Old High Riser Blog

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Brownlow

The Brownlow is a medal awarded to the best and fairest player in AFL Australian Rules Football, as judged by field umpires. By some kind of osmosis I know this, which is curious given my lack of interest in any sport (except recently, pole vaulting). 

The award is given out at long a tedious gala night where votes are counted live and broadcast. It has become so boring and tightly controlled. In days of past there was always a footballer who drank too much and misbehaved, perhaps saying something inappropriate in a speech, but not now.

The men dress very boringly, in conventional suits and women go all out with their best formal glam look. I despair at myself for looking at such rubbish on the Information Super Highway, but I did as bombs fell and rockets were fired in the Middle East. 

Here are a few photos from The  Age newspaper of what women were wearing, mostly great but...

He made an effort to look a bit different. No doubt event management came along and made him remove his necklace.

All good so far.

WTF? A milk bottle? 

My head is sitting on my left hand as my head shakes back and forth. Does she have a massive right hand breast that needs a lot of fabric to cover? Truly...

You may be able to look at more frocks here, if that is your thing.


  1. I know that this award exists but little more about it. And am not interested in seeing strangers glammed up (in often bizarre outfits). Bizarre outfits that don't look comfortable.

    1. EC, there has been centuries of women being uncomfortable clothing. Nothing changes.

  2. I think I'm going to take a pass on all the gowns....
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Are you sure Sandra? I think you would look fabulous.

  3. You got milk bottle, I got bowling pin.

    1. Spot on Bob, and don't I wish I was there with a bowling ball.

  4. Ummm... It's interesting, I suppose. lol Be well!

    1. I did click on the link to look up other fashion choices. Heh... And I'm the least fashionable person you could ever meet. Thanks for sharing this.

    2. Darla, we have to know how the other 0.5% live.

  5. Are you thinking of taking up pole vaulting then Andrew? You'll need some skimpy silk shorts, a running vest and a long, flexible pole the length of a Melbourne tram car. Other passengers may complain.

    1. Pole vaulting, ancient Greek style perhaps YP.

  6. I will NEVER understand what passes for "fashion". Especially things that look like nothing more than a tattered piece of lace or beaded curtain barely covering the necessary bits. I don't like those thigh high splits either. If your skirt is too tight and you can't walk without that split, have it made to fit better. If you want to show off your legs, wear a miniskirt.

    1. River, I concur some fashion is quite absurd. Things you might see on a catwalk can never be worn for any event. I don't mind split skirts, but then I would never have to wear them. Remember the scandal when PM's wife Sonia McMahon wore a split dress to the Whitehouse, as I remember.

  7. It's sometimes my thing. I think the woman in pink (she's next to the bald guy) comes off best.

    1. The pink is fine with me Kirk. I quite like the first, in black.

  8. Yes! Gone are the days when the unscripted moments kept things lively!

    1. Pradeep, so true, and it's a bit of a shame really.

  9. I wonder if the women feel as silly as they look.

    1. The ridiculous ones are surely blind to their outfits, Thelma. I like the fairly normal glam dresses.

  10. I don't watch that show, bores me to tears, however, this year I did watch the beginning, the women's fashion, then turned to another channel.
    I liked some of the gowns, but certainly not all and none that you have shown.

    1. Margaret, I think I watched it once many years ago. Like you, I find it boring. I don't think having a train on your dress is a great idea at such an event.

  11. I don't know this show, but others when film awards are given and sometimes the women's dresses make me think of carnival !

    1. Gattina, some look so silly they could be on stage at carnival.

  12. I often wonder how the women in those ridiculous dresses deal with going to the loo. Perhaps they're too 'special' to have to deal with such mundanity.

    1. JB, it's a good question. You know there are devices whereby woman can have a wee while they are standing. Perhaps they have them installed in the loos. Or maybe they dehydrate in advance.

    2. If the women were trying to win an important national award, then they may want the TV cameras to follow them on the red carpet.
      But hanging the tits and arse out because the husband kicked some goals back during the year is ridiculous

    3. Very frankly put Hels. Love your work.

  13. I've always loved to see the fashion at these kinds of events and I used to buy the Who magazine Oscars edition every year.
    The milk bottle dress is probably my favourite but I don't love any of them

    1. Kylie, girlfriend, dearest, the milk bottle dress is awful.

    2. Lol! Obviously I have no taste 🤣

  14. Young men wearing a single string of pearls has come into fashion, I kind of like it.

    1. TP, I've yet to notice that. Is this my first sighting?

  15. I used to love buying a dress for the annual Christmas party but those days are behind me now. Ahh, to be young again.

    1. Pixie, at least you have memory of doing so. I'm sure you glammed up very well.

  16. I am always strangely drawn to looking at Red Carpet glam events photos, I'm the same if offered Hello magazine in the hairdressers - I flick feverishly through the glossy pages hoping I'll finish before I'm led over to the backwash. Very odd really because I'm very unfashionable , never have a spray tan or nails done.........a weird personality trait or just plain voyeurism !
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison, you just need occasional reinforcing as to why you don't dress up. It does look like a lot of hard work.

  17. I think that the bowling pin dress may simply have been a dress with pockets that the wearer made full use of. The last dress...it just looks like the dress has begun to melt. How strange.

    1. Debby, I love your description of the bowling pin dress. Melt, just like her makeup and she will a few hours later.

  18. Pearls on young men are a thing now, though maybe not worn quite like that. What a coincidence -- I have recently become a fan of pole vaulting, too!

    1. Steve, five seconds research reveals many men wearing pearls. Now I think about it, I have seen some men wearing them but it kind of never registered.

  19. Seeing the gowns on the women going into such events is where all the fun is. Then having a critique, Andrew.

  20. My favourite quote of the week was when it was described as "Fashion Week at Fountain Gate".

    1. Great one James, even if non Australians won't get it.
