Old High Riser Blog

Friday, January 3, 2025

An outing with the lads

If you you are flying with Singapore Airlines from Chennai to Melbourne via Singapore, you will receive a lot of solicitous attention by airline staff if you are a nice looking dark skinned Indian lad with perfect white teeth and a wide smile, along with an outgoing personality and beautifully painted fingernails.

Yesterday's visit to Costco with Phyllis and Kosov was very interesting. It was a bad arthritis pain day for me, but they were patient with my need to sit on a chair with a back for as few minutes at times. 

Are these sculptures interesting? I didn't find them so. There was some external seating but gum trees at best offer dappled sunlight, not shade. 

We did travel on the wheel with Hippie Niece many years ago, we didn't find the view of train shunting yards or distant views out to sea very interesting, which is why I guess the wheel sits there unused and waiting for a buyer. 


While I knew Costco sold large quantities, I did not imagine the variety of what was available. Just the food was quite astonishing. I did note CK men's shirts at a bargain price of AU$40, probably two years old but generally, you have to buy a lot of things there to make decent savings. Fine if you have storage space and a large and hungry family. Even the cakes were impressive. There is a cafe within where you order your food on a screen and it is quickly delivered to you. The area was so busy and I knew not what to do, I insisted we go somewhere else where there was somewhere proper to eat, and we ended up at Urban Alley Brewery, where we shared some food. 

Phyllis linked his arm with mine on one side and Kosov's in the other as we walked. What will people think, I wondered, but I didn't care. While we were a bit separated on trams going to Cocklands Docklands, we boarded a tram at the Waterfront City terminus to return home and quickly nabbed a facing set of seats. The foreplay was on! They poked each other, they tried to bite each other, they punched each other, they hugged each other, they ruffled each others hair and they cuddled. I alternated between looking out the tram window at the passing scenery and seeing what other tram passengers were noticing. No one was noticing at all, as I could see, except for the man who's reflection I could see in the glass partition in front of me. He was of Chinese heritage and was watching their shenanigans intently.  

I kicked them off with running them a bath with Japanese salts a couple of days ago, and they chose to bathe early this evening, this time separately, which was much quieter and less splashy. The bath salts were a gift from Our Friend in Japan, who is currently in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 

My dinner was left overs in the fridge, mostly their food. They spent about three hours in the kitchen cooking puff pastry envelopes filled with...I know not what but they are very tasty. Phyliss' short hand recipe. 

This may be a place to place a video filmed by an acquaintance a few months ago, of two lads in love walking along Swanston Street. Gay men being affectionate in public is a bit alien to me, but I like it. 


  1. I can relate to the need to sit down to ease the pain. What astonished me here, Andrew, is when I did a lot of theatre work here (writing, directing) I was astonished that straight men loved holding hands on stage when they sang or talked on script. When I questioned this practise they told me men always did this, their fathers and uncles did this when performing. I can tell you this practise was never done in Ireland and I found it so heart touching.
    Your lads are wonderful and I love the clarity of your writing.

  2. Gay or straight men showing affection in public ... both are rare here.
    I am envious of Phyllis' manicure. My nails are short and blunt, old lady style.

  3. Love the lads in love. And the positive changes that a few years have made. Even ten years ago they (and Phyliss and Kosov) would have attracted attention.
    And a big yes to sitting down to ease the pain. Sadly that is not something that himself has adapted to at all well.

  4. It's lovely to see gay men and women able to be affectionate and l9ving on public

  5. Onlookers may think - "Oh! There's a probation officer with two tearaway lads!" or "Oh! There's a resident of a mental institution with two Asian nurses." But what does it matter? They can imagine what they want,

  6. From the bustling aisles of Costco to the cozy vibes at Urban Alley Brewery, it seems like you had quite the adventure. The way you described Phyllis and Kosov's playful antics on the tram made me smile—it's those little moments that make life so colorful.

    Try glucosamine 1g daily from pharmacy. It reduces OA pain

  7. I expect they thought you were under arrest, but oh well. Nice that boys can feel safe holding hands in the street.
    In some middle eastern countries straight men hold hands often, no particular significance.

  8. I love Phyllis' fingernails! I've always been tempted to paint my nails just once. I might do it before I die.

    I think it's great how young LGBTQ+ people so readily show public affection.

    1. Steve, I still have my right small fingernail painted. I know people notice it but no one has ever said anything, not even my large family. Do one nail at least at work and have an answer ready that it is to support such and such charity. But I doubt anyone will say anything to your face but there will be ' Did you notice Mr Reed's fingernail today', conversation later among library visitors.

  9. I'm glad you found places to sit. Arthritis is a (fill in the expletive). ~hugs~ I am fortunate not to suffer overmuch as I near 56. Meanwhile, the story and video not only made me happy but reminded me of a funny scenario.

    My first love and I not only didn't mind displaying affection publicly, we reveled in it; I was a saucy teenager, for sure, dragging him under streetlights to make out and such. Then my future husband (met in 1989) acted the complete opposite, only going so far as holding hands outside private spaces.

    So it came as a total shock in 1997 when I went to pick him up after a bachelor party tour of area strip clubs. He clung to me like a leech. lol This reserved man was beyond drunk and amusingly traumatized. Strippers had written on his skin and even the waistband of his underwear (!) with permanent marker. I wickedly joined the fun, playing tic-tac-to on his arm with the last bar's waitresses.

    Ever the professional, he insisted we use a toxic chemical to remove the ink before his return to work. Ah, memories.

    Be well!

  10. Things have certainly changed in the past 20 years or so, haven't they? And that is a good thing, in my opinion. Of course, now that I'm thinking on it, I guess that I would have to say things have changed in some places...while sadly, in some places, nothing has changed at all.

    1. This occurred to me...when Phyllis goes home, can he have his painted nails?

  11. Enjoyed your description of Phyllis and Kosovo showing their affection to each other, though I wonder, you must have felt like the odd man out.

  12. I prefer solo baths. Less mess and more room. I can only begin to imagine the state of the bathroom after those two had finished!
    It is lovely to see any couple display affection in these often miserable times but same sex couples are extra special as they have had to fight so hard for so long.

  13. I rather like painted nails on young men, not that I've seen many but what I have I like...
    Seems you had a good time shopping and being helped by the younger two who spoil you, but isn't that nice.
    Those sculptures, I'm not a fan.
    I'm glad those two and get in and out of a bath, doubt if I could even get in one let alone out of one...old age!

  14. So good that - in many places anyway - folk can just be themselves.
    Alison in Wales x

  15. I can make out a few ingredients of that recipe, onion, garlic, vinegar and sugar, but not the rest. Not that I'd make them anyway, too much trouble for just me. I'm glad they turned out well and you liked them.
    Dappled shade is better than no shade. Phyllis has lovely nails.

  16. I really enjoy your take on everything. Gay men being affectionate in public is a bit alien to me, but I like it. Yes, the danger bells do ring. Don't they? The kids today. Don't really understand where we started back in our day and how far we've come. I hope that here in the states they're not going to have to learn. Best wishes and happy New Year to you and the lads

  17. Going out and about with young people is a real tonic. Phyllis and Kosov sound like really caring young men.

  18. It is good to get out and about, to see and be seen.

  19. It feels to me that young people are more interested in checking their phones rather than having a cuddle in public, Andrew.

  20. Young people are so full of energy, like kittens, fun to be around and play with. My great niece who is four, had more energy and desire for fun than all the adults combined at Christmas this year. Sometimes at Gleaners we get costco pies, that are so huge would take a large family to consume even part of one.

  21. I like painted nails on men!
    I have had a Costco membership in the past but by the time you battle the crowds, pay the membership and try to store the stuff, it's just not worth it.
    It's another place where you spend heaps on things you don't need.
    A bath with or without company sounds fabulous
