Friday, August 11, 2023

Bye Mum

Our much loved mother of four, grandmother to four and great grandmother to eight died yesterday, Thursday morning. I become teary at times through the day but so far I haven't cracked completely. A visit by the Scottish doctor probably ensured that last night after a very emotional day I perhaps did end up sobbing. It is part of my grieving process and I do have form for the same.

So, a bit busy. Catch you all soon.


  1. Oh, Andrew, I am so sorry! No harm in shedding a few tears!

  2. Oh Andrew. I am so very sorry. Cry as much as you need.

  3. So sorry to hear the bad news. Take care of yourself at this sorrowful time. Thinking of you.

  4. A sad time, even though we know these things will happen one day.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss Andrew. Although expected it is still a shock. It will take time to process what has happened and no doubt you will be tearful when you least expect it. Look after yourself.

  6. My condolences. Grieving is such an inevitable experience in life.

  7. So sorry for your loss Andrew. From what you have told us over the years she was a special lady. Love to you and all your family.

  8. My condolences Andrew. There would be something amiss if you did not cry. Take all the time you need.

  9. Sincere condolences Andrew and please cry all that you need to without self-reproach. Once that woman meant the world to you.

  10. Stalker

  11. A time for mixed emotions and the Scottish doctor. Thinking of you.

  12. So sorry Andrew. Go ahead and do your grieving, this is not the time to be stoic. We're here for you.

  13. Sending you hugs, Andrew. Loss is never easy, and tears are not something to avoid. Wishing you strength and peace as you grieve.

  14. Those last visits with carefully chosen little gifts must be a wonderful way to remember her last days.
    Cry if it helps! Rage or write or take long walks. Take care of you ❤️

  15. Sincere condolences Andrew!

  16. You have known about your mum's condition for ages, at least sharing with your blogging friends. This was a very important part of the preparatory process, and although it doesn't make death any easier, it does make the mourning task more tolerable.

    I wish you and R good health and peace.

  17. Sorry to read the sad news Andrew. May your dear Mother RIP.
    So sorry for your loss. Hugs xoxoxoxox

  18. Very sorry for your loss, Andrew.

  19. Condolences, take care of yourself, take your time.

  20. So sorry, Andrew. Wishing you peace.

  21. Sincere condolences. Be kind to yourself.

  22. I"m sorry, Andrew. I so much loved your stories about interactions with her. What a character! Love you and R and your family, just from reading your blog. Don't know what to say, really.

  23. I'm so sorry, Andrew. As you know, I'm right there with you on this.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I'm sorry for your loss. May your hearts heal via fond memories.

  26. Wishing you and your family and friends all the best.

  27. All comes to pass though when it happens we are rarely ready. Hope you and family are ok. Ian xx

  28. I'm sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter how old or how sick someone was, it still hurts so much.

  29. So terribly sorry Andrew, an enormous loss. When my father died (my mother had predeceased him at a much younger age) I was comforted by the old Irish phrase used when the last parent dies "The roof is now off your life." No truer words, so many layers to it. But a huge freedom too from the worry and anxiety.
    Big hug.

  30. Andrew I am so sorry for you, now we are more or less sitting in the same boat with our grief. It doesn't matter which beloved person it was love has no limits. You will always miss her at your family meetings, and sometimes maybe ask for an advice, not realizing that she is not there anymore. Last year I felt much better than this year, I even started to talk to him. Let your tears out, everybody has another manner to grief. I couldn't cry, I was like dried out. And now from time to time when I think of something, I feel a knot in my throat and let it go. You are in some way lucky, you loved your mother dearly. My parents when they died I didn't miss them it was just the opposite, I was relieved and had to play the grieving daughter awful ! Fortunately I had Rick who didn't like my parents and they didn't like him neither, so the problem was solved, we could be honest to each other and nag about them !

  31. Sorry for this much belated sorry for your loss Andrew. - Snoskred


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