Old High Riser Blog

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

I didn't see it coming

If you have nothing ready to post, just steal from someone else who has stolen from someone else. 

I don't think trains running on streets is so unusual in the US. It is rare here but we Victorians do have one country town where trains run down the main street. 

It seems Germany does too, an historic steam train, no less. It is quite a big beast and the excuse that 'I didn't see it coming', sounds flimsy. 'Sorry, I am an incredibly stupid person and a very poor driver', might be more appropriate. 

For some reason the video is quite dark. Here is a photo. 

And there have been others.


  1. Your second reasons sound MUCH closer to the mark.

  2. Well, how could expect anyone to see that coming? Especially if you are using your mobile phone?

  3. The train driver did well to stop so quickly.


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    1. Thank you for your ever so relevant comment.

    2. I could tell you where you need a virtual rocket Emily!

  5. Ummm... Well, some people should not be driving cars.

  6. And I thought the idiots that cut trams off were bad enough!

  7. I'd cut the driver some slack. It's hard to see when you have your head up your ass.

  8. Trams driving down the centre of all our main roads are largely safe. So perhaps trains are simply faster and heavier.

  9. Idiots just don't look do they? But how can they not hear a train that size? Do they have their car stereos way too loud?

  10. Good grief and the driver never even looked as he pulled out of the kerb.

  11. Oops! Wonder if his insurance company paid out

  12. So unbelievable that I had to comment twice, apparently;-)

  13. Yikes! Yeah, seems like that thing coming at you would be pretty obvious.

  14. Washington DC tried bringing back a street car, and has had problems with people parking on the tracks.
