Old High Riser Blog

Friday, September 6, 2024

It must be Friday

Phyllis brought home Bahn Mi for me for tonight's dinner. He heated it in the oven and it was delicious. I don't do things at night, except for watching tv and sitting here in my computer chair but Phyllis is running around with the vacuum cleaner, changing and is washing his bedding, sorting out his bathroom cupboards and making lots of banging noises in his bedroom. Ah, the energy of the young!

I subscribe to a Facebook group called Gay Family Values. It is mostly posts of photos of gay couples who have been together for a long time, and at times with their children. This photo just did not seem right to me. At the extremes of possibilities it could be a Sikh couple in England, all dressed up for the photo shoot. But no, apparently it is A/I generated. I am not sure I am liking A/I too much. 

I hope this is not A/I generated. Three D things like this do my head in. 

Please, don't use A/I to write your blog posts, unless you mention it. I need to know it is really you. 


  1. How nice to have your supper brought home for you. We're still on Thursday - maybe we'll have fish tomorrow.

    1. JB, fish on Friday became cultural here rather than a religious observance. Spicy butter chicken tonight, with nan. One curry a week is enough for me.

  2. I hear you on not doing much at night - and particularly not domestic
    duties. I am v suspicious about AI. Love the video and hope it is real.

    1. EC, I too am suspicious about AI. While generally I like advances in technology, I like to know if something is real or not, and AI is so good, we can't tell.

  3. That woman is an amazing artist. I was listening to the radio this morning about AI, it wasn't encouraging.


    The AI bit starts at about 22 minutes.

  4. I wouldn't know how to AI a blog post!

    1. Me either Bob. I could find out, if I needed to, if I wanted to.

  5. I cant bother with AI at all. Just say what we want to say

  6. My grandfather worked in heavy industry and couldn't abide noise when he got home at night so mum maintained that tradition of a quiet home at night.
    My ex would never stop clanging and banging and my kids the same. So I hear ya.
    Banh mi would make a great Friday night tradition!
    Writing is something i do for me so I will never use AI to write

    1. That's interesting about your grandfather, Kylie, and I understand.
      I love bahn mi, but gee I'd like a Friday night steak with pepper sauce.

  7. I prefer to use AU and AS... Artificial Uselessness and Artificial Stupidity which are online facilities that Old Man Trump uses to create his rambling rally speeches.

  8. The first photo looks like the same man and child on both sides.

    1. Strayer, don't all those exotics look alike?

  9. I love the three D stuff! Mostly. I have seen 3D floors in bathrooms and toilets and think those might worry me when wandering in the middle of the night half asleep. Am I awake or am I dreaming? But the ones on roads and footpaths are wonderful. I will never use AI for blog posts.

    1. River, I can imagine about late night experiences. While I agree with you about AI for blog posts, we need to know about it and not underestimate it.

  10. Love that video, very clever to me.
    I only fiddle with AI photos and there is one at the bottom of my posts.
    At least Phyllis is clean.

    1. Margaret, I will check the photo the next time you post. It is good that Phyllis is clean, and not a naughty dirty boi.

  11. I know very little about Ai and won't be bothering to find out anymore. I suppose it'll increasingly be foisted upon us in various ways she added glumly.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It will Allison, and I agree with you about glumly.

  12. I like the family pic, the littles are adorable. I cannot really identify AI pics, too bad it's not real.

    1. Deb, I doubt I am good at identifying AI either.

  13. Love the 3D sidewalk but I am never going to use Ai, Andrew.
    I get lazy in the evening and just like to take it easy.

    1. Pat, when I think of what used to be achieved in evenings, I feel some guilt.....nah, not really.

  14. Handsome adults and very cute toddlers.

  15. AI might have fewer errors than I do.

  16. I don't understand the AI stuff. What is the point of most of it, really. I see a lot of stuff posted that's obviously fake along with the caption of 'Isn't God amazing?' What in the actual hell....? AI might be all in good fun, but the real danger lies in the fact that people are too lazy/dumb/uncaring to sort fact from fiction as it is. AI will not make that situation better.

    1. PS. That was Debby, btw.

    2. Debby, yes, see it, believe it. This is just no longer the case. Where will it all go?

  17. That artwork in the video was very cool! Usually the giveaway with AI photos is the hands. AI can't do hands very well. (But it's apparently getting better.)

    1. Steve, I am sure it will become perfect. See the toddler on the left? Her feet and toes are not right at all. I never thought to check until you mentioned hands.
