Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Funny - Revitalisation

I have published this before, and sorry if annoys you if you remember it and it pains you, but I just rewatched and it still makes me laugh. 

For explanation, the last leg of the train line to Newcastle (upon Hunter) was curtailed to build apartment buildings and to get to the same point you now change from a train to a tram. The tram stops at each stop for 90 seconds to recharge its battery. With proper overhead electric wiring, it might stop for 10 seconds to unload and load passengers. 

This one made me laugh too. 


  1. Delightful. His laughing face made me laugh even before I read the subtitles.

  2. Oh my gosh that laugh:) Funny.

  3. Stopping every 90seconds would be a nightmare

  4. I could walk faster than a tram that stops every 90 seconds!

  5. Whatever my comment was last time still holds true.

  6. Surely not every 90 seconds, right? I read it as for 90 seconds at each stop, the train will recharge. How far apart are the stops?

    1. Correct Debby. I don't know how far apart the stops are but I think there are only four or five of them, end to end.

  7. The look of him makes you laugh too, Andrew.

  8. They are funny, but I think the laughing is a bit overdone, some sounds a bit "forced".

  9. Oh I say - that Spanish fellow has an odd laugh and badly requires dentistry. I expect he's from Benidorm.

  10. Dear gawd I cracked up. I've seen this idiocy but this guy's laughter is so infectious. Thanks Andrew.

  11. My connection is off today, but I appreciate you for sharing video. Be well!

  12. Oh my god. I could listen to that guy talk and laugh about anything and it would be funny. He's such a character.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...