Saturday, May 6, 2023

From the the land of traffic cones

I've turned into a fat overeating of bad food alcoholic. Such is England and family. We are having a grand time, although we've struggled at times. There are just so many family people to see. 

Generally the weather has been shite. I hate English bathrooms.  I am missing my full flow very adjustable shower. Four people in a hoarder one bedroom house is difficult. 

I shouldn't complain. All is good, and I've kept a keen eye on your posts, but missing you all.

I've just come inside after watching kids bouncing around in the street on a pogo stick.


  1. How lovely to see a post from you - and to hear that you are (mostly) having a grand time. I don't remember the last time I saw a pogo stick.

  2. Please enjoy a nice break in UK. As you stated previously, this is your last visit to UK

  3. I am in Ballarat, at a large family reunion. I know how you feel about the intensity of the catching up with relatives, taking photos of people you may never see again and visiting sites that were important to the locals.

    Shame about your dismal weather but enjoy yourselves otherwise.

  4. It’s good to hear you survived being cooped up in a tin aerial submarine and are now trying to survive life in another world populated by far too many friendly people all trying to lay claim on your beloved R.

    You’ll be pleased to know that after some glorious sunny autumn days we’re now having lower temps as well, rainy days are forecast so being over there is just preparation for what is in store for when you get home. Bet you’re glad you took your big coat now😊

  5. Thanks for the joy you bring to the world. Be safe in your overnight stays and travels. - Darla M Sands

  6. Pogo Sticks! They sound like fun but I bet I'd fall off right away. I'm glad you're having a great time in spite of the bathroom situation.

  7. Good to see a post from you, missing reading them each day or near enough.
    That's a bit crowded but it's not for long and it's something to reminisce about in the future :) you are making memories and watching the children in the street on their sticks :) at least they are outside having fun and getting exercise plus they would be entertaining as well. Continue enjoying your stay and eating well in the Mother Land..

  8. Glad to see your post and the update. I can understand, when you are travelling and meeting family and friends, it might be difficult to keep track of blog posts and also post updates. Take care, and enjoy your trip!

    1. O, I forgot to add. Today is the King's coronation. I guess the UK is quite riveted by the occasion, is it?

  9. Travel and seeing family and friends is just wonderful, but coming home afterwards is always better.

  10. Not everyone can be such an assiduous Swedish death cleaner as you.

  11. Enjoy your trip to the UK and spending time with R's family. You are probably watching the Coronation right now :) Hope your flight via Colombo was good and comfortable :)

  12. It is great to hear from you. Find a chance to escape. The showers in Iceland had wonderful water flow.

  13. I think I"d go nuts in a house full of stuff, being inclined the opposite way. Too bad the weather is bad. It's bad here too, with no end to it in sight. Eat some fresh fruit somewhere and enjoy that last trip to England.

  14. I prayed to the weather gods to give you dry, sunny weather but they have sought to punish you. As soon as you leave, the heatwave will begin.

  15. Yes, the weather has been shite. And I'm with you on English bathrooms. (But I thought it was just ours that was horrible!)

  16. It is good that you are enjoying yourself and I guess celebrating the new king today. It must be crazy over there with all the events.

  17. Pogo sticks. Loved them as a kid. Hopped on one as an adult and it really brought home the danger of shaken baby syndrome. Eeeeeh. A joarder's house! Hope it stops raining

  18. Remember to enjoy your self.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  19. I have missed you but am glad to see you're sort of having fun! I am surprised pogo sticks are still allowed as they could be considered quite dangerous! Maybe the UK isn't quite the nanny state we are. I could make the obvious joke about Brits and bathrooms but I won't.

  20. 'The land of traffic cones' is an apt description of UK. It's exhausting being sociable, especially in someone else's home, but make the most of it and trap some wonderful memories.

  21. The Stalker
    Just enjoy enjoy…..pork pies bacon butties and curried chips…..saw that on tv. Good wishes

  22. Thanks for the post Andrew, travelling to the homeland is fraught with both joy and irritation and a truckload of grub and endless itinerary. I have such an event coming up and mixed emotions here.

  23. "I've turned into a fat overeating of bad food alcoholic. Such is England and family."

    Great opening lines!

  24. Yes visiting family can become tiresome sometimes. Missing your own bathroom is totally understandable. The weather should improve with summer coming.

  25. Are you ever coming back home?

  26. Haha one of the reasons I chose to live off-campus as a uni student. My own bathrooooooom!


Just not quite enough

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