Thursday, May 25, 2023

Simply the Best

I am home. Normal blogging will very slowly return. Being away from home for a month and returning to immediately having to sort out medical matters, tests etc, never mind the finances to sort out and a mountain of clothes washing, drying and food shopping. My ailing mother is still in the process of dying, according to her. In my absence as I read your posts, it was so tempting to comment, and I may have breached my no blog posts/comments when on holidays rule just once or twice. 

I am only posting this because Tina's death deserves five minutes of my immediate time. It is sad that she has died but from the music she has made, I am so happy to hear it all again all over the media. What a gal. It is interesting that she hasn't lived in America for decades. 

I kind of knew this but had forgotten that the dance to Tina's Nutbush City Limits is peculiarly Australian. It is a series of very repetitive dance steps and most Australians of my age and some years younger will vaguely, if not properly, know the steps. Gosh, I've completely forgotten how to dance the Macarena but the Nutbush dance was implanted into my life at a very young age. I can still ride a bicycle too. Piano playing, nah. 

Here are couple of clips I found on YouTube. Apparently the 'gorgeous young' of the  TitTok world has already rediscovered the dance and have published their struts online.

Well rehearsed spontaneity.

This is a little queer. I wonder why the tractor door needed such urgent attention? Maybe the answer is in the comments, which I haven't read. I quite enjoyed this clip. The lads move well and for once in a clip of the like, the woman doesn't dominate. Odd in a way. Such blokes don't unusually dance until they've had a drink or five.


  1. Ah The Nutbush….an Australian wedding staple - when even aging grandmas can be seen on the dance floor. As you mentioned a drink or two is a necessary lead in for quite a few of the ‘dancers’
    Lovely to see you back Andrew - we’ve missed you. Looking forward to hearing all about your escapades in the land up over

    1. Cathy, it is indeed a wedding staple and probably for many more milestone parties. Thanks for your kind words.

  2. You know, I am more familiar with Bob Seger's version of Nutbush, but this led me off on a tangent. I did not realize that Ike and Tina Turner wrote it or that it is semiautobiographical. Thanks for the post. To move from being a battered wife to not taking shit from any one was pretty inspiring. Once she got her power back, she never gave it up. An amazing woman.

    1. I've not heard Seeger's version Debby. Seger? Night Moves? The brain cogs are slow tonight. Tina was truly marvellous and as I have noted this evening, not a person of stunning looks, but stunning all the same. It was comforting to me while in a strange country to read the posts of your 'life ordinaire' over the last month. Insert care/wink emoji.

    2. Bob Seger? Off to youtube, but I don't think anyone's version is better than Tina's.


  3. This is the first I've ever heard that there's a dance that goes with "Nutbush City Limits"! I had no idea. It IS very Macarena-like.

    1. Steve, Australians have tried for many decades to educate the world about the about the Nutbush dance with only minor success, according to the electric wireless radio transmitter signal this morning, aka ABC Melbourne digital radio. She was more popular in Britain, Europe and Australia than she was in the US. Go figure!
      PS The hairy dude looks a bit interesting.

  4. welcome home.. be well!

    Apparently in Sydney our friends say that Tina Turner, Simply the Best and rugby are firmly united in peoples' minds. Who knew?

    1. Thanks Hels. The Sydney thugby was a connection I had forgotten about. I remember it from when the song was launched.

  5. I can't say 'welcome back' because you've just left, but 'happy you're home and safe'. Take care, Janice.

    1. Thanks Janice. Already the slightly difficult issues are disappearing from my memory and what a time we had.

  6. I didn't know there was actually a dance to that. My sister and I just used to thrash around on the dance floor when it came on.

    1. JayCee, maybe your thrashing around was more interesting than the repetitive dance steps.

  7. It is lovely to see a post from you. You have been missed. Vale Tina indeed.
    It is probably unOrstrayan of me but until yesterday I hadn't even heard of the Nutbush dance - much less seen it or danced it.

    1. NEVER heard of it? I know you're not into music but this was such a big thing back then, I didn't think it was possible that no one knew of it.

  8. Not all men need a drink or five to dance like that. I'm quite sad about Tina Turner dying and shall play my "Simply The Best" CD later today. I should do a little more Nutbushing myself, it might help reduce the size of my bum.

    1. Dearest River, if you do lose weight by Nutbushing, let me know and I can try if for my guts.

    2. I'm worried the neighbours might think there's an earthquake going on.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. River,
      how did you know in advance that Melbourne was going to have an earthquake last night? I am in awe.

    5. I didn't know, saw it on my opening page this afternoon and wondered if Andrew was attempting the Nutbush :)

  9. It was indeed a sad news to hear about her passing. The music clips are quite nostalgic for me.

  10. You are home. My world has righted itself.

    1. Short, sweet and terribly flattering. You'll go a long way Caro.

  11. Simply the best for sure Andrew. Sad and I didn't know Tina lived in another country. I recorded the TV Special that was on last evening as well as watching it. Loved it.
    The videos are good :)
    Also welcome home,

    1. Margaret, I didn't know about the special on tv and missed it. There is always catch up I suppose. Thanks for the welcome home.

  12. A month away is a good long time Andrew. Did you make it to York and The National Railway Museum? With regard to the passing of celebrities, it's somewhat surprising that you focused on Tina Turner and not Rolf Harris!

    1. YP, a month in England felt even longer. Ok, joking. We did stay in York and visited the train museum.

      Regarding Rolf, it will forever remain an unresolved conflict for me; good art, 'throw 'them muck' by a very bad person. Public figures have always disappointed me in life, and nothing changes.

      I am so pleased an old codger survived painting while high atop scaffolding, never mind Shirley's dramatic scaffold appearance via a window.

  13. Welcome home, looking forward to the posts. She was Simply The Best,

  14. Did not know about the Australian origins of the Nutbush dance. It's a small world after all.

    1. Kirk, it seems she liked Australia and Europe even more and gave up her US citizenship to live in Europe.

  15. Welcome back, Andrew. We left the light on for ya. Tina is a huge loss to the world. What an amazing talent.
    You are going to be busy for sure. Hope the medical matters and tests are not serious ones. Missed ya.

    1. Thanks for leaving the porch light on Sandra. Tina was just such a brilliant performer.

  16. Good to see you back Andrew, safe and sound and on the keyboard. I'd be curious to hear any travelling tips and travails on your elder-travel. And Tina, such a loss of a true legend and survivor!

    1. Thank you M. My travel tip for elders is just don't. Airports are a fucking nightmare.

  17. Glad you are home okay. You must have horrible jet lag for a while.

    1. Thanks Pat. We've not really suffered jetlag beyond waking very early some mornings. Every time change, we jump into the local time.

  18. Glad you and R is safe.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe

  19. Welcome back! !st time am hearing of the nutbush dance. Thank you.

    1. ME, thanks, and it is strange that it never caught on around the world.

  20. This is a relief to see you back to posting. I don't know why I always think the worse, like maybe you were caught in a subway door in England and smushed. That looks like good exercise, the nutbush dance. Maybe I'll try it.

    1. Strayer, Tube train doors are vicious if you are hit by them. I should have a crack at the dance myself but it is rare that I am home alone. Maybe I should do it in my bedroom.

  21. She was one of a kind, that's for sure. What an amazing talent and inspiration!

  22. Tina was Boss Lady! Not only for her singing and beauty…she survived domestic abused, did not go back, and she rose from that!!

    1. Anon, she certainly had a humble beginning and an amazingly successful career.

  23. Welcome back Andrew, gosh time just flew, a month already! I was sad that Tina Turner died, she was an amazing woman with an amazing voice! I've danced the Nutbush dance, but had no idea it was typically Australian.

    1. Thanks Sami. I doubt there will be another like her.

  24. This dance and song were new to me. It looks like a standard cardio workout routine. lol Be well, and welcome home.

    1. Darla, probably quite good as an easy workout.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...