Old High Riser Blog

Thursday, November 16, 2023

You'll get much more, with a roller door

Yesterday we saw a matinee performance of La Cage aux Folles with our Hairdresser Friend. It was simply brilliant, and I am not a great one for musicals. The audience generally loved it too. An afternoon out means I am short of time. 

JabBlog has by now had a new garage door installed. Her post reminded me of the Australian company B & D Roller Doors and its tv commercials using the toreador song from the opera Carmen.  

There was a more modern version but YouTube is not being helpful, so I will use this very old one.

But omg, I also came across this commercial which I don't remember. I really can't believe how... sleazy? ads could be back then. Maybe once the new door is installed, JabBlog will be out washing her car like the lass in the commercial. 


  1. You are right about that ad. Hiss and spit. And it wasn't the only one. I also cannot remember ever seeing a woman washing a car in a bikini - except in an advertisement.

    1. Or at fund-raising car washes?

    2. EC, they never seemed so bad to me at the time but gosh, they were gross. My step sister washed a car in her bikini at east once once, on the front lawn of their house. Her bikini was crocheted and mauve.

      River, yes and there was also a private car wash here where young women washed cars while topless.

  2. I think both ads are funny. :) I'm told I tend to be relatively thick skinned, though. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Replies
    1. JayCee, do you think your husband would say the same?

  4. Funny to see these two ads. From another era. The bikini one is really cheesy.

    1. Roentare, the bikini one is awful with that sleazy guy drooling.

    2. I think you'd be drooling if the car washer was a cute young man in a speedo.

  5. Replies
    1. Kirk, it must do. The company is still around.

  6. Replies
    1. Oh yes Merlot but at least they had bare topped guys in them. Funny, I can't find the one I remember the best.

  7. I don't remember either of those, I do remember dropping my eyes to whichever book I had on my lap whenever the ads came on.

    1. River, I would do the same in the days before the internet entertained me.

  8. How wonderful to see these ads once again, love them.

    1. Thanks Margaret. In spite of the sleaze factor, it was a more innocent time.

  9. I might forget the name of the prime minister and my grandchildren's birthdays, but I never forget old ads that were repeated OFTEN :) Thank you.

    1. Hels, how can you forget Prime Minister Abbott? Don't you dream of him at night?

    2. I walked out of a picture theatre once, because the film gave me the horrors. But imagine getting out of bed, naked and anxious, because of a prime minister nightmare :(

  10. That guy in second ad looks to be nearly drooling. Yuck. Guys seem such slaves to hormones sometimes but maybe its just the ads and TV that make it seem that way. Sounds like you had a nice time at the musical.

    1. Strayer, very close to that. Since I stopped working and even before then, I don't here that kind of thing among men, but I certainly used to. Yes, the hormones are very strong and can really drive men. We need sympathy!

  11. The musical sounds great. I loved the film.
    I can assure you I will not be washing the car at all, bikini or otherwise.

  12. The second ad leaves me speechless, oh how political correctness has changed.

    1. TP, the shocked reaction to the ad does show how much society has moved on.

  13. Yup, sleazy pretty much sums up that second one.
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