Old High Riser Blog

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The oven is preset

This is the best I can do after five hours of looking after a pair of 13 month old twin boys. They were delightful and even the grumpy great uncle did not bring them to tears, although every time they did something 'doubtful', they turned around to see if grumpy great uncle was watching. One twin walks, the other is a bit slower. I actually gave one a nurse on my knee and a cuddle, but he wriggled so much I put him back on the floor. Erk, children.

I charmed their three year old sister with a small Easter bunny chocolate, once before they went off to the chicks soccer/football match and another when they returned. 

Some stupid old prick who I may live with gave them a lamington to share. Chocolate was embedded into the carpet. There is't a right mouse click to remove embedded chocolate. Our windows are sticky with handprints but if take my glasses off I can't see them.

We took them out in their two tiered pram to learn how to be chardonnay sipping inner city cafe latte drinkers. Well, across the road to the local cafe where we had coffee and they had nothing. Pushing the pram was terrible. Any footpath camber, the pram had to be fought against to keep it straight and was just so heavy.

R hasn't said that is the last time we do that, and that is not too bad. They are just gorgeous young boys and perhaps have cooking ambitions. 

Or food ambitions. 


  1. Awww.. those two look perfectly scrumptious.
    Did they both fit in the oven together and did they need much basting?

    1. Nice work JayCee. The one who looks like his sister fitted in the oven but the boof head who takes after his father did not.

  2. Loving JayCee's comment.
    And chocolate is a beast to get out.
    They are beautiful boys.

    1. EC, it wasn't hard to get them to smile. It was great.

  3. I thought it would be wonderful to have twins. The family would be complete with just one pregnancy, and each twin would always have wonderful company. But it must be more than doubly exhausting for the parents.

    1. Hels, well yes, but after you have planned your two children life together, after the first is born then twins are born makes a very different kettle of fish.

  4. I can't imagine you being grumpy.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Dora, I am not really grumpy but when I say no, I mean no, whatever your age.

  5. Your apartment has excellent view! The two boys do look like a nightmare.

    1. Thanks Roentare. I've taken some photos with my new phone that I think might be quite ok. I'll put them up soon. The boys were fine, really. Unlike their 16 year old aunty who we looked after at times at a similar age.

  6. They look adorable when they aren't moving, I'm guessing.

    1. Bob, yep. The walking one could get away quickly and found my en suite.

  7. Oh they're just too cute, Andrew. What I would like to see a photo of is of you two and then a twin dressed exactly as one of you. Two pair, one old one young of each. I can see it in my minds eye.

    1. Strayer, I would send you such a photo if I had it. R and I look nothing alike to dress the same.

  8. You took them out with bare feet in this weather? I think it's lovely you are getting to know each other. "my" twins have decided crawling is the fastest method, the first steps have been taken but crawling is preferred in the new house where they have learned to crawl up and down the four or five inch step from dining room to playroom. They do stand and an occasional step is taken, they also walk while pushing the toy trains around.

    1. River, one of us is responsible adult. We put their jumpers and socks on. I kept checking and they felt warm. I think it might only be a week between not walking and walking.

  9. They are just delightful. Lucky you.

    1. Lucky us Caro. R nearly fell asleep with one in his arms and I went into a coma state remembering how good it was to be so relaxed when stoned.

  10. They do looks cute, and lovely to read about what they did and how you coped. All children that come or have styed in our house are made to eat anything and drink anything on the tiles then there is no mess on other surfaces. Strict I am :) Andrew.

    1. Margaret, the the cleaning devices to use if you don't have a dog. You made me laugh.

  11. I admire your patience, toddlers are nothing for me anymore, I run away. Babies who mostly sleep, are OK, but I prefer children from 6 years old and love their conversations and at least you can do something with them.

    1. I agree Anon. Six year olds are good, until the 'why' questions start.

  12. Well done! Toddlers are exhausting but your boys are adorable. Buggies are a pain on uneven surfaces, causing shoulder strain and backache, double buggies even more so.

    1. JB, we used to push our niece around the streets here in her pram and I don't remember it being hard...but that was 16 years ago.

  13. LOL. Sounds like the good kind of exhaustion. Laughed out loud at the lamington. Perhaps uncle prick has learned a valuable life lesson.

    1. Debby, he should have learnt a lesson, but their mother with a wet tissue cleaned up the worst of it and a neighbour offered the use of a steam vacuum cleaner when I told about the stupid old bloke who I live with. But if not for him, the visit would not have happened.

    2. All's well that ends well, and the really are darlings.

  14. After five hours, I would need a week in bed to recover. I don't understand children.

    1. I am not sure we are meant to understand children TP, but they are fascinating to observe.

  15. This made me laugh, though I'm sorry about the stained carpet. A tiny throw rug covers my mildly inebriated sin with craft paint. lol What my husband doesn't know won't hurt him. Right? And I looked up lamington out of curiosity. This sounds delicious and would use up some coconut flakes I have going to waste, so thanks for that. Be well!

    1. Darla, there was a recent cartoon when a wife was not speaking to her husband. He confessed and said, 'You found out then about the paint stained carpet under the floor rug. I don't blame you for being angry'. 'What?', she said. Lamingtons are nice but the sponge cake must be very fresh.

  16. All I can say is, better you than me!

    1. R enjoyed himself Jackie. I am more of a spectator and picker upper.
