Wednesday, March 13, 2024

YouTuber Award

This was written a number of days ago, well before our friend in London was visiting Oslo, where it is currently -1/30. 

I follow quite a number of YouTubers. I find YouTubers rather more interesting than tv. Perhaps it is the personal touch.

Weirdly I follow drain cleaning YouTubers. It is as much about their presentation and characters as it is about drain cleaning. 

I watched an interesting enough video a few days ago of a train trip from Aberdeen to Penzance, but the presenter didn't project his character very well, apart from moaning that it was 14 hour train trip. There was a lot of scenery and not much talking. 

Narrow boaters on English canals, even once they cease to be narrow boaters, as a couple have done, are very popular.

But the most I like are professional travellers, especially if they use trains. There are some seriously good class acts out there. I could make many recommendations and some wouldn't be to your taste. They make a living from being successful YouTubers. 

The most popular YouTuber I watch is with 2.62 million subscribers. That number of people plus, world wide want to watch him cleaning and renovating pools. I am sure it nothing to do with Miles looks and sexiness factor.

Ultimately, and it is a hard call really, my 2024 best YouTuber goes to the Scottish bloke, Steve Marsh. This is one of his latest clips.  where he is visiting the Artic Circle in Sweden. I believe he is a case of what you see is what you get with Steve. Sometimes his clips include his partner, sometimes not. At times I use a bit of fast forward with YouTube clips, but never Steve's.

Oh wow, Steve's latest clip where he visited the Swedish Ice Hotel is so long but I sat mesmerised.  

After experiencing three days of 38/100 degrees, watching how to deal with extreme cold is very cooling. 


  1. YouTube is full of fascinating clips and interesting people.

    1. Indeed it is JB. I just love that aspect of it, and watching old music clips, even going back to a medley of 'Down at the old Bull and Bush' music.

  2. A shirtless male? I'll check it out.

    1. He is to think about before you sleep Kirk, or when you wake up. Other photos of him show him as a bit grippy around the middle, but there is something about him.

  3. Sure, it is the skill of renovating the pool that is drawing the crowd.

    1. Oh yes Roentare. That is what his audience is all about. Strangely he has a much higher viewer ship in the summer when he wears less.

  4. I was hooked on Steve’s video. Especially as there are so many similarities to where I am. He was staying in a Clarion hotel and so am I. He is travelling on a VY train which is the one I got from the airport into the city. The road crossings are just the same. There has been a lot of snow here over winter but not at the moment as it has all been cleared from the city. Thanks for sharing. By the way I haven't indulged in the herrings!

    1. That's amazing Marie. Do have a look at the Ice Hotel. It is amazing I simply can't imagine staying there in an ice room, sleeping on a deer skin. I think herrings rather make your kitchen stink, and perhaps your breath. Best avoided.

  5. My bro and SIL are You Tubers and my daughter and SIL are all about podcasts. The HH and I are still in the dark ages watching TV:)

    1. Sandra, I hope watch and listen to them. Feel free to promote them here in comments.

  6. I love watching Michael Portillo train trips on TV. His politics back in the day were horrible, but he is a great travel guide.

    1. Chancellor of Exchequer for a Tory Government, wasn't he Hels? Like you, I've enjoyed his travels. Bit over him now.

  7. I like the drain cleaning videos too and also the free yard cleaners, who transform an overgrown property for free. My younger brother is hooked on motorcycle world travelers.

    1. Strayer, I watched one free yard cleaning videos and that is nearly all I am flooded with them now on FB. One, clearing a public footpath, was interesting.

  8. Many people are huge fans of YouTube but I've never warmed to it much. I like a more "produced" TV show. I find a lot of YouTube "vloggers" need an editor.

    1. Steve, there are a few low quality YouTubersI watch who need editors, but generally the ones I watch don't. They are real, and present in an entertaining and personal manner. If I fast forward, they are perhaps getting it wrong.

  9. YT has something for everyone.

  10. Well today I have paid Patreon for my favourite YT video. It is about quilting and has over the years it has been out, the videoing has improved. Why pay? if people put a lot of effort (without sitting on a train lazily videoing the landscape) I think it is good to acknowledge what they are doing.

    1. Thelma, I am sure when YouTubers go back to the early clips, they aren't too pleased with them but for most it has been a learning experience and they get better and better. I have paid one YouTuber and I do now to a couple of very professional blog writers.

  11. I watch only one of them - "Itchy Boots" which is a woman who has been traveling the world on her motorcycle all alone. She is in east Africa now and so interesting since she tends to like back roads ( if you can call them a road) and out of the way places.

    1. Pat, she sounds interesting, I swing between following too many YouTubers and then other times, I've watched all I've subscribed to, and that is dangerous as I begin to look at other channels.

  12. We never lack for interesting Youtube videos. :D Thanks for sharing your interests. Be well!

    1. Darla, I don't think we could ever run out nowadays.

  13. There's a very hot farrier on insta. Who would have thought?


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