Tuesday, October 18, 2022


The glass, not me, although at a replacement cost of over $900 plus retinting, it may be us who are broke too. What a pity we didn't break it ourselves! The building's insurance would have paid or our home contents insurance. R pointed out that the glass had cracked. I suggested it might be a scratch. I was just hoping in vain.

Over a few weeks the crack spread when early morning hot sun hit the glass. It extended even more after these photos were taken.

Can someone be both bombastic and nice? The big burly guy who came last Wednesday to measure up the replacement glass was both. He is in his early sixties and has worked in the industry for his whole working life. I may well have worked with his wife at some point in my life but her name meant nothing to me. 

He will return this coming Wednesday to install the glass with a young compatriot to assist with heavy lifting.  

Life is not easy at times when you have first world problems. 

As for my blog, I have been working on it and there had been so much to fix up, including my photo in my profile, WordPress re-creation and commenting ID. I have the same header photo with the new blog name made, but it doesn't fit well. I had the same problem when I first uploaded it as a header photo and of course I forget how I made it work. I'll get there but it will be simpler and less crowded with other stuffs.  


  1. Replies
    1. EC, not provable but perhaps when we we the door rollers replaced four weeks before.

  2. Doesn't the building insurance cover something like that? The glass my just be stressed after so many years and if you didn't break it, you shouldn't have to pay for it.

    1. River, it has in the past but change of company and policy, it seems not now. Some times it just easier to pay than fight.

  3. I have a crack in a bedroom window but haven't had it replaced yet. Yeah, glass replacement isn't cheap. I hope it goes smoothly.

    1. Strayer, I am sure your glass would not cost much to replace and you could probably do it yourself. Our is thick laminated glass.

  4. I can't imagine how it would not be covered by insurance. Could you not blame R?
    I am glad to see that spark returning.

    1. Caro, while I haven't checked I think our home insurance has $750 excess. It is just not worth the battle.

    2. I've checked now. $500 excess and loss of 25% no claim bonus premium discount, so about $600.

  5. Wow, expensive glass. I had something similar happen in our bedroom window in our house in Portugal on a very hot day. I think the glass might have been a bit too big in the frame not giving enough space for heat expansion....

    1. Sami, exactly. We have had the same problem. It is always about heat and perhaps inside cooling with expansion/contraction.

  6. I didn’t know you had to prove how it became cracked for insurance purposes? Dig deep - how many cups of coffee would that be???

    1. Cathy, two hundred cups of coffee by my calculations. Just one hundred cups each. I feel better now.

  7. That's a big crack and costly one too..

    1. Margaret, it was small to start with but grew about seven times.

  8. I like the term "first world problems". When women are being slaughtered by soldiers in Iran and children are dying of starvation in Syria, the facts that your glass is broken or my chemist ran out of my favourite skin cream seem insignificant in comparison.
    Yet .. yet... I have been planning at night what will happen if inflation goes right up, food supplies go right down and hospitals are over filled. Will this put our nation's priorities in order?

    1. Both you and we will be fine Hels, but should such difficult times occur, many will struggle. PM Albanese seems to turning ship Australia around to be a kinder and better country.

  9. That's one hell of a cost for glass. I would have thought covered by building too. Does your owner's insurance not cover? Good luck with it all and as you say first world issues and challenges. But they are ours and need fixing.

    1. M, see my comment to Sparkling Merlot above.

  10. That seems pretty 'scammy' on the part of the insurance company.

    1. Debby, it is always the case with smaller claims. Annoying but you can go against the system easily.

  11. The term 'first world problems' keep my attitude in check over small setbacks since many others suffer so much worse. All this makes me think of a silly blog post worth sharing for a laugh. ~grin~ I wish you all the best.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...