Old High Riser Blog

Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday Funny

This briefly amused me. The cats' attention spans were not bad, but they did eventually gaze away. Young people short attention span, just like teens and 66 year old men.


  1. I liked that they took it in turns - and note that the one that didn't get to play was the first to become bored.

  2. Snort. That's hilarious.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  3. I think that is brilliant. It is difficult enough to teach children how to follow instructions, yet the cats learned to do it without instructions or supervision.

  4. It's amusing how one of the cats doesn't really commit. We were watching Herschel today as he followed the weather presenter's report.

  5. That is what we do to the kids these days too

  6. The black and white is all oh look, a squirrel! Not exactly into the game, just sitting with his buds.

  7. The nose touch win made me laugh. Thank you. My husband turned 63 the other day and his attention span is narrowing. lol Be well!

  8. Perhaps you need to practice more. I am sure you could play this game.

  9. 66 year old men could play easier games on their tablets to stave off early onset dementia. For example, the screen colour might change every minute and they simply have to say what colour they can see.

  10. Twos company- threes a crowd.
    I’m like the third and get bored if I’m left out.

  11. Lol. They are funny, kept them entertained for a few minutes however that white and black cat didn't see it squash the fish..

  12. Have a grand weekend, Andrew:)
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  13. And here we are all watching them watching,

  14. The white one's not as into it as the other two.
