Old High Riser Blog

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday sadness

It was my Uncle Peter's funeral today. I watched online and there did not seem to be any family and only the person conducting the funeral spoke. No mention of my father, his older brother was made although there was of his youngest brother. There are sad and joyous funerals, but this funeral was really just sad. I was under the age of ten when I last saw Uncle Peter, when he then disconnected from family. 

A couple of weeks ago as I had a couple of minutes to kill before catching a train back to town from Victoria Park Station, I snapped this poster. There are always missing person posters around but for some reason this one struck me enough to take a snap.


  1. Oh my. A really sad day indeed.
    Such brutality makes me shudder.

  2. That's sad no one there as in family at your Uncle's funeral.
    The poor lass, one man has been changed with murder I believe.

  3. I sometimes think, we should plan our own funerals, write the script, select the music, pick the menu and booze, an invitation list - including airline tickets for those far away who we would like to entertain one last time. Throw a party that we won't be at, but others will so they can connect for the adventure.

  4. The world is a very sad place. I'm hibernating.

  5. I suppose it's not any one thing that causes individuals to disengage from their own family........but it seems to happen fairly regularly......when I read your words I immediately thought of 3 people in my wider family that have done this, it's sad.
    Sorry about your Uncle x
    Alison in Wales x

  6. That's so sad, to have nobody at your funeral. That poor girl. Sometimes it feels like that world thinks that women are disposable.

  7. So sorry for your loss. Long time since he left the family, but it's still a loss to know he's gone.

  8. I can only repeat the previous comments.

  9. A sad day for you. I hope someone who loved him was there to mourn him.

  10. It's always so sad Andrew, we have a lot of it in my family. And of course my younger daughter disconnected from all the tribe about 20 years ago now. My deepest sympathy on your uncle's death.

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been in the cabinet painting industry for years and it's always hard seeing those who are dealing with the effects of loss. I wish you the best.

  12. A very sad day indeed. Not least because it seems that your Uncle Peter didn't make/find/ a new family when he disconnected from his old one. And justice might be served but it cannot bring that poor girl back.

  13. Broken families are sad, aren't they?

    That story of the girl is a tragic one...and one that is all too common.

  14. One often wonders about the reason for a ‘walking away from ‘ in families but of course unless you’re one of the parties involved you’ll never know. Now unfortunately all who might have known the reason are gone and there’s no answers to be had

  15. A sad day. Missing posters around here are usually someone's pet cat.
