Old High Riser Blog

Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Funnies

I've never quite learnt the definition of memes and I can't be bothered, but I think these are memes? I've gathered them from different sources over time, as they appealed to me. 

This went down a treat when I quoted it to Sister, not. 

Oh yes. Yes indeed.

I'm learning a stronger combination of words from Phyllis. 

Yes but don't as your first instinct may not be correct.

Aww...too far? 


  1. Ha...love all of these...especially that last one 😁

  2. Big smiles - particularly at the second. Which sums my boring self up all too well.

  3. Roared with laughter at that last one.

  4. Hello,
    The 2nd one is very interesting.
    So much of childhood is just wonderful and we never realised it then.
    I just came across your blog in the comments of a different one :)

  5. OMG, that last one was the best!

  6. Thanks for the literal laugh out loud! Love the last one!!!

  7. I got relatives after visiting them. ones need stiff drink.

  8. All good, but the last one? Genius!

  9. I didn't understand memes' origins for quite a while. Memetics was a term coined in 1976 by a biologist named Richard Dawkins. He used Darwinian terms to define cultural and societal changes through evolving idealistic replication AKA information theory.

    Wow. If this seems pompous it's because I just looked all this up. Otherwise I had a general concept learned from others.~shakes head~ Anyway, now I need a stiff drink. lol Best wishes!

  10. You've got it, those are memes and good ones!

  11. These are excellent Andrew. All made me smile.

  12. Love the one about meeting someone. I really don't want my toddler grand daughters playing with that Peppa Pig jigsaw.

  13. Very funny, with an element of truth in each.

  14. Talk with my brothers, and you will need therapy. When I see a cute little baby pig, I immediately think, bacon seeds.

  15. Brilliant - especially the last one 😀
    Alison in Wales x

  16. You are just my sort. Come sit by me! Aloha

  17. Memes are typically humorous images, videos, or text shared widely online, often with cultural or social relevance, but your collection seems to be more about thoughtful, quirky quotes that make us smile or reflect. I can see why they appealed to you—they capture a wide range of emotions and reactions!

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  18. Every one of these is a winner, Andrew! ;-)


  19. These are hilarious. Every one of them!

  20. Ha! That last one is harsh! I like the second-to-last one too.
