Old High Riser Blog

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Well well well

Somewhat edited but I felt the need to:

Here I am with a new blog as my old one has gone. I am not sure if I will attempt a reconstruction or renewal. At least by starting this I can visit your blogs and leave a comment. Please, no questions. It's all about Ts and Cs. 

Blog archived by Pandora at the State Library 2004 to March 2022.  


  1. Andrew, I won't ask questions (even though I'm dying to) but I will say I'm sorry this happened! I'm glad you're OK and still out there, though. I wasn't sure why you'd gone dark. Blogger may be able to restore your blog, or if you've backed it up I believe you can upload it to a new Blogger page and recreate the whole thing. But if not, there's nothing wrong with starting fresh.

    1. Steve, essentially my Google account was deleted. That includes Blogger, Gmail, YouTube and other stuff. There is no going back. But...thanks.

    2. I'm so sorry that happened. Holy cow! You'd think they'd give you some warning. But I guess we are all at the mercy of Big Tech.

  2. Good to see you picking yourself up and getting back on the horse Andrew. What a to do….hope your patience holds out until you find the reason for the disappearing act.

    1. Cathy, I appealed and was denied. Getting close to twenty years after I began my blog, it will be a bit of a challenge to make vaguely ok again. Maybe WordPress is the way to go. I am not sure.

    2. Cathy, I haven't commented on your blog with this new identity. How did you find me?

    3. Followed your lead/comment this evening on Caro’s (sparkling merlot) post.

  3. Like Steve I am dying to ask questions. I see you answered him but how was your Google account deleted? Anyway, again as Steve says, nothing wrong with starting again.

    1. Rachel, I breached Google Ts and Cs. I don't know how or why and Google won't tell me what I did wrong. I am trying to see it as a positive new beginning. Trying.

  4. What a blow, likely as not at the hand of an algorithm - and no means of obtaining an explanation from a person. I bet Google has still got it all there somewhere.

    1. Marcellous, I expect you are right but I would still like to know what I did wrong so at least I don't repeat it.

  5. No questions, but am glad to see you back. 20 years. That sucks.

  6. Wow. I was a bit worried when I saw your blog was missing, and your gmail came back with a reply that it doesn't exist.

    1. Nice that you were concerned James. Thank you.

  7. I'm glad you're ok. How concerning to not be told why.

    1. Caro, it is not an expression I like too much, but it what it is...now.

  8. I am so sorry this happened. Good on you for such an excellent attitude. You're a warrior.

  9. Hi Andrew, like James wrote: "I was a bit worried when I saw your blog was missing, and your gmail came back with a reply that it doesn't exist". I'm glad there is at least a connection now, good luck!

    1. Haha Jan, not as worried as I was when it disappeared. My email address is in my profile.

  10. Now he is also bombing blogs ? I didn't realize that you lost your blog, I hope not all is lost and that it is back uped somewhere. I had no problems to find you it was like always, so I was surprised that this is a new blog !

    1. Gattina, while archived, it is not backed up by me. How to do that?

  11. If it can happen to you it can happen to any of us which is very disconcerting. All that history, all that communication, all that effort, all that friendship, all that creativity. Gone in a flash by order of a judge who refuses to sum up the case. So cruel.

    1. Take a bow YP. Yours is the first comment on this new blog that went to spam. I am goned by an electronic bot I think. Yes, all that history, the blog mates, the real friends. C'est la vie. I have to forget and move on.

  12. Was worried about you. welcome back

  13. Oh no, Andrew, I didn't realize this happened to you. Nice to see you as elsewhere, but that is a lot of content to lose.

    1. Strayer, it is a lot to lose but nothing I can do about it.

  14. As long as you leave a comment on everyone's last post, it will direct your readers to your new URL.

    I doubt if Putin was involved. He has been busy elsewhere.

    1. Quite true about Putin, Hels. Yes, about comments but I can't seem to get my identity to show correctly.

  15. Well, I arrived at your new blog without even realizing you had a new blog. That's promising.

  16. How did I not find this until now? Glad to see you back in the blogosphere.

    1. EC, it will take time to rebuild and of course I pleased you found me.

  17. Oh dear me Andrew....what a shock 20 years lost! But of course you probably can remember most things.
    So pleased you commented on my blog as I was concerned as to what happened to you.
    Email returned but had an old email address so used that!
    So pleased and happy I have you back...👍

    1. Thanks Margaret. You could of course sent me text, lol.

    2. Do you know I never thought of that..lol. Just looked and found the number :)

  18. Hope your old blog is able to be recovered. Best of luck with the new blog Andrew :)

    1. Thank Sami. I am working on the new blog with thoughts.

  19. I was so worried about you, I also sent an email that bounced back. I went to WWWoman to see if she knew anything. She followed up with someone and let me know that you were okay!

    1. Jackie, I am so impressed by the concern. Thank you.

  20. I just googled and found :
    Back up your blog content
    Sign in to Blogger.
    At the top left, click the blog you want to back up.
    In the left menu, click Settings.
    Under "Manage blog," click Back up content. Download.

    Good to know, I will try to safe my Blog too, I am scared now with what happened to you !

    1. Thanks Gattina. I did not safeguard myself and the lack of back up was stupid of me.

  21. I've been worrying about you the last few days when all I could get when I clicked on my bookmark for you was "Andrew no longer exists" (may have lost something in the translation!) . . . I hope you can retrieve your blog. If that happened to me, my hair would stand on end, and stay that way, I'm sure of it.

    1. Thanks Jenny. Comparing my loss to what you went through makes my issue seem minor.

  22. EC kept me in the loop as to what was happening Andrew. Crazy policing or whatever. Good to see you back you were missed by your devoted fans.

    1. WWW, it would be nice to know why, but I know I won't now. I just have to move on. Everyone's kind words are so appreciated, including yours. Thank you.

  23. EC led me here and I'm glad you haven't disappeared forever.

    1. Thanks River. I would miss you terribly in the strange world of blog friends.

  24. Hi Andrew
    I am a stalker! Only because I came across your blog a few years ago and found it for the most part interesting and enjoyable . It also leads me to Going Gently and Sparkling Merlot which I also find interesting and enjoyable . Trains travel gardens and doggies So I also was unimpressed when the sudden disappearance occurred and hoped you were well and perhaps it was a tech glitch . About me, retired teacher ,married when the legislation passed, to my partner of 30 years The only man in our house is Wolfgang our long haired dachshund has just been joined by Agatha Blossomfeather .so glad you are well
    Good wishes

    1. What a nice comment from a stranger, Anon. But you have said for the most part you find my blog interesting. So of course I want to know what you don't find interesting. My sister married her wife the first time it was legal in Canberra, annulled by John Howard and then again when it became legal in Australia. I'm afraid the name Agatha Blossomfeather sounds like what a gay guy would name his dog. What is the short? Aggie? Bloss?

  25. Great to hear you are ok! It was a phenomenal archive to just get deleted. Some woke idiot at google probably took offense at 2 words, woke has about as much tolerance as fascism. Looking forward to reading again

    1. Yes, fine thanks Ian. It's been nice to hear from you after a while. I am getting over it and slowly getting a blog look back together. Trying to understand why it happened holds me back from moving on, so I am trying not to prematurely wake at 5am to mourn the loss. My written words are archived bar the last six months, along with comments and active links. I have the original photos, securely backed up. YouTube links at least have the proper names for the clips, so I can easily find them again. Again, thanks.

  26. How frustrating, at the very least. Be well!

    1. Well Darla, I am still here and looking forward (mostly).

  27. Hi Andrew I read your blog every day - and was really sad when I clicked one day to see it not there. I love reading your blog and would miss it! I was worried about why it disappeared - Googled but could not find it. Then I remembered a name from your blog - EC - so Googled that and found a reference to your new blog and here I am! Very happy to see you!
    Rob in Sydney
