Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Balcony door update

R proclaimed, 'Why am I living in this hell hole'. He was so stressed he took to his bed. While the tradespeople were here, and I dealt with them and I made all the phone calls while he hid in his bedroom sleeping and watching tv.

I fudged it on the question of where is your wife. I said at work. It seemed the easiest thing to do. But a lesson learnt. R must be here at home with his presence when tradies are here. He can't hide away during the process and then have a hissy fit later because of ...nothing. 

But the balcony door glass replacement was a nightmare. I wonder if we should have employed a local glazier rather than the national one with an Irish name. 

Wednesday between 12 and 4 the glazier, a couple of hours late but he let us know, turned up with glass way to thin for our balcony door and luckily had measured wrongly and the glass was too small so when he returned the next morning with the correct glass, it was thicker but not as thick as the original which was perhaps too thick and weighty for a balcony door.

It became very clear to us that when we had the door rollers replaced a few weeks before, the installed had drilled screws into the glass and broke it, but not immediately. 

Keep in mind every time trades people come and go, I have to go down to the car park to let them in and out. I spent a lot of time on the phone pressing phone menu buttons.

I had the door roller replacement at least refund the cost of their work, $300. The company did not argue as I pointed out how much its damage was costing us.

The window tinting on one of my bedroom windows is breaking down, I expect because SOMEONE used Windex containing ammonia on the window, so that has to be replaced along with tinting the new glass in the balcony door glass. Without the tinting, there is so much glaring light. 

Ten years ago it cost $1200 to tint four average sized windows and six floor to ceiling living room windows. The quoted cost for the two aforementioned windows was around $900. I argued back and the price was reduced by $100, still a lot of money but apparently our old tinting is low quality and the replacement won't be. 

It has been a nightmare in one way, more because of R's stress levels than me handling the whole thing while he stayed away.

Yesterday, Tuesday the almost final appointment was made via phone sms. How great. It gave us time to think before responding. We have nothing on next week except for something Monday morning and that was the suggested time for the tinting. We thought about ways to deal with and concluded no. The time will have to change, as I replied with a text. How about early Friday afternoon then? Fab. Agreed.

Truly though, the door roller company should have born nearly the whole cost. Look at what the most nice and friendly tradesperson did. Drove four screws into the balcony door glass. Maybe I got it all so wrong and should have just handed it over to our home contents insurance, except I am sure it wouldn't be covered. 



  1. Sigh. I hear you. Dealing with tradies is almost always my job. Which does my head in and does nothing for smooth relationships. And yes, it does sound as if the door rollers should have carried the cost but...

    1. EC, right or wrong I thought I went for the easiest path. It may not have been. No matter about the specific but R's mental state has scared me about doing other maintenance works here

  2. The Stalker here.

    I am so over ‘where is your husband ‘ My response is the only man in the house is Wolf….have just had major renos done, the trades blokes have been terrific …. Give them morning tea and a hullo from from the doggies and we are mates! I get so irritated if the job is not as it should be but do find that with my trademark complaint system.. no payment until I am satisfied, the work is done to our standard.

    My view though is that it’s easier for ss women to navigate the world . Good wishes

    1. I'll call you Stalker then. Yours is a great reply to tradies. It says something but still leaves them guessing. If they want to know more, they have to get very personal, which they won't. You may well be right about female SS couples. The tradies we have had over the years have improved immensely in their service levels compared to the past.

  3. Tradie also charges according to the perceived gullibility of clients they deal with. Everything is so costly and taking forever to get done these days

    1. Roentare, indeed they do and I think they may add something like 10 to 20 percent to owners of a high rise apartment. While we are not gullible, we have to pay what we have to pay.

  4. Everyone has a panicky area in their life that they would rather sleep through. So I hear you, R! For me it is anything my accountant needs to have from me (information on tax, banking details, shares etc). After 3 years of my ineptitude, the spousal unit is taking over.

    1. Hels, if the spousal unit (haha) can do it better, leave it for him and you focus on what you do well.

  5. I wonder if your insurer would have claimed against the installer. Sort of like vehicular insurance.
    Next time you get trades in give R a nice lace hanky and a bottle of smelling salts.

    1. Caro, we may have made a mistake by not going through our contents insurance but by past performance, it made things all the worse stress wise.

  6. Remodeling and replacing is always stressful isn't it? And yes, that's my job too.

    1. Sandra, well done you for dealing with such matters. None of us experts at it.

  7. Poor R. How lucky is to have you.

    1. Debby, of course he is so lucky to have me, but don't ask him.

  8. I always had to deal with stuff like that so I feel your pain. "Whatever you decide" "You're better at this than I am" etc. etc.It's a huge burden.
    And yes the roller guys should have paid all of it.

    1. M, the trouble was could not confirm the damage until the window was removed by the glazier, who obviously we had already employed. We did our best at the time and we will never know if we got it right. What a pity it took three weeks for the glass to crack and it did not immediately.

  9. What a nightmare and R's stress on top of it all. Almost makes me glad I live in this tiny little box with HousingSA to manage any repairs. The roller guy should have known to remove the glass before installing rollers. I think that's how it's done.

    1. River, removing the glass would have been a huge job. He should have used shorter screws as far as I can see it. Yes, it would be nice to not have responsibility of such matters.

  10. Sounds like a right proper mess and no you shouldn't have to pay for the news door/window as far as I'm concerned as you didn't break it.

    1. Margaret, the odd thing is that had we broken the glass, the building's insurance would have covered it.

  11. What a mess you poor guys. I think I would have claimed on insurance.

    1. We probably should have at least used our insurance company to deal with it Diane, but we didn't and I don't know if things would have been better.

  12. Oh, brother. What a nightmare! Hopefully it's all almost sorted out.

    1. Almost there Steve. Two more tradie visits to go.

  13. Wow, the roller people really did a number on your glass. In the summer, the sun comes up directly east and blasts in through the large front window. I finally got some of the tint that comes in rolls years ago, but its not helped a great deal. What kind of tinting do you have put on your windows?

    1. Strayer, ours helps immensely but maybe what is put on by professionals is superior to what you would buy in a roll. We close one blind to stop the morning sun, the tinting being more to stop glare.

  14. Always stressful to get something remodeled or repaired or replaced in a home, no matter what. Screwing into glass is a completely different thing - wow, they sure "knew" what they were doing. Why would they even ask where the wife/husband is? Is it any of their business? I usually leave all this to my husband, he is much more diplomatic than I am and he does a lot of research. Which results in our glass door having had a crack for ages now and nothing is being done about it. On the other hand, re-roofing and installing solar panels went without a single hitch.
    I came here through Elephant's Child's blog and I guess this wasn't the last time. I like what you wrote about the upcoming new British prime minister - how can he even relate to the problems of many British people?

    1. Carola, he was very friendly and chatty, and just curious I suppose. Your husband sounds similar to me. I can over research things too. Re-roofing is and solar panels must have been a big job. I'm pleased it went smoothly. Thanks for the comment.

  15. What an ordeal. I know what you mean about just paying for something versus a long struggle. Best wishes!

    1. Darla, some can't afford to do that but while we don't waste money, it seems the price is less than the hassle.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...