Sunday, January 15, 2023

Ian Potter Gallery

I like the Ian Potter gallery at Federation Square. There is always something new to see. Before I entered I snapped the Forum Theatre. Subtle architecture it ain't. 

Into the gallery now. Stained lead light from the demolished Cliveden mansion in East Melbourne, made by Whitefriars Glass Works, London. 

Chinoiseries by Max Meldrum, Australia, 1928.

Shoalhaven Gorge, NSW by Margaret Preston, 1940. I love it.

The Bar, Melbourne, John Brack, 1954. Both this and the following painting are many people's favourite Melbourne art.

Collins Street, 5 p.m., Melbourne, John Brack, 1955, 

A rather ingenious supplementary heating and cooling system with air coming up through floor vents. It was a nice warm place to stand on a cold day as I checked for the many important emails I receive daily 🙄.

The Bridge in a Curve, Sydney, Grace Cossington Smith, 1930.

Similar aren't they but different artists. The bridge under construction, Sydney, Roland Wakelin, 1929.


  1. That does look like a gallery worth lots of visits. I really like the Margaret Preston work, but then I don't think I have seen anything of hers I didn't like.

  2. It's surprising that you avoided the film memorabilia, costumes, stage props etc. that are no doubt displayed elsewhere in The Harry Potter Gallery.

  3. I like the paintings about Melbourne people in streets. Most Australian paintings are of rural bush with some cows or cattles in it. They are often lacking lustre.

  4. I love The Bar, all that character. I am quite partial to a beautiful stained glass window too and that one is lovely. I think I would enjoy a visit there.

  5. Chinoiseries by Max Meldrum still looks excellent 100 years later, as do The Bar and Collins St.
    I am less impressed with the two Sydney Harbour Bridge paintings.

  6. Once again you prompt me to take a trip into town but buses have replaced trains on the Frankston line again.

  7. I could spend quite a bit in place like that.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. The only thing I like here is the stained glass window, but I don't like it enough to look at it for long.

  9. Love that 1955 painting with the faces, it speaks to me on many levels.
    Finally getting caught up with you!


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...