Saturday, October 15, 2022

I am close to being old

It was my birthday. I became the age where I should receive an old age pension, except I won't. I missed out by a number of months and I have to wait until I am 67. Won't I be dead by then? That is the government's cunning plan. 

It was a nice enough birthday. R had an early medical appointment and was home by 9.30. We shopped for my favourite John West small tins of chilli tuna, but people are bulk buying at half price and two supermarkets had none. We bought some Steelo steel wool pads, increasingly hard to get. 

I was quite overwhelmed by all the niceness from friends and family on FB for my birthday.

We ate salad rolls in Prahran Square with take away coffee. Smoked cod was also bought to make kedgeree next week, along with a loaf of bakery freshly sliced bread. 

I visited Caulfield for coffee, travelling on our very nice new trains.  Note folks, the door open buttons are touch buttons, not hard press buttons. 

A new building on the southern side of the train line at Caulfield has a Coles supermarket.

R took me out, well across the road, for a nice dinner. We will see Mother tomorrow for a birthday lunch, and listen to the endless details of her medical problems while trying to divert her to other subjects, like her children, grand children and great grand children. 

Sister and Bone Doctor are seeing a performance this Saturday night in town and we will have the company of Jo, who we will take out for dinner.

Sunday an evening pub meal with Brighton Antique Dealer and her toyboy, along with our Hairdresser Friend. 

Way too busy. 

I'll leave you with a Dad Joke I saw on tv today. R did not find it amusing but I did. What did the fish say when it swam into a concrete wall? Dam. 


  1. Happy belated birthday. I am glad that you were suitably impressed by family and FB friends appreciation and am confident you will receive more of it here.
    Have a wonderful birthday lunch tomorrow, distracting mama and enjoy your time with Jo.

    1. Thanks EC. Jo's company this evening was a bit of a highlight.

  2. Happy birthday to you, first time comment. Was talking to a lady at the gym yesterday, she told me when her 93 year old dad and mates meet up, they are given a total of five minutes to talk about their ailments. My 91 year old mum sounds exactly like yours. Marie, Cheltenham

    1. Marie, thanks for the comment. It is a good thing to put the limit on medical woes discussion. It can be hard to be positive about very old parents but memories help.

  3. Happy Birthday, Andrew. You are a year younger than I am - I get the pension next March when I am 66 and a half.
    Enjoy your various outings. Tell mother it's YOUR birthday lunch and you will decide the topics of conversation. And then listen to her talk about her ailments anyway because, you know, old ...

    1. Thanks Caro. Your cunning plan with Mother was an absolute fail. You are right on the cusp of women's pension rise. I expect if you were one year younger, you would have to wait until 67. Would you trade that?

    2. The sooner I can stop dealing with centrelink and jobseeker the happier I will be so I would even be 6 months older cos then I would have qualified. Thank you Mr Centrelink for helping me wish my life away.

  4. R has probably got a more sophisticated sense of humour with his roots being back here in Merrie Olde Englande. Belated birthday greetings Andrew. I wish I could restore your old blog as a birthday gift.

    1. YP, he laughs more readily than I do, if that proves your point. I am moving on, albeit very slowly.

  5. Happy Birthday for the other day Andrew
    Lucky you - I just entered another age grouping and am now considered (quite) elderly! Try getting travel insurance at 80…….not happy Jan!
    Birthdays to me have always been ‘just another day’. (All being well) They are going to happen whether you like it or not but big birthday bashes are not my cup of tea.

    1. Thanks Cathy. We've used the travel insurance that comes with our bank cards. I've looked carefully at the policy but I know we need to get a cover where the take the personal into account. A late friend had the same problem when he turned 80 and had a heart restart device inserted. I too am past big birthday bashes.

  6. Old (or demented) is when you go to the fridge to take something out, and by the time you open the fridge door, you have forgotten what you needed 40 seconds ago. Old is when you have to move your bed downstairs because climbing the stairs is impossible. Old is when you really hope Ron Barassi plays well next Saturday.

    Relax! Don't run around so much! Have a nice birthday wine in front of the tv :)

    1. Hels, I can tick the first one. Our place is well set up without stairs inside or out. Lol at Barassi playing. I'll another, seeing football players of my younger years now having sons playing the game.

  7. A belated happy birthday. Hang in there. You deserve that pension.

    1. Thank you Kirk. I deserve that pension now, but I am not in poverty.

  8. Happy belayed birthday ! You think you are old ??? you are kidding you are a young man. Old means not the numbers in your passport but how you feel in your head ! What should I say then, that I am an antique ? I go towards my 80 next July, but my son and wife accused me to be "childish" I thought better childish then an old youngster. Of course for the moment I still have to digest Rick's death, but life continues !

    1. Thanks Gattina. We could criticise our Mother to her face but why would we be so hurtful? We firmly advise her at times, but she is her own person and does what she wants.

  9. Well. Welcome to you new blog! It is by sheer dumb luck that I was missing you and wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, that I realized you were gone! Glad I have found you again!

    1. I am pleased too Maribeth. I have missed you and wondered if I had offended you.

  10. It seems so crazy that tuna would be hard to get in a shop. Another sign that the world is falling apart. Happy birthday anyway!

    1. Chilli tuna is always in high demand here Steve. Not the sweet chilli, just the chilli and I like it too. Thanks.

  11. Happy belated birthday Andrew, so glad you are back on line and I learn from you about letting stuff go and pulling oneself up out of the pit of despair. Well done you at 67 - you are still a young buck compared to this old crone.
    Sounds like a lovely time you had!!

    1. Thanks M. Apologies for the liberty of your initial but I saw your name on your blog and I think it is nicer way to address you. Yes, it has been quite a nice and generally last minute arrangement birthday. Ray has had three nights off cooking, which he has enjoyed but I am not enjoying no left overs in the fridge.

  12. Happy Birthday to you. Growing old isn't that fun though. Denial is a great tool.

    1. Strayer, denial is good, but sadly facts do interfere.

  13. I like the dad joke. Woot on getting your blog up and running. Glad you had a good birthday and mega apologies for letting it slip through the cracks. I put a belated Happy Birthday on the blog. You wear it well:)

    1. Sandra, better that you put your energies into your life than remembering my birthday, but thanks.

  14. Happy Birthday. I give you another dad joke. (You could start a collection.) What do you call a line of men waiting for hair cuts? A barberqueue.

    1. Thank you Debbie, and that qualifies as a dad joke very well. Groan.

  15. Happy belated Birthday. I wondered where you had disappeared to. But Elephant child let me know and gave me this link. Can't believe what happened to your blog. You are still young so enjoy it. Yes us oldies do tend to dwell on ailments. We have a village full of them. I will try to be mindful and keep mine to myself. Enjoy your dinners.

    1. Thanks Diane. If I am still young, what is it like to be really old? I am scared. Your Mama San should put up a public notice, 'When chatting with neighbours, limit discussion of your medical problems to five minutes'.

  16. lol to the joke.
    Happy Birthday Andrew, hope it was or will be great one. Busy bee you are so enjoy your time.

    1. Thanks Margaret. You are as sweet as always.

  17. LOL dad jokes are my favorite. Busy can be good. Happy belated birthday to you!

  18. Happy Birthday!! You are younger than me! It's all about attitude. Don't start thinking old!!!

    1. Jackie, I try not to think old, but one can't deny the obvious evidence.

  19. That joke is funny :) I had to wait until 67 for the age pension too which annoyed me, but I managed okay on the part pension I was getting.
    I buy the Sirena brand of chilli tuna, you could try that if there is no John West available.
    It was very nice of R to take you out to dinner.

    1. River, I don't think I've tried Serena. I will.

  20. Happy Birthday you young whippersnapper!

  21. All these comments and your replies made me giggle. Well... mostly. Heh... Getting old is not for the faint of heart. ~nods~ And having dealt with aging parents left me with literal nightmares. Happy Birthday all the same! I'm glad you're still blogging.


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