Sunday, November 10, 2024

Sunday Selections

A few randoms for Sunday Selections as I join in with Elephant's Child and River.

I think this is called skyrail, where old road train and car street level crossings have been replaced. The supports for the overhead wires are...well, amazing and a bit creepy,

A photo shoot in as I recall, South Melbourne.

A bit of a case of WTF?

The second last meal out I had with Ray was at a great Indian restaurant in Albert Park. As we walked back to the car, I snapped this photo. We said we will return for another meal. That won't happen. 

I cannot remember where I took this photo but do you remember drive in theatres? You would hook these speakers into you side wind up windows, and hopefully remember to remove them before you departed.

A very cool place in Flinders Street, Melbourne. Not for the likes of 67 year old. I sent this photo to my niece Jo as I know she would like the shop, but of course she did not respond.

The disruption to the Flinders Street area has been immense because of the Metro Train tunnel, but there has been some nice things done to lessen the impact. 

Even in the days of instant online hookups, a gay sauna still thrives. I sat in a bus shelter nearby to rest my back for a few minutes, and I was amazed to see men coming and going from the venue. I think I visited once, many years ago. It is still referred to as chopsticks and walking sticks. 

This vid is a bit of fun. 


  1. I do enjoy your eclectic selections and that video has me smiling broadly. Thank you.

  2. I must smile.. haven't seen or heard about drive ins for decades. Back in the day, when young families didn't have extra money for entertainment, the children could all watch from the back seat for free. Or sleep.
    I suppose the arrival of tv changed everything.

  3. The sign of Epicurus is seriously WTF. Very interesting things you observe

  4. We didn't have drive in cinemas...everyone would have got soaked!

  5. I've never been to a drive-in cinema. As JayCee pointed out, we would have been soaked.
    I love the happy skateboarding dog.

  6. We used to go to the drive-in all the time as a kid; the kids would fall asleep in the back seat and Mom and Dad could have a date night!

    And I wanna be that dog!

  7. So many dogs just like to have fun.

  8. "OTC vintage"

    Could describe my own fast-depleting stock of paracetamol/ibuprofen + codeine.

    Maybe they are selling that under the counter?

  9. That dog is living his best life, isn't he?

  10. LOVE the skateboarding dog. Those rail supports are a bit creepy. skeletal arms with reaching fingers. I wonder is Disciples of Epicurus is a restaurant since Epicure is food related, mostly gourmet. I remember drive in theatres, people with station wagons would back into the space and open the back of the car so the kids could lie there on blankets in their pyjamas and watch the movie, but I don't remember if parents also sat there or just went to the kiosk and sat on seats to watch. It would be awkward to hang over the back of a front seat for a couple of hours.

  11. from Google: Disciples of Epicurus: this little cafe is tucked away in Equitable Place and open for breakfast, lunch and everything in between. Famous for all things coffee.

  12. A well trained dog there, Andrew.
    The photos for Sunday are nice the first photo I did wonder what I was seeing until I looked again.

  13. thecontemplativecat here. Nice walk to take, enjoy. There was a drive in near us, sorta. It was a hoot.

  14. Gosh I remember the driveins. Really really handy with small kids in the back of the car. Great selection Andrew.

  15. We never know when it will be our last time someplace. Makes me think about things differently.

  16. I remember going to the drive-ins as a kid and we took the dog with us. It was a family outing, Andrew.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...