Old High Riser Blog

Friday, July 7, 2023

Seal Morning

Does anyone remember reading the book called Seal Morning. Maybe the author's name was Rowena? I think I was quite young when I read it, more than once perhaps.

I read a summary a few days ago and it did not gel in my head. Woman moves to a Scottish crofter cottage, run down and without services. Summary says she moved there with her mother. I remember there being otters, but no mention of otters in the book summary. 

Yes, I could do more checking online and reach a conclusion, but that wouldn't be much fun for a blog post, and not give you a chance to think about the book and tell me what you know, off the cuff. 

What if my defective memory is of perhaps two different books? 

Another book that really grabbed me around that time was one by Gillian? called The Common Years? It was quite a fascinating book focused on her dog walking in Hampstead Heath. I wonder if Steve has read this book.  


  1. I don't think I know either book - but my memory is suspect.

  2. I remember the title now you mention it but have not read it. I used to like books about living in isolated places - Gavin Maxwell's Ring of Bright Water comes to mind.

    1. I think I may have read that Tasker. Bright Water kindles a memory.

  3. I am not an avid reader. So I will just browse what others talk about it

    1. You are a busy man Roentare. You can't fit everything into your life.

  4. A quick look online - Jilly Cooper (The Common Years 1984) Rowena Farre (Seal Morning 1957) - also tv series + movie. I haven’t read either

    1. Thanks Cathy. At the time I really enjoyed both books, even if Seal Morning doesn't quite gel for me.

  5. I have never heard of either of these books and wonder if a library would have them as I don't wish to buy books I might not enjoy.

    1. River, these days who would spend on books you are unsure about. I can't remember them very well, so I would not recommend them.

    2. River - Seal Morning looks to be available at the Adelaide City Library (or through the library network at your local library)
      The Common Years seems to only be available as audio book (or e-audio book) in SA libraries.

  6. Never heard of it but that's the case with me.

    1. Margaret, biographical and autobiographical were my reading interests in those times

  7. No, I haven't heard of either. I might look them up later - as if I haven't already got more than enough to read ;-)

    1. JB, I think Seal Morning is a classic and The Common Years an award winning book. We have a mental list a books we need to read but don't.

  8. I don't recall either of the books but then I'm the one that can get the same book out of the library when I've only just read it.

  9. I have never heard of either of them. If they pop up in our library I may take a skeet.

    1. JayCee, I am surprised they are not more widely known.

  10. Sorry. Not familiar with either. Enjoy the weekend.

  11. I have not read that book but perhaps I should! It's called "The Common Years," by Jilly Cooper (according to Google) and it actually takes place on Putney Common, not Hampstead Heath. But it still would be relevant to my life! LOL

    I'd never heard of "Seal Morning" so I looked that one up too. Apparently author Rowena Farre had quite an interesting life (even her real name was uncertain for a while) and there are big questions about whether the book is a true memoir or more fictional. Fascinating!


  12. Steve, I don't even remember it being Putney Common. That is very interesting information about Ms Farre. I took the book as autobiographical without question.

  13. I never heard of either; thank you for this.
