Sunday, March 19, 2023

I've not returned

Well, not officially returned. I've enjoyed the blog break while we were away. I still read blogs but didn't comment, I didn't post and so had nothing to reply to.

A nice thing happened today. The intercom rang and a woman in a large pink straw hat, of the sort Mother wears, that hid her face asked if an R lived here. I replied yes, and she said that there are flowers in the mail room for R and had been there since yesterday, that's Friday and it was now Saturday early afternoon. That was nice of her. I have no idea who she is. 

R went down and collected the flowers and I guess the same woman who called had put the flowers in a small bucket of water. Isn't that such a nice thing to do for someone you don't know. 

The flowers are from R's sisters for his forthcoming birthday. You simply cannot imagine the anger I feel that the 28 year old I hooked up with when I was 22 is about to turn 74. He never told me that would happen. Not a warning at all. Thankfully he can still manage to cook, iron and clean for me.

R wrote 'Thank you' on note paper and returned to the mail room and stuck it on the bucket.

The flowers are nice and will open up more in a day or so.  


  1. What a lovely gesture - and a very Happy Birthday to R. Glad you enjoyed your blog break.

  2. That is so kind. :) And I know what you mean about aging. My husband was 28 when I met him at the tender age of 20. That was in 1989. There is nothing much better than having good neighbors.

    1. Darla, such age differences are not unusual in partnerships. It does become relevant at different times in life.

  3. I love receiving flowers, particularly chrysanthemums, carnations and hydrangeas which look fresh in a vase for longer.
    Giving flowers is also a very pleasant experience.

    1. Hels, I would love a large bunch of hydrangeas but alas with a birthday in October, it is unlikely. Keeping the money flowing between England and Australia, it was R's sister's birthday yesterday, and so we sent her flowers.

  4. That is a sweet story. Nice people still exist.

    1. Pat, thankfully they are more common than not so nice people.

  5. R is but a few months older than Himself. Who said they could get old? You and I, however, are still mere spring chickens.

    1. Caro, of course we have maintained our youthfulness. I just wish my body and mirror didn't tell me otherwise.

  6. Those flowers are pretty.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora, a bit of Australia mixed with some exotic. Nice.

  7. Beautiful flowers. Anger? Why anger? You yourself are now considerable older that when you and R first met, you can't possibly be angry at him for aging. Be glad he is still with you.

    1. Don't worry River. He has made it perfectly clear that I am not the smooth skinned and skinny young man he once desired. We are friends and we are there for each other.

  8. How lovely of the lady to put the flowers in water and they do look nice.
    Yes, time does fly by quickly when we become of age. You both have been together for a long time, that is wonderful.

    1. Margaret, been together for a long time through thick and thin and still thick and thin happens.

  9. I agree that it was pretty selfish of "R" not to warn you that one day he would be 74 years old. I have a suitable birthday gift idea to share with you - a stout walking stick! All 74 year olds need walking sticks to reduce falls.

    1. YP, a walking stick he could use against me as a weapon? I don't think so. I was thinking more along the lines of a bottle of Drambuie or Glayva. Pacify the beast.

  10. Well at least he's still useful around the house. Happy Birthday R! And many more! To both of you!

  11. How sweet. Getting old, probably beats dying young.

    1. Yep TP. Getting old is preferable to not getting old.

  12. Replies
    1. We were rather surprised Rachel, but we shouldn't be I suppose. People are generally nice.

  13. It is the small kindnesses that make life sweet isn't it? You make me laugh, Andrew. The next time that you enter a relationship with a 28 year old, you need to have him sign an agreement that he will never turn 74. Lesson learned, right?

    1. Debby, a 28 year old would be rather nice to have now.

    2. Well, make sure he signs the agreement lest you wind up with another 74 year old to deal with!

  14. Ha, ha! When P turned 70 I suddenly realised that I was married to an old man.

    1. JayCee, no matter the age, enjoy what you have now. As I found out today from a neighbour about her young brother, it can all just go so terribly wrong so quickly.

  15. Wow! Great flowers and how nice of your neighbor to let you know they were there. Age is funny, how it sneaks up on all of us.

  16. The Stalker
    Andrew Happy Birthday to.R.. my partner is 15 years younger than me…When she was born I was already in High School.and we Have been together 30 years and married for 5 she me declares she loves me more than ever… and I do her.. R obviously has your heart and you his.

    1. That's quite a difference Stalker. Does it show sometimes? Like with music or ???

    2. No… jazz, social justice, gardening, food ,both teachers… thats how we met, humour, doggies just everything, we simply adjust to each others quirks and idiosyncrasies . she is a young thing in an old girls mind set and I am an old girl with a touch of silly modern . I think she has a better brain than I have as well as the fact she, like R is a fantastic chef, but I have better organisational and lateral thinking skills … of course women and men also,I think, have different intimacy needs as well .

  17. It restores your faith in human nature when something like that happens. Happy Birthday R x

    1. It does Marie. Although R did leave a note, I wish I knew who it was to thank her personally.

  18. No flower lover would be able to leave them to wilt and that worked well for you :)
    You must have experienced a lot in your years together

    1. Kylie, yes we have experienced a lot. The good, the bad and the ugly but (insert violin music) we love each other.

  19. It's the unexpected kindnesses of people that touch us. As for ageing, well, none of us thought that would happen, but young and lovely can become old(er) and lovely.

    1. Jabblog, we may think we are still lovely but the mirror tells me otherwise. Really, I don't care. Health is more important.

  20. I agree, this wasn't what I signed up for! John will be 77 next week!!

    1. I didn't realise he is that old Jackie. He is doing well then.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...