Sunday, June 9, 2024

Seriously old

On the sixth of this month, Lorna in Bordertown, South Australia, turned 110. Gee, she looks good for her age, is somewhat of an understatement. 

You can read the ABC story here


  1. Very inspiring. Life expectancy has generally gone up. Though doubts remain regarding the quality of life. But looks like Lorna is an exception and she is a leading a healthy life.

  2. Old age is not when your next birthday is... It is when the next meetings with your opthamologist, hip surgeon and urologist are. Lorna looks terrific.

  3. She looks amazing - and seems to be enjoying life, which is wonderful. I suspect that might be part of the reason for her longevity.

  4. She looks wonderful. She's upright. I had a 92 year old patient on Thursday. He looked rough and I reminded him that he can stop treatment at any time, it's up to him.

  5. Usually, it is best not to listen to their secrets to grow old healthy

  6. She looks astonishingly well. Good for her.

  7. She certainly doesn't look like 110 years old. That's amazing.

  8. Wow! I had Aunt that made to 103. I still have two Aunts and Uncle left. All in there 90's

  9. I saw her on the news, she looks and sounds terrific! She says her secret is keeping up with her hobbies and her friends and social life. Does reading, writing and commenting on blogs add up to all that? Or would I have to actually get out and talk to people?

  10. On our news, God Bless her, she is doing so well.

  11. I would never guess she was that old.

  12. Odd this, A friend just posted a picture of her mother, my friend is 80, her mother is 101 and still driving around in her little red Honda. Imagine having someone to call Mummy when you're 80. It's amazing to live that long but we have to remember it is extremely rare.

  13. Well, she lives at a hospital! She'd better be healthy! Seriously, it's great to see her looking so well at that age.

  14. Something to aim for? If you are healthy and enjoying yourself, for sure, Andrew.

  15. Bless her she's showing the attitude that got her there! I'm wishing you a good week ahead friend. Aloha

  16. Just amazing


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...