Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday Funnies

League of Gentlemen was a British tv show. Rather than make you laugh, it was very good at making you feeling uncomfortable. 

This is not the worst. I wasn't sure if to post the original or this one by the US guy made while watching it. I thought the guy watching it was worthwhile. 

Someone, somewhere mention the English comedian Harry Enfield, who is unknown to me, and down the rabbit hole I went. Close to two hours later, this clip grabbed my attention. The woman's brain made me laugh heartily. Lol at the first mention of BBC (try Urban Dictionary, if you don't know), and towards the end, I was surprised he didn't know the name of the most famous media broadcaster in the world, BBC. 


  1. The League of Gentlemen and Harry Enfield never floated my boat. I can't imagine they would appeal to a US audience either. I am probabky far too staid 😏

  2. It's funny how the guy at the end initially said he didn't think British comedy was funny. Many is the time that I have watched American "comedy" shows without even smiling once.

  3. Sorry Andrew - like books it’s a good job we all have different tastes

  4. Liked the cross-cultural comedy connectiveness of that second video. There may hope for this sorry old world yet.

  5. I find English comedy quite funny, especially some of the older stuff.

  6. I prefer British comedy and don't usually laugh at American comedy, to me the latter are not funny.

  7. I agree with Margaret. British comedy is the best and it doesn't age .

  8. Somehow I understood his BBC reference.

  9. That's hysterical, that last one, made me laugh and laugh.


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