Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Stable Leadership

Italy was renown for changing leaders but other countries haven't done very well so what about 'more stable' western countries.

Let's look at home first since 2010. Australia has not done well with so many Prime Ministers. 

2010, Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard (Labor)

2013 Kevin Rudd (Labor)

2013 Tony Abbott (Conservative)

2015 Malcolm Turnbull (Conservative)

2018 Scott Morrison (Conservative)

2022 Anthony Albanese (Labor)

Six in twelve years.

Canada. They're a bit like us but eat poutine.

Some many years ago Pierre Trudeau. Oh, then was there some other bloke or two? I can't remember since then until Justin (drool) Trudeau became PM in 2015. Wow, that is a long time stable government and leadership.

Ok, I will do it properly.

2010 Stephen Harper (Conservative)

2015 Justin Trudeau (Liberal)

The US leaders? 

2010 Barak Obama (Democrat)

2017 Donald Trump (Republican)

2021 Jo Biden (Democrat)

Why start at 2010? 

That is because that was the year England's Prime Minister David Cameron was Prime Minister.

2010 Gordon Brown/David Cameron (Labour/Conservative)

2016 Theresa May (Conservative)

2019 Boris Johnston (Conservative) 

2022 Liz Truss (Conservative)

Well, I thought there were more English PMs since 2010 but it seems not. Australia has the dubious honour of having the most leaders since 2010. 


  1. And some of our leaders would be better described as misleaders.

  2. I second EC's observation.
    Have a great one, Andrew.

    1. Sandra, four years of scarred memories of late two thousand teens. May him and his ilk never return.

  3. I think the entire world is (oh, what is a decent word describing what these jerks have done?). Suffice it to say that I hope I am able to enjoy my golden years, but it's looking more and more like I will be getting a job as a Walmart Greeter. "Hello! Welcome to Walmart!"

    1. Maribeth, just wait for the gorgeous place you will move to in your older years with Heidi.

  4. You have a parliamentary system, right? You don't vote for a Prime Minister directly, but a local representative or political party slate that, if it wins a majority, chooses the PM, right? If you look at the parties and the PMs, Australia since 2010 has had three years Labor, nine years conservative, and is back to Labor again. That seems to me to be a bit more stable. Am I missing something?

    In the United States, we vote for the President directly, which got Obama 8 years in the White House, but we also had Republican majorities in Congress much of the time, which creates an instability of a different sort. And Trump was just a case of an unstable man getting hold of the reins of power. Maybe instability is just hardwired into the human condition, which is why hunters-gatherers no longer rule the world.

    1. Kirk, yes we vote for a party but the party has a leader so in a defacto manner, we do vote for a person. I think what you missing is the obvious because you didn't experience the turmoil and the a couple of quite evil leaders.

      I expect Trump who is anything but conservative, despises those with conservative values who vote for him.

      While our lower house of parliament may have the numbers to pass legislation, usually the Senate who ultimately passes the laws is hostile, full of a mix of parties and independents.

  5. My father had his major stroke the day Julia ousted Kevin. We blame her. Not that dad liked Kevin, it was more the shock of Julia.
    To be honest I don't see the difference when leaders change. Just more of the same ... stuff.

    1. Caro, didn't The Abbott say Gillard's father died of shame because of his daughter's actions and now you load on to her your father's stroke! While essentially I agree with you about leaders, I am feeling this government is a bit more honest and will do better than certainly Morrison and Abbott.

  6. I am with Kirk. The beauty of the Westminster system is that the leader has to perform well, or the governing party can elect a new one. Imagine living in a Presidential system where a leader is in place for 4 years, even if he is the greatest tyrant of all times. The government cannot do a thing (except shoot him).

    1. Hels, in some ways our system is similar to the US in that the ruling government has to deal with a hostile Senate. I think Trump could have removed from Presidency if the numbers were against him.

  7. There’s that old? saying….like sands through an hourglass, these are the days of our lives. Now you see them - now you don’t!

    1. Cathy, and haven't we lived through a lot of falling sands, you more than I have.

  8. You've been doing some serious researching there Andrew. Now England want that latest women gone apparently!

    1. Margaret, it seems so, but still two years before the next election. A lot can happen in that time.

  9. None was especially good ! The UK seems to me too lazy to move because being against the Brexit, and done nothing to kick Boris out, it's normal that the country is in a very deep economical crisis. And this new one seems to be even worse because she promises heaven on earth and can't keep her promises ! It's better to change more often than keep a bad one for years. Italy is another story the mentality is different, they always fall on their feet !

    1. Gattina, she promises heaven and earth to rich people. I agree with you about Italy. For all the difficulties of government, the people of Italy are doing fine.

  10. The complete shift of Liz Truss does not stability make - reversing all previous pronouncements. Justin is the best of a bad lot but also quite shifty and his handling of the Ottawa Convoy not up to par. 6 in 12 years for you guys is a bit extreme. And with the coming Armageddon according to Biden we need very strong hands on the tiller.
    I appreciate living on this nothing little island off everyone's radar. Though it should be said we have a very poor leader (provincial premier)

    1. M, I just view Trudeau from afar and not how he operates. He presents well. It seems your province has something in common with Ontario then, bad leader.

  11. UK seems in trouble with its new leader. The Obama years were nice and peaceful, not the daily drama and bickering and revenge taking of the Trump years. When you don't hear too much I think its a good thing. There are many who just thrived on the Trump drama years, the division, yelling, arguments, chaos. Some people like that, the bored people I guess without other things to do.

    1. Strayer, we are not hearing much news from your country now. What a good thing.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...