Old High Riser Blog

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Point Lonsdale and a curry

OMG, on the Wednesday did it rain in the morning! As happened at Christmas, there was a moat at the front door but not quite as large and we could step over it. We drove to Barwon Heads and after eventually finding a parking space, we walked up and down the main drag and back near we parked the car, we found a cafe that has dry outdoor seating and each f us had a monster sausage roll, that I couldn't finish, and coffee. 

There was a lookout at Barwon Heads but we quickly remembered we had been there before, the last time with Mother. On the way home we found some really nice lookout points in Ocean Grove. It was nice sitting and gazing out to sea and admiring some very nice looking housing above. 

I had a fancy for Indian food and it was only 13 minutes drive from Sister's to Tandoori Lovers in Ocean Grove and we had a very nice meal. It was up a step of stairs, no disabled access, and had nice views and with a monster Norfolk Island Pine at window level. 

Jo's room doesn't really have any bare walls now, and nor does if have any shelf space, the shelves been filled with her various collections.

Fortunately there are sheets of laser lighting? above the grape vine outside so we don't get wet. With so much rain we could almost watch the grass and the vine grow. If you enlarge the photo you can see a couple of vine tendrils and after four days the upper tendril had reached the other side and the lower one had begun wrapping itself around the back of the chair. 

There have been so many shipwrecks in the dangerous waters.

From the look out at Barwon Heads towards Queenscliff.

I wouldn't mind owning one of these Ocean Grove homes.

The view from Tandoori Lovers in Ocean Grove. Good food.

A futile attempt by Coco to rearrange the solid cushion interior. 


  1. We have had rain like that of late - and you very almost CAN see the grass and weeds grow.
    I am glad that your remembered about last visiting the Barwon Heads lookout with your mama and found some acceptable alternatives. I would love to live with a beach view. Not going to be a happening thing.

    1. EC, beach views would be so good but you can't see much at night time. It would be nice to watch the tides and waves breaking over rocks.

  2. What a lovely spot. You are fortunate to have such beautiful ocean side places so close to you.

    1. JayCee, I am sure some of your coastline is beautiful too.

  3. I saw a car towing a large shark on the road in Geelong yesterday. You really reminds me to do a photo tour of this town again.

    1. Not a real one, I guess Roentare. It's kind of the beginning of the west coast and the Great Ocean Road, although officially it isn't.

  4. Beautiful shore line and I want a sausage roll now and I'm trying to diet!!

    1. Don't do it Chris. It can be hard to resist when you want something to eat but not much.

  5. I wouldn't mind owning one of those Ocean Grove homes either. Is there a path through the trees that goes directly to the beach?

    1. Hels, I think it is too steep for a path. The road is very steep up to the houses.

  6. I'm with everyone in desiring an ocean front view. ~sigh~ Thanks for the awesome photos; Coco's image in particular made me smile. Be well!

    1. Thanks Darla. She is cute and at 14 can still spring about in the park and run.

  7. That is a beautiful place. Now off to google maps to have a closer look.

    1. It is beautiful Strayer. Enjoy your closer looks.

  8. What a lovely area and I never say no to Indian food, no matter the region. In the good old days I would actually cook it. Boy that rain is something else!

  9. Be a nice view from where those houses are located.
    The grass is very green in the photo there. You have had much more rain than we have had.

    1. We have had much rain Margaret. As you know, unwatered grass should now be very brown.

  10. Are they many land slides with those home on hill? The reason I'm asking is some place people will clear the vegetations on hill slide and when ground get wet. Sometime then a land slide will happen. And down home and all.

    1. No Dora. I suspect it mostly rock. It would be a long time before those houses would be affected by rising sea levels and storms.

  11. Jo's room reminds me of the joy I had as a kid plastering posters and pictures on every square inch of a (formally) bare wall.

  12. Jo's wall looks very interesting. I have pictures stuck up on my lounge room walls, but can't show that because there are family pictures mixed in. I do love the name Ocean Grove, it sounds like somewhere I could live, but I'd have a smaller house than those pictured, I don't want to have to clean acres of floors and windows.

    1. River, if you could afford the house, you could afford to pay someone to clean.

  13. That was a nice day out. Lovely place to visit. yep sausage roll had my mouth watering. I'm trying to lose weight.

    1. Diane, one sausage roll a fortnight can't do any harm, surely?
