Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Easter that was

Boring Good Friday, everything was closed, except they weren't. Cafes were open and R took me to cafe he knew at Fishermans Bend. Once home I did do some serious cleaning on the balcony, a bit of a follow up after the air con remediation. 

Saturday morning we trammed to town to buy Easter eggs for kiddies and had a cafe brunch along with very unexpected good coffee, with a 15% pubic holiday surcharge. I used to think that this was ok, as staff are being paid extra for working on public holidays. I no longer think the same. Public holidays are a known thing and extra public holiday wage costs should be built into the budget forecasts for the business.

Sister, Bone Doctor and Jo were in town Saturday in the afternoon to see a Melbourne Comedy Festival performance. They went on to see the Titanic exhibition at the museum and we met them at The Oriental Teahouse in town for a nice dinner. Sister and her wife are both just post another bout of Covid, with Sister having caught it on a school camp. They happily returned to rest at their hotel while Jo came back with us to stay the night.

Sunday morning after a very small breakfast at the Scottish restaurant opposite, R and Jo made sandwiches and we drove to the suburb Oakleigh for a family gathering organised by Sister. Sadly Fire Fighting Nephew was on duty, and his wife, five year old daughter and two year old twin boys were staying with her mother at her apple orchard. 

Guest list:

Myself and R. 2

Sister, Bone Doctor and Jo, 2 adults/1 child.

Tradie Brother, his Ex Wife and her husband. 3

Oldest Niece and her partner and their three children, 2/3

Hippie Niece, her twin children, her partner and his two children. 2/4

ABI Brother. 1

Ex Sis in Law's husband's daughter and the daughter's luscious partner in his early twenties with a lean body and a perfect camera smile, and their daughter, 2/1

No one mentioned the missing person who would have been ninety years old. It was all about children and renewal. 0

So, fourteen adults I think and nine children. 

The picnic was at Brickmakers Park. We secured a table under shelter and had a lovely time. Walks were taken, the extensive play equipment was well used, trees were climbed, left over brickmaking equipment was explored and a walk to the nearby Scotchmans Creek undertaken. There was food aplenty and the obligatory Easter egg hunt. 

It was a very successful family gathering, the first really after scattering Mother's and Step Father's ashes. It was nice to not have to drive for an hour for a family gathering too.

Don't we all love a nice duck or two. 

Don't ask me, aside from a wind vane.

I could see two of the strange coolie hat like structures, but I can't in the photo.

A small and neat rotunda can be as good as a large one, can't it?

Another strange structure or something functional. 

I'm on steps to nowhere, just into a swamp.

It's a pity the grass is not irrigated and has turned brown. The next day we had 56mm or rain, say over two inches. This broke a weather record, as did the driest March for over a hundred years or something like that. Weather records just continue to be broken in great haste, but of course it is nothing to do with climate change. The grass will be green by the time this is published.

Some brick making machinery was left in the park. The sign in centre of the photo says no climbing on machinery. 

This boy was too young to be able to read the sign. Get down Lucas!

I've reduced the size of these photos compared to what they normally are as taken at a ridiculous size of around 6mb. Does it make a difference to you?


  1. It looks like a lovely day. How we need some of the rain that you and others have been experiencing. Our lawn (such as it is) and parts of the garden have been crispified. Dragging hoses round is currently toooo hard for me.

    1. EC, we pretty well had nothing in March until the steady rain Monday into Tuesday. I hope you get a decent soaking soon.

    2. EC; you need a watering system on a timer, just make sure you aren't out there weeding when the timer turns the water on.

  2. The little structure off in the grass, with the hinged doors would be the size and look here of a well pumphouse. Sounds like a nice family gathering. Food, nice mix of adults and kids, easter egg hunt, some walks.

    1. Strayer, that makes sense about the pumphouse. It was nice Strayer. I didn't find it as mentally exhausting as some gatherings.

  3. Well, you certainly had a good family gathering there. Sorry but I lost track of who's who somewhere along the way.
    The location looks nice too. If you ever run short of rain, we can send you some of ours. We've got plenty to spare.

    1. Thanks JayCee. Pun intended but I'll take rain check on your selfless offer to give away some rain.

  4. My whole family were stuck inside Asian Eatery for the entire weekend. You had a good family gathering!

  5. A "pubic holiday" (line 5)? I suppose we all need a rest occasionally.

    1. Tasker, I knew I would do that sooner or later. There are a few works where one wrong letter can be bad.

    2. Excellent proof reading Steve.

  6. The photos all look perfect. ~nods~ Ducks are fun to watch (and eat... ahem...). That brick making equipment is fascinating. Thank you for these great photos. And your familial nicknames always make me giggle. You're very clever. :D I'm glad you got some quality family time. Be well!

    1. Darla, I will eat duck but I would never order it. Turkey seems overrated. Chicken for me. It's good to keep family connections strong. Thank you.

  7. It sounds like a perfect family gathering for you all to have this year. Start new memories for everyone without forgetting the old ones.
    The photos look fine to me, Andrew.

    1. Pat, one youngster there was not yet two and of course we have not yet two year old boy twins who weren't there. The future looks good, even it isn't so much for us.

  8. It sounds like a great family day out. Did you take your ukulele along so that you could strum a few tunes and keep them all entertained?

    1. YP, can you really imagine me strumming a ukulele? I certainly can't. I'm not too bad with a mouth organ.

  9. A 15% surcharge for a pubic holiday?????

    Here is me, asking no more questions.

    It's the way of it, isn't it? Life goes on. Old traditions are replaced by new traditions, and is good. Not the same, but good.

    My sister always hosts the easter celebration at her house. She and I hid 300+ eggs. As we headed off to do the deed, someone made the comments about the elders. I looked around, and then said to my sister, "My god! They mean US!" It was a bit of a jolt.

    1. Debby, I'd rather have that than tipping. Casual cafe staff would be receiving a base hourly rate of perhaps $25 an hour, plus 1/2 to 3/4 of the base rate on top. $37.50 to $43.75 (US$30). This I agree with. They can't catch up with family or friends as so many others do.

      We do have so many good memories of family gatherings. 300 hundred eggs are a lot but it depends on how many children I suppose, along with the size of the eggs.

      Lol about the elders. Use your newly acquired elderliness to your advantage.

  10. I stand back in awe of your family gatherings. They always sound like fun without one person having the responsibility of hosting. Perfect.

    1. Fun60, they are mostly like that but some are hosted and all chip in.

  11. And a lovely day was had by all!
    I'm surprised you found any eggs for sale on Saturday, leaving it that late over here means only the cheaper not-so-nice ones or the most expensive ones would be left.

    1. Haigh's, River. It had plenty and it wasn't as busy as we thought it would be. The eggs for the hunt were all bought earlier from cheaper places. The Haigh's eggs were handed out personally.

    2. Like I said, the most expensive. I do love Haigh's chocolates though I rarely buy from there these days.

  12. Sounds as if it was a lovely family gathering Andrew.
    I prefer the pictures larger.

    1. Thanks Margaret. Larger is better to see detail but they take up so much Google storage space. I'll think about it.

  13. We in Adelaide had our hottest Easter Sunday since 1951 according to the weather girl.

    1. Wow River, but it has not transferred to here. Unusual.

  14. A lovely day was had by all. There seem to be a number of sets of twins in your family. I would love to have had twins.

    1. JB, from my observations it is a nightmare. Maybe not so much if you have twins and that is it but when you have a three year old and then have twins, it really is a nightmare. Nephew and his wife live opposite a beach but the wife is too scared to take them all to the beach on her own. While the now four year old is fine, the twin boys shoot off in different directions, often towards the water without any fears. Like dogs that won't come when called, so do the twin boys behave. It will be interesting to observe them all in teen years, should we live long enough.

  15. A happy day with family, I would investigate where those steps led, it could have been to a pond. As for photos, the bigger the better, you can always store on an external drive.

    1. Thelma, thank you. The steps led straight into the water and seemed pointless. I suspect they might have been part of the brick making site. I do pay $44 a year for Google photo storage of? 200 gb and it is nearly full. I have two external drives and one has all the photos on it, but I feel the need to have two copies of everything. Yet when I die, who will really be bothered with my photos? I do store the originals at full size.

  16. Having lunch under or next to the rotunda is great. As long as the table is big enough to spread all the food and drink, and there are plenty of benches. Then there is no need to carry picnic furniture in your boot.

    1. Hels, there was adequate shelter with barbeques, with another tribe set up next to ours. I didn't see any other potential users of the space.

  17. Lucas is a very good climber. He may be a mountaineer some day.

    1. Kirk, he will probably take after his father with an interesting in the motor car business.

  18. The photo sizes work fine for me. I can still enlarge them a bit by clicking. Like Debby, I have never heard of a holiday surcharge at a restaurant -- it's not a thing in America, but I don't recall seeing it here in England either.

    1. Steve, if there aren't holiday pay penalty rates, there wouldn't be a justification for a holiday surcharge, but I don't know if public holiday pay rates are a think in the US. No one here likes paying it, I can assure you of that.

  19. Since we were in Las Vegas on Good Friday, you wouldn't have known it was a "religious" holy day!!! Toronto no longer closes up on the Friday although many stores will close on the Sunday.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...