Monday, April 1, 2024


Blogger doesn't get too much attention from its Google owners, as bloggers are a dying breed, but I did find a new setting in Blogger where you can apply algorithms to your blog which works out what your blog readers find interesting on your blog judged by the time they take to view a post, along with the subject, their viewing of photos and if they watch the posted videos, including how long they view the videos.

So instead of seeing my latest post, the algorithm will decide which past blog post that you as a reader found interesting and show you similar blog posts. After a closer look, and it's a bit of a faff, you can search for the latest post, though I couldn't really make that work for me.

But isn't this just a great adjustment? Blogger will now work like Face Book, Pinterest and Instagram by showing you what it knows are your interests are by what the algorithm knows you want to see. I'm just loving algorithms and I will apply the new algorithm system to my blog after this post is published. 

We can complain about tech companies but I think this is terrific idea. Give me some feedback tomorrow about the next algorithm blog post tailored for you from my posts after you read this one. If you wish to do the same, and I wish you would so I don't have to read boring stuffs on your blogs, you can find the adjustment under Settings/Layout. 

I just feel so happy about being able to do something for you to improve your blog reading experience. 

EC, as you will probably read this first, just make your mark that you approve of my new blog experience for you. 


  1. This does sound interesting. I wasn't aware of this. I checked my Blogger setting. But I couldn't find this option. Probably, Google hasn't rolled this out in this region.

  2. Not first but second. I read all of your posts so algorithms don't work for me. I will have a look under layout in a minute and see what turns up for me. Mind you, a lot of the readers of my posts remain anonymous and I do like to see who comes by...

    1. EC, this is the point of the algorithms. You won't have to read all of my posts, just ones that are tailored to interest you.
      I only thought of early risers, not late to bed people.

    2. I found almost every single post interesting, Andrew. ~nods~ As for the setting, I'm trying to find it with no luck so far. ~scratches head~ And...

      Now I feel like an idiot. Nicely done and thanks for the laughs.

    3. Glad to both deceive and amuse you Darla.

  3. Hmmm.. I am guessing it is already April 1st where you are?

    1. Cute, JayCee :) It took me 7 seconds to get it.

    2. JayCee, I tried to calculate when the time in England was 00.01 on 01/04 to publish but it was all too hard. I assume you are in the same time zone. I can't remember a time change to Ireland.

    3. Seven seconds Hels? See your doctor for dementia testing.

  4. Agreed 100%. Blogger receives little attention from Google. The algorithm somehow decides what readers want to see. Hence I retreat to Mastodon.

    1. Roentare, I did join Mastodon but I did nothing with it.

  5. Can it be set up to make blog posts more boring? I've had far too many hits this month. It is still March here at the moment.

    1. Tasker, I don't think so. Just be grateful for what is on offer.
      It is up to you to make your posts more boring than they already are.

  6. Oh, April Fool????it's not here yet, though!

    1. Boud, time zones do rather spoil April Fools Day jokes.

  7. what? What nonsense is this? oh wait, it's April Fool's day.

    1. River, I bet you were dux of your school when you were young.

    2. Not me but my daughter was.

  8. Glad I’m on Wordpress. Did you see the CSIRO Magpie joke this morning?

    1. I didn't Cathy but I have now, an app to translate magpie language to English. Great idea.

  9. Nice one, Andrew, better than the shoelaces wheeze.

    1. JB, I looked for shoelaces wheeze and came up with nothing.

  10. April Fool! I spotted it immediately. You will have to try much harder than that to trick a cunning old pommie like me!

    1. Ok YP. I have written two really good ones in the past. One about the Maltby Bypass and one about building a car park being built in parkland next to our Shrine of Remembrance. I'm a legend in my own lifetime but not this time as you are clearly too smart for me.

  11. Oh Andrew, you had me thinking, well this is the end.

    1. You should have been alert on the 1st, TP.

  12. Lol, only after reading the comments did I realize it'a an April fools joke. Good one Andrew, not that I was going to bother with algorithms in my blog...

    1. To deceive someone Sami has absolutely made my day.

  13. Well, I'm glad I read the comments before I tried to figure out what the heck you were talking about. Since the nature of blogging is all about seeing the most recent post first, I couldn't imagine why I'd want an algorithm giving me something else!

    1. Steve, it really annoys me that we are forced to read by algorithms in other social media. I've worked it out for Twitter at least but FB keeps changing things and I can't get how Instagram works.

  14. Is this an April 1st thing? It smacks of it, but then again, I can be a cynic.
    Sounds like a lot of work for very little gain.......

  15. I read this and thought 'This makes absolutely no sense!' I came here to say that very thing. Luckily, I read the comments first and saved myself from looking like a total ass.


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