Friday, August 16, 2024

Luscious Lad

Perhaps this post should be titled Faggot Friday.

I can't help it if I come across things, or people send me things. I don't know who this is or where this Italian lad was competing, but he has the biggest smile and is so full of joy. No it is not that Paris Olympic pole vault clip that you may have already seen.

What's the music being played in the clip? I quite like it. Shazam! Dua Lipa is English Albanian. How many just ordinary looking attractive men can be inserted into one music clip! I doubt there are any Muscle Marys.


  1. I can imagine you dancing around Dua Lipa with the other lads. "Dua Lipa" could mean "Two Lips" in Albanian as the young lady has such kissable plumped up lips. I have no idea what the song was about but she performed it at Glastonbury earlier this summer.

    1. YP, her lips, unlike some, are not too overdone. Did you see her at Glastonbury?

  2. Poor girl. I always get that kind of attention too when I am in the coffee shop..sigh..

    1. I have seen pics of you legions of admirers weighing down the island, JayCee.

  3. And you have kept yourself in great shape too! Hope you have a very nice weekend! Aloha

    1. My doctors tell me that Cloudia. They see dollar symbols when they see my name and know it is repeat business in the future.

  4. The pole vault guy is truly having a bonding session there

    1. He sure is Roentare. He is just so happy. Lovely to see.

  5. I like listening to the song and watching the pole vaulter.
    Over and over.

  6. Replies
    1. It is good to watch Dora. The build up is so tense.

  7. The song annoyed me, but that sure is a LOT of attractive men. I saw a David Bowie look-alike in there. I don't think I could ever pole vault, I don't mind the flying through the air bit, but worry about landing. The boy looks like he really enjoys it though.

    1. Oh god River, now I'll have to watch the clip again to see the Bowie lookalike. He looks quite solid for a pole vaulter but I don't really know the body type for successful pole vaulting, if there is one.

  8. Well, you certainly do keep yourself entertained, don't you? Jaycee is especially droll today, isn't she?

    1. Debby, you doubt JayCee? It may have been times past, but I am sure she being truthful.

    2. Hoo boy. Way to get me in trouble, you naughty man.

  9. Replies
    1. Oh JB, we really are setting up JayCee now, aren't we. I wonder how adept she is with photo editing, or dare I say it, AI?

  10. That song, isn't it Training Sesson!
    That pole vault fellow in the link, it got in the way - and I heard film people wanted him to play in 'those' movies and offered a lot of money - guess he turned them down!

    1. As per usual Margaret, you went to spam. I really don't know why. Yes, Training Session. I haven't heard he turned down the offer but there are plenty of big dicks around, in a couple of senses.

  11. I never have understood how they get the pole up and over. The internet is such an educational place to spend time.

    1. TP, I was hoping you would say something salacious. Who of our age when we were young would have imagined the internet? I remember hearing in the 1990s about the 'information super highway', and I was straight on board.

  12. I had no idea Dua Lipa is of Albanian extraction, but then again I've pretty much only read her name here and there. I don't think I'd even heard any of her songs before now. Yes, lots of scenery in that video! Have you seen the Italian diver Stefano Bellotti? Look him up.

    1. Steve, he's maybe a little on the solid side for me but I like his looks and he appears to have some other very nice physical aspects too.

  13. Your alternate title made me giggle, as did your reply to Steve Reed. lol Thanks for sharing that joyful pole vaulting clip, too, as it made me happy. We need more pleasantries in this world. Best wishes!

    1. Darla, I did like the happiness in the video, and one can't help but notice certain things at times.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...