Old High Riser Blog

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Mural

Carpet is being laid today. I expect my desktop will be disconnected and who knows when I will be back. I am so stressed about it all, trying to think of ways to stay away from home while it is turned upside down. Then as I mentioned, I have two medical procedures this week, one Wednesday and one Friday. Posts for this week are scheduled but don't expect me to reply. 

The Boarder firstly asked if he leave some of his belongings here, Sunday, until he moves in on the delayed date the 20th but then he told me his friend's landlady where he is now staying will not agree to an extension to him staying, so he will be moving in here Wednesday night. I didn't really want him here until the 20th as I will be away for the two nights at the weekend after he moves in, meaning he will be here on his own. I am not an unworldly old naïve man and he seems decent and trustworthy. I've noticed he is not backwards in speaking up. Hmmm. My home, my rules. 

On to the mural. How on earth, or rather why, do I end up in such obscure places. I always go to places to see something. It seems this hotel is in Sydney Road. Why was I there? I have no idea.


  1. Good luck with your busy, busy week. I hope your procedures and the carpet laying goes smoothly and that your judgement about the boarder is good.
    I rather like the mural though it isn't a subject matter that usually appeals. I do like those yellow sunshades too.

  2. A lot going on for you this week. Hope it all goes smoothly
    Alison in Wales x

  3. You will be happier when this week ends and you can relax. I hope your boarder turns out to be all you wish for. It's a gamble, to be sure.

  4. The mural is well executed but not sure it appeals to me.
    Hope everything goes smoothly this week.

  5. That is an interesting hotel and choice of mural to decorate it. Looks very professional. I do not like home renovations of any kind; I find it extremely stressful to be sharing my home with strangers; however, I don't like to go away and leave them either in case they have a question and need a timely answer, including things I might have to actually look at to make a decision. If I had to be away for the day, I'd probably have a leisurely breakfast, go to the library and local thrift shop, then have a leisurely lunch and go to a matinee movie, then to a coffee shop until suppertime. There, you're sorted, you're welcome. lol. Hoping you get reconnected to the internet in short order!


  6. I think I saw that before but I did not get a shot of the mural. Looks fantastic! Having a boarder basically introduces yourself some inevitable friction really.

  7. Here's to a smooth week and a boarder who works out nicely.

    I kind of like this lack-and-white mural; it seems whimsically elegant!

  8. Jack Daniels and skulls. That must be one rowdy hotel.

  9. I would be stressed out too. I find change as I grow older is something that is a challenging to adapt to. I was much better before.
    Good luck with the boarder. I had to take in many to make ends meet in the old days. I would not leave them alone in my house.

  10. Hoping all works out easily. Your house, your rules.

  11. That sure is an interesting mural. Sorry to hear you are stressed with the renovations and the border coming earlier than wanted. Hope all turns out well especially the medical procedures.

  12. Stressing time Andrew, good luck with all of those things going on this week.
    The mural looks alright, bit hard to see for me.
    Take care.

  13. Very interesting facade there, but I think a little overdone. I think one level should have been just a plain colour, so it isn't too busy for the eyes. Or maybe with a break in the black and white theme by making the roses a deep red.

  14. Take care of yourself this week.

  15. I've seen one of his murals in Bondi - Roses and skulls - but in colour. It must be his trademark. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Andrew. Good luck with the renovations, the boarder and the medical procedures.

  16. That is quite a mural. Looks like a big Jack Daniels ad? But still, pretty cool!

    Somehow I missed that you are taking on a boarder! Hope the carpet installation goes smoothly.

  17. Boy...i would be a nervous wreck about a boarder.

  18. Moving, redecorating, etc. are a pain in the rear, but gotta do it. Good luck with the changes in your life.
    The mural is nice. Everything happens for a reason. The older I get, the more I believe in this.
    Be well!

  19. Love the B&W mural.
    I'm sure it will work out with the boarder! ;-)
