Old High Riser Blog

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Politics in the USA

Tv quiz game show questions asking for the answer of a country still go on with a continent or conglomeration of countries being an acceptable answer. America is not a country and nor is the UK or Britain a country. Yes, I know about common usage, I at times indulge in that myself, but that does not make the answer in a quiz correct.

Later edit: Apparently America is not the correct quiz answer if the country is Canada. Jesus FC. I am becoming a wee bit cross about this. The US is America but Canada is not.

Not sure why I had a little rant about that, somewhat off topic for what I was going to write. Once again I was annoyed at a tv quiz show for accepting a wrong answer. 

All is quiet on the Eastern Front, that is aside from the usual mass shootings and extreme poverty in a very rich country. Our London friend Marie recently visited St Louis and I found the sign in a photo in her post amazing. You can see it towards the end of this post. I would have thought the no smoking sign was somewhat superfluous but then more amazing was no weapons.

Jabblog touched a little on US politics in this post.  We don't see much of Biden in our media, or now American politics, so I assumed Biden was steering a steady and boring ship (cluster bombs aside), so different to the daily stories about the former President of the US. It seems Biden in just a bit too old to be acceptable to US voters, with his verbal and physical stumblings. Jesus, you should have been around to witness England's best known Prime Minister Winston Churchill, drunk as skunk every night. His retort to a heckler who accused him of being drunk was, 'Madam, I may well be drunk and you are ugly. But I will be sober in the morning'. It was something like that

So if Biden is not acceptable to the general US public at the next election, who can stop either conservative tossers Trumpet or DeSanitiser?

Apparently the current Vice President is not seen as presidential material. It seems Kamala Harris, partly black, attractive, female, well educated, clever and a smart political operator won't wash with US voters as a possible Democrat president. Go figure.

I think world wide we shake our heads, worry and are dismayed by US politics, including the stacked Supreme Court.   


  1. Agreed. And how I wish our politics didn't involve us being in lockstep with them so often.

    1. EC, then there is the business here about Yumi Stynes book. I didn't really know anything about her but I am quite impressed by what I have learnt.

    2. True. I am scared by the bits of US culture some are trying to import here.

  2. Beauracracy system is set up for convenience bullying and faction fighting.

    1. Roentare, I would like to think not, but I am sure you have plenty of bureaucracy experience.

  3. The Stalker
    Andrew, Let’s face it not all Democrats are so old….one of them needs to put their hands up. Senility on a public stage is a dreadful sight for a leader. The other option whose name I refuse to mention should be in prison….enough of politics .

    Saw Oppenheimer the other day… a must see… quite fancied Florence Pugh myself….As for the bloke who played Oppenheimer he was rather lush as well.
    Like all films that are based on historical fact ..it makes a great follow up research project for rainy days. An examination of hydrogen vs atomic bombs is interesting and it made me then check on hydrogen vs atomic energy. Completely different in terms of safety
    The devastating effects of all wars and weapon development and the cruelty of people who choose who the innocent victims will be Is beyond comprehension
    It’s a sunny morning in Adelaide. Peace to you and yours my fellow human being

    1. Stalker, I've not heard anyone actually say Biden is going senile, but maybe he is. I'd prefer a senile President who allows the cogs of government to keep turning than an interfering megalomaniac.

      Yours is the second blog post approving Oppenheimer I've read today. I will probably decide to see the film a day or so after it closes. You did go down a bit of a rabbit hole with your research.

      It is cold, grey and wet in Melbourne today. Hopefully your sunshine will have travelled east by tomorrow.

  4. It is a horrible thing to live in a country that has ceased to make sense to me.

    1. Debby, we had a vague taste of that with our last Prime Minister. But I can't believe how ordinary non extreme, non Trumpet believers cope with the chaos they read about and see on their screens, even if such things are not happening in their town.

  5. Ronald Reagan wasn't as old as Biden but he was a sports commentator and actor, not a thinker or analyst. His main contribution was almost destroying the world by pushing the Cold War up and up.

    1. Two terms was he Hels? His acting skills were good to be reelected. He was also responsible for Reaganomics which did the world no good at all.

  6. Glad to see your rant Andrew, I don't trust myself doing thesame as ALL of it enrages me and I can only assume, at times, that the IQ of the general population of the US is lower than the norm to even think the current top poller for the GOP nomination is a convicted criminal with more indictments rolling in and not be alarmed.
    All of my US friends are appalled at the trashing of their democracy and fully aware that fascism looms. The only reason he is running is so that he can pardon himself if elected. I believe the US governmental system is quite faulty and desperately needs being dragged into the 21st century.

    1. WWW, I know when we form a connection with other bloggers, they are often on a similar political wavelength to us. But I've never come across these extreme US people in my blog, and perhaps not in yours either.

  7. I hesitate to comment on the political situations in other countries when our own leaves much to me desired but I do wonder if Americans (not Canadians) know what they want themselves?

    1. I understand Caro, but so much of what happens in the US affects us, short and long term. I think many in the US are nostalgic for the 'good old days', a good bit of being very bad.

  8. Biden may be a little old but so is Trump and Biden has done a LOT of good in his few short years. It would be a crying shame to have all that undone by the republicans getting back in. I don't know what to say abut our own politics. It's all too confusing for me.

    1. River, it is hard for to know because there isn't the coverage of US politics that there once was, and that says something. But Biden and his government seem to done ok. For me our government is simple. Former PM Morrison bad, current PM Albanese good.

  9. I don't know why they the Americans have to have 'old' people putting up for President, surly there are younger males and females with money who could or would - makes me wonder what is stopping these younger ones.

    1. I don't know either Margaret. Perhaps it is the dominating nature of Trump with Biden being a safe don't rock the boat type. But things must change at the next election.

  10. It seems that politics is in a parlous state across the globe and frankly terrifying in some countries.

    1. Indeed JB. Our only consolation is that our time to experience bad governments is limited.

  11. Well, as an American, I guess the generalization drives me a bit crazy though I can understand it. We Americans disagree with each other about politics. If we didn't, there would be one major party instead of two (and in my opinion there's room for more.) SOME Americans are Trump supporters and SOME are not. The Electoral College also complicates matters but explaining THAT non-anachronistic anachronism would just bore you and take up too much space.

    1. Kirk, do you have an inkling as to whether Trump is re-electable? I have tried to understand Electoral College voting but it goes to the area of brain where I don't retain sporting rules.

    2. Trump is still the front--way, way front--runner for the Republican nomination. Whether he can go beyond that and win in a general election, I think the odds are against it, but so much of this depends on Biden staying in good shape.

    3. Well, you can't understand the electoral college without understanding 'gerrymandering'. (Run, Andrew. Run while you still can.) Ash Khare, our 'representative', is one of Trump's fake electors.

  12. Joe Biden has always stumbled for words, he has a stutter. It is going to be an interesting election. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed is likely to be in the midst of a criminal trial at the same time he is trying to be nominated. I agree that both parties could do better.

    1. TP, your name for #45 amuses me. Multiple criminal trials as he stands for President should surely mean he can't be elected...but!

  13. thecontemplativecat here. Wish there were an easy way to steer things in a good direction, but there really isn't . Sin and crimes too prevalent.

    1. TCC, much less crime and sin is probably what most people want, yet it doesn't happen.

  14. Travel is right on. Biden's word stumbling mostly can be attributed to the stutter he overcame but his mind may still stutter to spit out words. It's common for former stutterers. His "boring" presidency is really nice. The drama toddler's presidency was one not pleasant to endure and I would not wish that on my country ever again. He fights with everyone, holds grudges, tries to get even, claims a person as his friend, next minute is trashing that person and trying to ruin them. He has an attraction to dictators. Our violence problem here is unbelievable. I don't know what could fix the US.

    1. Strayer, I know the pain you and probably a good bit more than half of the US must feel.

  15. If America can elect Trump, they might as well put up Popeye the Sailorman as a presidential candidate. I am sure he would get in with policies like "Tinned spinach for all!" and "Say no to Bluto!" He would certainly be a wiser, more humble leader than Trump.

    1. I would hope Popeye was carefully advised by Olive Oyl. Let females rule the world. It can't be any worse.

  16. Damn, I saw something floating about this morning showing a map explaining North, South and Central America, must have been a result of a quiz show. I will search around and share it. Drives me nuts when Americans that that the US is America.

    1. Jackie, aside for perhaps some complications with islands, I would have thought the borders were quite straight forward. I am not surprised at your annoyance. I would be too.
