Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday Funnies

Quora sometimes amuses me. I've taken a few of the better comments from this thread. NB A road train is a multiple trailer long road truck, up to sixty metres long (196ft).

Why does Australia not have trains?

If you look at a globe of the earth it is pretty obvious. If you try to put a train on the tracks it just falls off as everything is upside down.

Cars is ok because you can make the tires stick. But train tracks just don't work.

That's why we have road trains down under.


No we are the right way up. You are upside down. That is why northern hemisphere trains all have magnetic wheels.


I just travelled 2,000 miles on the Ghan from Adelaide to Darwin. It sure looked like a train, but there was so much champagne maybe I imagined it.


Let me explain. Have you ever seen the Documentary Show The Hunger Game's? It may have been billed as a movie series to you Above Worlders. This was done so you wouldn't get Confused and Scared. Well there's a scince in it were the rich people travel on. That goes between our big cities. And instead of the wheels being on the bottom, there on top of our transporters. You might call them trains. I have never been to the Top World, the whole thing of walking on feet is frankly dum. The obsession with feet is confusing. That what's hands are made for. You eat with feet not walk on them. Are you a Hobbit or something? You top Worlder's are super mental.


As an Australian, I can confirm this is 100% TRUE!! Roadtrains kill large amounts of our native animals, especially drop bears as they “obviously” drop upwards.


Same with old vinyl records, you have to load them upside down in Australia.


Some question deserve an answer like this. BTW we do have trains, I think they use magnets to stay on the tracks.


My thoughts, we cope. We have the gravitational force on our heads rather that our feet but we have learnt how to deal with this from our native population and we owe them some gratitude. Living and surviving in Australia is such a challenge. Tourists will do well to consider all of the above, and don't forget to hand write the immigration card before arrival. I'll leave you in suspense about whether you tick the box, are you carrying food. Is your chewing gum food? Can you add a witty addition in comments?  


  1. Thanks for the early morning smiles before a busy day.

  2. Friday comes round even quicker now I follow your blog Andrew.......must be something to do with the gravitational pull 😉
    We sometimes watch old episodes of Border Force Australia with our morning coffee ( Should I be ashamed admitting that??) the immigration card thing, oh my goodness, so many folk taking cases full of food into Australia and not declaring is like a comedy at times.......but then I think I do have a mean streak......
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's a comedy alright, I laugh my head off at the ones who speak English fairly well until it comes time to pay their fine and all those people who say they didn't pack their own cases so they didn't know about all the food.

  3. If Australia colonised the world first, the globe would be shown properly.

  4. This reminds me of a gleeful cat knocking objects off a shelf, proving that the earth isn't flat. lol Be well!

  5. Any runaway Australian trains floating in outer space?

  6. Lol. This made me laugh. So did the Rockhampton police facebook page. The comments on their new constables were dandy.

  7. You travelled The Ghan? Did you take photos? Were there stops along the way or did it just keep chugging along? I plan to do that trip one day, right after I win lotto.

  8. Oh dear me, northern hemisphere people are funny, still laughing.

  9. Thank you for confirming my surrealist dreams

  10. Well, and the seasons are reversed.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...