Friday, June 28, 2024

A lovely neighbour Pt 2, the gay barrister

I wonder if there are gay baristas? I can't say I've ever come across an obvious one. We have plenty of hipster baristas. 

Oh yes, if you missed it in a comment, the reason there isn't an apartment ending in four in our building is that originally apartments were marketed to Chinese investors, and four is an unlucky number for them. 

I recounted to my neighbour Ronnie the previous history of his apartment, and not long after we moved here in 2002 we held a bit of a house warming party with quite a number of friends (we had them back in those days) as guests. Meanwhile the gay barrister who lived where Ronnie now lives had brought (bought probably) a piece of rough trade home. The rough trade was upset about something and was kicking and punching holes in the plaster board on our landing and he was really very violent and out of control. Our guard came up and then two off duty policemen who lived two floors below. They restrained him and he was removed, and the wall was soon repaired and repainted. 

It wasn't a great look for our house warming party visitors. What kind of place have we moved to, full of drug using gay for pay lads? 

That was the only incident on our landing. The current residents are all very nice and if one brings back a rent boy, no one knows about it.  While we were not personally affected, a young male resident entered the building at 4am and wrecked the Christmas tree in the foyer. I wonder what was in his mind? An hour later, he returned to the tree and tried to repair the damage. He failed and it was all captured on cctv camera. He wrote an apology to the body corporate and also placed it on the noticeboard. He avoided a tenant breach notice. 

As for the gay barrister, we got to know him. He was a quiet and shy type until he had a drink and he was then everyone's best friend. He moved up to a higher level and we once went up there for drinks and had a very nice time. 

I am away for a couple of days, on the Bellarine Peninsula cat sitting for Sister. Sun, sand and surf....nah, rain, wind and cold fronts, apparently.  


  1. We pretty much know our neighbours to nod and smile to, and very little more. A nearish neighbour often has police calling at the house.
    Have fun while you are away - whatever the weather.

  2. Most of our neighbours are possibly a little too antique to get up to those kinds of antics. Very dull here.
    Enjoy your break away. Your winter weather sounds just like the summer we are having.

  3. so glad there is a brave man who stands up and legally help you. Poor guys. To be reduced and demeaned for who you are is a sin.

  4. Oh, that was me. thecontemplativecat here. I got so intense that I didn't introduce myself above.

  5. I read that LGBTIQ community has more domestic violence rates than the community prevalence. The worst is for lesbians. I wonder why that is the case. There is shipwreck, old Cliffton jetty along Bellarine coast

  6. Rough trade. Well, you can't accuse that young man of misrepresenting himself, can you?

  7. Weatherwise, this is the wrong time to be on a peninsula, but maybe you could take photos of crashing waves and stormy skies?
    I had never heard the term "rough trade" until I began reading here, I think the first time was several years ago. I'm glad there have been no more incidents. Holes in walls are a bugger to fix properly.

  8. To be honest, any apartment building I have ever lived in has always had a problem tenant. That is why I hated living in them.

    Your neighbor must have been mortified at the behavior of his guest.

  9. We are lucky with neighbours all quiet and helpful.

  10. Sometimes wonder what is on people's minds when they do the wrong things. At least you were there to tell that tale so to speak. If only walls could talk when no one sees or hears anything. Enjoy your time away even though it's winter, the change of scenery will be good Andrew.

  11. Barrister or Barista, what a difference a couple of little letters can make. Keep the pussy happy and dry.

  12. Glad that the whole thing was brought under control. One needs to be lucky to have good neighbours. Enjoy your travel, Andrew.

  13. There are definitely gay baristas! Those are some crazy stories. And interesting about the number four -- I had no idea that was bad luck in China.

  14. I love hearing stories about your neighbours and living in a high rise you have more neighbours than most. My neighbours are lovely but that does make them boring as well. No tales to tell there.

  15. Enjoy your break and hope the sun comes out.

  16. What a horrible experience during what should have been a fun and joyful occasion. ~shakes head~ We don't see friends much anymore outside of my interactions with neighbors. Stay safe and enjoy your getaway, however poor the weather. ~hugs~ As for me, I don't mind chilly rain at the beach; it means I'm almost always the only person and I don't need sunscreen. lol Be well!

  17. Enjoy your time away and spoil the cat a bit. It is probably a good thing that the barrister moved upstairs way from your floor, Andrew.

  18. Hope you have a nice break on The Bellarine Peninsula. Funny story about the daft lad who had a fight with the Christmas tree. All caught on CCTV. He should have been disguised as Santa.

  19. Coldest front sofar in 2024 coming through :(

  20. Obviously all the juicy stuff happens in your block!
    Somehow I think we have been the "bad" neighbours in this street. There were always old cars out front and one time the boys were burning papers on the driveway.
    Enjoy your cat sitting :)

  21. We are eight units on our floor. I know 4 units by name. The other 3 to nod at. 2 units have lost their partners since we moved in. I have only been into one of the units for a visit. We are a very quiet floor compared to some of the more social floors.
    I know the building has had a murder(1981)!!, a suicide from the roof (we were here) , a Christmas door wreath set on fire (was told by someone).

  22. This (newish to me) neighbourhood I live in for the past 6 years. Seniors Independent Living. I could write a book of all the drama here. Mad brief affairs, jealousies, one tenant sleeps in snowbanks when he's drunk, fisticuffsbetween jealous males, One Romeo who won't take no as an answer from me but follows me down the hall on his cane pleading for a dinner date. I should be posting all of this on my own blog.
    Suffice to say, raise you one, cards folding....... *grin*

  23. Enjoy your cat sitting. I'm dog sitting (a crazy teen) at the moment, but I would rather be cat sitting :)


Just not quite enough

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