Old High Riser Blog

Friday, August 25, 2023


I found a new YouTube channel to subscribe to. Yorak Hunt. His first name sounds foreign to me, maybe Eastern European.  I then realised you need to very carefully enunciate his name, He has 37,000 subscribers, so he is clearly successful. https://www.youtube.com/@yorakhunt69 

While I expect some people subscribe to YouTube channels and then never watch any of the posted videos, the subscriber numbers astound me. 

Drain cleaning is surprisingly popular.   

Penetrator, a drain unblocker in our state of  Queensland, https://www.youtube.com/@penetratorblockeddrains 41,000 subs.

Drain Addict in Sydney has over 600,000 subs.

The most successful transport, mostly trains, YouTuber seems to be Kuga in Japan with 320,000 subs. 

Simply Railway is a bit behind with 240,000 subs.

John with Plainly Difficult (from a quiet and (insert weather) corner of South East London) has 916,000 subs.

Former narrowboaters Foxes Afloat had a big change of lifestyle and became Scottish crofters, 150,000 subs.

Tom Scott will soon retire from normal YouTubing and he has over 6,000,000 subscribers.

There are many others who I follow but aren't as popular. That's not to say their work isn't good.

I find watching YouTube creators productions generally more entertaining than tv.


  1. I have tried YouTube but don't seem to have mastered the art of finding channels that are not total cr@p.

    1. Ok JayCee. I was not addicted to them but one channel had an American couple travelling all around England. They were a really nice couple and their videos were good. I've also watched an English couple travelling in Australia. I won't admit that I watched because he was a hunk.

  2. I don't watch a lot of YouTube - but it wouldn't be hard to be more entertaining than TV;

    1. EC, maybe you don't but you did direct me a steam train YouTube clip that actually popped up in my own feed today.

  3. In the days of there being just one telephone in the students' bar, the person answering a call would shout out the name of the person being called. Yorak's brother, Isaac, received a lot of calls.
    I would not watch any channel with such a name.

    1. I will have to think about Yorak's brother, Isaac.

  4. Yeah, I find a lot of youtuber contents way better than TVs or Podcasts

    1. Roentare, some tv interests me but I don't commit like I do to YouTubers.

  5. Lots of youtubers out there. Since I'm old as dirt, I still watch tv:)
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. You're not that old Sandra. Nothing wrong with tv. YouTube is just different.

  6. I think you should create youtube content. Your knowledge and way with words would guarantee lots of followers.

    1. Caro, I realised how poor my writing skills were when I began blogging and so many more could write better than I can, but thanks for the compliment.

  7. So I take it you're having a problem with a clogged drain? Try vinegar and baking soda.

    1. Not at the moment Kirk but I did clear R's drain of sludge. My setup is the same. Why does his block up? I think there is not enough fall in the horizontal trap pipe.

  8. It is amazing how people get so many followers and likes on social media. I sometimes watch youtube but seem to watch more TicTok on occasions.

    1. Margaret, I don't mind TicTok, but my focus remains on YouTiube.

  9. I'm constantly amazed at the number of things you find and follow online. I have email and a few blogs, and a bunch of songs on you tube some days. For me that takes up 60% of my time. The other 40% is eating, sleeping and watching TV. and reading of kindle and real books.

    1. River, I watch YouTube clips for an hour after I get up at 7, with interruptions as I do other stuff. Then a bit in in afternoon as R naps and before I go out for a walk. I confess I am not reading much in the way of the books at the moment.

  10. It has never occurred to me to watch YouTube on a regular basis, but then I'm never 'current'. I don't know what I'm missing, obviously.

    1. Try this clip JB. It is absolutely fascinating detail about bees that I did not have clue about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWlDd7-Yvmk

  11. There are some really talented content producers, have you seen https://www.youtube.com/@TokyoLens

  12. I suspect that people with 600,000 subscribers either don't answer each comment individually, or retire from work and spend full time on their youtube channel.

    1. Hels, some make enough money from YouTube and the personal ads they will insert into their clips, that they can live from the income. They don't tend to get comments like bloggers do, but still a lot and many answer them all.

  13. I only follow one You Tuber - Itchy Boots who is a lone woman motorcycling around the world. She is now in Africa. I quite enjoy her adventures.

    1. That good Pat. She sounds interesting by the very nature of what she is doing.
