Thursday, October 26, 2023

Just a day

I woke with no pain from yesterday's surgery.  After an hour of watching YouTube vids, I had to use R's bath and not my shower to keep bandages dry. I found the wrong plug and water was running out of the bath almost as quickly as it was filling. The whole bath thing went so wrong, and I have seven more days of not showering. Baths are for relaxing in, not for washing your body clean.

It was cold this Wednesday, a good opportunity for hot soup at the QV shopping centre, mine being potato, leek and bacon and R's being Moroccan spicy chicken. I was in such terrible pain and I am not sure if it was arthritis or my wounded neck that was the issue. I was almost ready to just go home. R went to Breadtop for a treat each and I sat on a chair with a back rest. I propped my hand under my chin to support my head and take pressure off my neck, and realised how tense my body was. I sat and consciously relaxed my body. Within three minutes I was close to stopping the pain. You have to work out ways to manage pain.

It was down to Soul Cafe for coffee then. R mentioned the handsome tall blond lad who was clearly new, and that he was very sullen. After a long wait, the manager brought out our coffee in take away cups. She knows us and mentioned the mistake of take away cups. R sent them back. A longer wait for coffee in china cups. 

The afternoon after my midday surgery I went across the road to the pharmacy for the prescribed antibiotics. It was closed. Closes at 2.30 Monday to Wednesday and not open Saturday or Sunday. Quite a few years ago I stopped using the place when I discovered the pharmacy price for my drugs was costing me $85 a month and the Chemist Warehouse cost was $35. I am happy to pay a bit more to local businesses, but not that much. So I went to the CW in the city and the antibiotics cost just over $6.

I spoke on the phone, my most hated communication instrument, to ABI Brother about him signing some paperwork for Mother's will. Also to the Alfred Hospital about next week's outpatient appointment and then called the Alfred again about its patient portal where you can see all your information and details.  I was advised to Google, Alfred patient portal and follow the links. If that is how it is done, why waste time with a phone number to call when a web address would have been fine. I get so exasperated at times.

I watched a few more YouTube clips, this time on the big screen. My medical file in the cabinet was becoming too thick. I reduced it to less than a quarter, filling an empty shredder bucket to over full and choking up he hand held vac with loose paper shreddings.   Any paperwork with our names, address and bank card numbers is shredded.

My afternoon sustenance was some left over roasties, potato, pumpkin and carrot. Later a couple of slices of toast. Then a couple of tiny tomatoes, a mandarin and the Breadtop egg custard tart. R brought home a tart each from Breadtop.

As I lay on my bed with my tablet at hand, I had a brief chat with my black gifted friend in New Orleans. (I know he is gifted and it was really him, because he told me the photo is really him) . He wants to do shocking things to me, but he amuses me and hangs on with the hope that I will set up a Western Union money transfer account.

I cleaned the spot on the balcony surface where the old barbeque large gas bottle sat, now replaced by a smaller one. 

At my suggestion R made cabonara pasta for dinner. Very nice. I am half paying attention to ABC tv as I type. I am also chatting to my newest FB friend, my step sister's husband. Bed soon and I will watch a a music video or two on my tablet. R will watch his wall mounted tv. 

There may be some dramatisation in this post.

Good night, good afternoon or good morning, wherever you are. 


  1. Hope the pain eases. You seem to have been quite active so soon after surgery.

    1. Marie, I was told to not exert myself. I seldom do so.

  2. A little TLC can make all the difference.

  3. The difference in price between the 'regular' pharmacies and Chemist's Warehouse is amazing isn't it?
    I hope that your arthritis behaves and that your neck gives you no more trouble. Yet again I get the failed to publish message. I am heading off to a different browser now.

    1. Generally it is EC, quite amazing but I have found a couple of non drug related things cheaper at a regular chemist.

  4. Be well.
    Surgery sucks, doesn't it and taking endless different tablets every day afterwards continues the awful process. However you did the right thing.
    I'd never heard of Chemist Warehouse prices till my surgery either. Just as well! Re-mortgaging the house to pay for medicine would have been insane.

    1. Hels, fortunately drug prices at chemists and CW are similar once you have that magic pension card.

  5. You should have some opioid pain relief after the surgery. It is just too cruel that the opioid blame culture is becoming too ridiculous. The meals you had are so great. I am keeping one meal a day regime now.

    1. The hospital gave me a script for oxycodone but I am reluctant to use it. I had it last year after tooth removal and I think it made me sick.

    2. Did you take it on an empty stomach? Bad boy. Always eat something first even half a sandwich or a milkshake if the mouth is sore after dental work. Then the strong painkiller right away so it digests with the food.

    3. River, I think that is what I did do. There wasn't a warning on the box but instinct tells me not not to take drugs on an empty stomach unless otherwise specified.

  6. Fortunately these days will be over before you know it and you'll be back in the shower again. Recovery can be a drag! Hey, can we have a picture of the tall blond lad in the coffee shop? Tell him he owes you for giving you coffee in the wrong cups. :)

    1. Steve, my neck will be filthy by then as will be my hair. If the blond lad continues to work there, I will try to snap him.

  7. Hope you are soon completely healed. It's so wrong, the prices that are charged for drugs. Glad you found something reasonable.

    1. Sandra, yes, but a whole different kettle of fish to what you pay.

  8. No wonder your body was so tense. You would have been unconsciously holding your neck stiff and still to avoid damage and pain.
    I get friends requests from people like your friend in New Orleans - only mine are white, widowed generals from the US military.
    As for the surgical pain - are you taking neurofen and panadol? They can be taken together and work on different pain pathways. Or you can take the oxycodone and an anti nausea medication as well.
    Heal fast, my friend.

    1. Merlot, at least yesterday I learnt how to relax my body.
      OMG, you get offers from widowed US generals. They will have excellent retirement money. Go for it girlfriend.
      I've been taking Panadol. I didn't know about the difference by using Neurofen too. I remember after my tooth extraction last year taking oxycodone and I took it and it did not agree with me. There was also a script for anti nausea, but I never took it. I think I am healing ok, doing what I am told.

  9. That is very interesting about being able to 'think away' your pain by consciously relaxing.

    I was thinking that your surgery was today, not yesterday. If I get any more addlepated, they're going to stick me in a group home.

    1. Debby, the thinking away did work. Time zones can be very confusing.

  10. Could it be that the tall blond hottie's sullen demeanour was because he is resolved to be aggrieved by appreciative glances from elderly gay men? Just a thort.

    1. No MC. He was new to the job. He was quite nice when he brought the old queens coffee in proper porcelain cups. His manager must have told him to be nice to regular customers. I hadn't seen him until then, and he skilfully ignored my old lecherous queen staring.

  11. Evening Andrew. Hope you are feeling improved today and in not too much pain either it be the back or wound.
    Seems you have your black fellow worked out - no money comes forth I guess.
    I couldn't get out of a bath even aided. We can take the shower head off and put in all over us if needed, seems you have fixed one!.
    Look after yourself..and by the way that chemist opposite the hospital is way to expensive.

    1. Margaret, I think the wound is pretty good but maybe it affected the way I slept and so aggravated normal arthritic pain. Our showers tilt up and down and swing side to side but I know just from splashing the wound will become wet.

  12. Tension is often a cause of pain and consciously relaxing the body is the best thing. Why did you wait until the next day to get and start the antibiotics? You could have asked R to get them for you as soons as you got home.

    1. River, it was late afternoon when I went to the chemist over the road. I didn't expect it to be closed. I could have gone myself or asked R but there I, being a doctor of course, thought it wouldn't matter.

  13. I laughed about your gifted black friend. You've given him false hope, naughty!
    I hope you're feeling more comfortable now - one day at a time.

    1. JB, I reckon he would put anyone's back out. A lot better the second morning after, thanks.

  14. I find it so hard to relax my body so am with you on that front. I do hope the pain eases, it fills the head and dominates the thinking.

    1. WWW, I'm coming to realise a relaxed body is not my natural state and it should be. Thanks.

  15. It's surprising that gay gentlemen are still partial to tarts every so often. Sorry to hear about this episode of physical discomfort Andrew. When people are experiencing pain, it can be hard to think about anything else.

    1. YP, I feed the lines well. You are correct about pain and the brain.

  16. Would anything really shock you after all these years?

  17. Good on you for figuring out to relax your body to ratchet down the pain.

    1. I kind of knew to sit, Sandra but actually deliberately actually relaxing your body takes it to another level.

  18. You had a busy day despite the pain.


Just not quite enough

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