Old High Riser Blog

Monday, September 11, 2023

Musical Monday

I'll say this upfront, some of scenes in this music video are very confronting. If you are of a sensitive disposition and don't want to see scenes of war or orphanage children, don't watch it. After viewing it, I sat for a few moments, trying to digest what I had just seen that happened in my lifetime and my parents lifetime. The stills were hard to view but life is not all about blue birds flying over the white cliffs of Dover. 

It was a one hit wonder by Russell Morris, written, produced and recorded in Melbourne, reaching the top of our charts in 1969. It also became a number one in Chicago, New York City and oddly, Houston. It is obvious this video was made up with photos some time later. 

So set aside six minutes and have a listen, watch and be reminded of some of our world's less than great history. 


  1. And sadly those 'real things' that we do not see could be updated each and every year.

  2. Sad; and we don't seem to have learned a thing.

    1. Bob, no we haven't. Yet we don't feel like it is our personal responsibility, even though we elect our politicians.

  3. In the 90s, this piece was repeated in radio constantly. Very memorable.

    1. Was it really Roentare. The nineties was when I gave up on music.

  4. I know that the United States has a great deal to answer for in South America. We, unfortunately, have a long history of exploiting other countries for their resources.

    1. Debby, Australia was complicit. I think it is an anniversary of coup in Chile against the elected President Allende, led by the brutal despotic General Pinochet.

  5. Well that was a sobering wake up for a Monday morning.
    And nothing has changed and it makes me sad and angry. If they made that clip now I can think of too many images to put in. Will we ever fucking learn?

    1. Caro, I doubt much will change in our lifetime but I am hopeful for the future.

  6. Six minutes? For a song I'm not at all fond of? Well, okay, just for you.

  7. I've often thought the world would be more peaceful if War and its "accomplishments" weren't glorified by so many, but the real problem is those behind the scenes who make money from wars and the supplying of men and weapons to fight them. "We go there, we create a little chaos, then we move in our Army to combat that chaos" and so it goes.

    1. Oh yes River. War makes a lot of money for many people, and nearly sends some countries broke at the hands of war profiteers.

  8. I had never heard that song before. It has something of value to say - unlike the majority of pop songs.

    1. Thank you YP. The clip combined with the song really makes an impact.

  9. One does have to see the real thing to believe it. The video is well done, I liked seeing this even though it's sad seeing those things!

    1. Margaret, the orphanage footage really got to me, and I remember it from the time.

  10. Asking lots of questions bur not offering any answers, Politics is a grisly business and by no means straightforward.

  11. JB, single people or a pop singer don't have the answers but we do elect and pay politicians to work their way through complex matters. So often the United Nations has been so slow to react to matters they should be involved in and prevented extreme behaviour.

  12. That was interesting. I've never heard that song before, at least not that I recall, but combined with the video it certainly makes an impact.

    1. Steve, while I know the song and I've seen some of the photos etc, I can't remember this long version.

  13. And on it goes, killing the innocents, hiding the reality. Sickens me.

    1. WWW, it does go on and on. No one has to look far in any direction to find it.

  14. U, I don't imagine you would leave apostrophes out of words either. I rarely go back and read comments or replies at that blog.

  15. And the atrocities keep piling up. ~sigh~ Thank you for sharing.

    1. Don't they ever Darla, never mind the non war associated natural disaster deaths.
