Phyliss is not a person who keeps his opinions to himself. I am quite proud of my collection of old plastic supermarket bags that I still use. I think I have enough to see me out, and then there are some brown paper carry bags too. No further environmental impact by me.
"Andrewww, I bought you a bright and colourful shopping bag. I don't like those old supermarket ones you use." I used the bright and colourful shopping bag yesterday. It wasn't as practical as my old supermarket bags. Thanks Phyllis. I will continue using the bags I have.
"Andrew, the tissue boxes are boring. Coles has more colourful tissue boxes."
"Quite so Phyllis, but Aldi 3 ply tissue boxes are quiet and calming colours. If you want other more expensive tissues, you buy them, and given the number of tissues you use, you will be barely able to afford them. Be grateful that I pay for your tissues. It wasn't part of the deal."
"Andrewww, can you tell Kosov that he dresses so badly when he comes to meet me after I finish work". Phyllis did have a point. I told Kosov to dress better, and he did, in pale blue close fitting jeans, with a nice tee and his rough canvas looking jacket over the top. He really did look quite hot, as one might at the age of 21.
My old age care package roast lamb is ok, but a little boring. Phyllis deconstructed my meal, removed most of the gravy and added pepper gravy, spiced up the the vegetables and it was a whole lot nicer than it normally is.
Years ago Ray and I discussed over bench lighting when our kitchen was renovated. We asked our electrician about the cost of getting bench lighting, and decided no. Tech has moved on since then, so as a kind of toy for me and of benefit to Phyllis who is frequently in the kitchen, I bought a Mag Light from the inty netty thingie.
The lamp was substantially discounted and the website said a 40% discount would be applied at check out. It wasn't. I complained. The discount applied at the checkout was the discount that I saw for the price. I complained back that it was deceptive marketing, and the company again replied with such soothing words, I gave up. I am happy with the new lighting, above the air fryer.
It's Grand Pricks weekend here. Ingrid will be glued to the tv screen for the car racing, in memory of her husband Ricardo's interest in motor sport. No, Ingrid?
GP means the bogans invade the bougies. I am not saying my niece is a bogan, but she and her husband, with two of their friends will park in one of my car parking spaces today as they visit the car racing event. The husband has some kind of motor business, and so has a professional interest. I wonder if Oldest Niece will want to bring their friends up to see her old age pensioner uncle's flat. I don't care either way, but I have instructed Phyllis and Kosov to ensure the place is spotless, and remove their bucket and bailing dish from the main toilet.
Two days ago my right hand middle finger swelled up and became red. Thy body will heal itself, I thought. It wasn't. I saw my doctor yesterday and he prescribed antibiotics for fingernail bed infection. Once home, I noticed that above my elbow on the underside had swelled too and was red. Clearly thy body was not healing itself. The antibiotics will work, I am sure.
I made a return visit to a neurologist at the public hospital movement disorder clinic this week. After drawing spirals with either hand on the paper, we agreed to maintain the status quo with the current drugs I take for my shaking hands. She did explain other more interventive treatment options. Apparently, you can grab and grip some balls for a short time to give temporary relief before you go out for dinner at night, and the vibrating balls will give you temporary relief. I will be reviewed in six months.
I don't know why I do it, but I like to charge up Ray's phone, tablet and watch every so often. It went wrong today with the charging bar flashing orange lights and not working. I Googled and it was to do with plug interface, it seemed. I tried two other charging leads, with the same result. Third time lucky and I was able to charge Ray's Samsung watch, charge and update his phone and its apps. So all is ready for his return, except he won't.
So that's my bloomin' lot.