Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday, kind of Funnies

What can I find on information super highway to amuse you. Sorry about the brief watermarks. I need to find a better downloader.

I was looking for some cockatoos being very funny, but I couldn't find very much, however I did come across this vaguely related piece, that certainly made me laugh. While he may have it ready to say, I don't think she knew it was coming.

This is not funny, but ever so clever at changing the lyrics to the famous Gloria Gaynor song, with thanks to Jackie of Toronto where I saw it first. Nice work.


  1. I love that Canadian version of We Will Survive. But the funniest is the TV announcers. I haven't had a cockatoo in my room in quite awhile either:)

  2. These are so fun. I laughed out loud at the TV announcers. I'm still grinning. lol Best wishes, my dear.

  3. I liked the clever cocky holding onto the cup and I REALLY like the new version of I Will Survive.

  4. WILL SURVIVE!! That song always takes me back to those days. . . .

  5. I have been singing the Canada version for the last couple of days!

  6. I was on Hamilton Island once for the conference. I let the balcony sliding doors open and experienced the same fate

  7. Have you ever wanted a cockatoo Andrew? You could place an advert on a community noticeboard. Beforehand, you should watch a few YouTube videos that deal with care and hygiene.

    1. YP, don't even try to suggest how granny sucks eggs.

  8. Made me laugh these videos, and the last one is good.

  9. I think we should all sing 'I will Survive' but the two announcers set me off giggling as well. What a mess those birds made!

  10. The Canada video is wonderful. We'll all sing along with that!

  11. The world needs a good laugh these days.

  12. I just got back from Mexico and someone had sent that Canada video to someone I know and it was passed around to everyone. We will survive!

  13. Thanks for the videos - the cockatoos made me smile, the announcers made me laugh, and the rewrite of I Will Survive made me smile and choke up at the same time, dang it :)

  14. I imagine a caffeinated cockatoo would be even more annoying than a "normal" cockatoo!


Sunday Selections

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