. The last one seems to have two pantographs, to connect it to electric overhead wires.

Monday Mural

I enlarged this photo to study it. It clearly became apparent to me that I could understand nothing.  That is an old and now scrapped Melbou...