Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Mural

I am participating with Sami and others for Monday Mural. 

I came across two areas in Melbourne that have what aren't strictly murals. I also throw in a mural that was down a short lane near where I was.

The Legacy organisation is mentioned, it being set up to look after the wives and children where husbands and fathers had died in war battles. One slogan says "Stop the Killing". We had a friend who for many years who in his young years was helped by Legacy. To my mind it is up to governments who send people to war, to look after them and their families should the worst happen. 


  1. You are so right that Legacy's role should be a Government responsibility. Sadly it isn't.

  2. The two Legacy installations certainly capture attention. Were they created by the children?

  3. Your heart's in the right place. Thank you Andrew aloha

  4. It is so sad that Vietnam veterans came home to anger and scorn. Their families were treated with no consideration and respect.

  5. Susan
    Our soldiers were conscripted and had no choice about Vietnam. Thus the government came in for ridicule, not the families.

    The Legacy image is very sensitive, I think.

  6. You are right about the government's responsibility to the soldiers who fought their wars. Legacy does a good thing, and so did you by highlighting their mission.

    What on earth is the meaning of the last mural? Do you know?

  7. Did the graffiti come with that third mural, or did someone add it afterwards?

  8. A lot of work has gone into those murals. A cousin of mine who was in the Navy for years did a lot for legacy.

  9. I like those Legacy walls better than the mural.

  10. It is disgraceful that some governments do not look after their injured. Without charities, those maimed at the behest of their governments would be even worse off.

  11. I like the Legacy mural. The second one looks like those "media influencers"... Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Andrew.

  12. I like the Legacy "mural" because it appears to have evolved in an organic manner and it has real purpose.

  13. It's sad that government's policies lead to such loss of lives and suffering.

  14. I photographed those two girls a few years ago when I visited Australia ;-).

  15. I'm not at all sure what the message is in that third one. If there is a message.

  16. I agree that it is up to the governments to take care of soldiers injured while serving. I like the "mural" for Legacy with the community feel to it, Andrew.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...